Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 253 A Strong Sweep And Advanced To The Second Round!

Chapter 253 Strong sweep, advanced to the second round!

It was late at night when Zhou Yuan returned home, but he was not sleepy at all.

Maybe it's because he won the first game of the playoffs tonight. After all, this is his first playoff game since he retired three years ago.

Since he can't sleep, he might as well play games for a while. He is also a game fan. It just happened that Eat Chicken was launched at the beginning of this year, and it has become one of the most popular games at the moment.

On weekdays, when he is free, Zhou Yuan will invite a few friends to play together, and tonight he will be accompanied by the three Kardashian sisters.

In the e-sports room, the four of them have already started the game.

Before time travel, Zhou Yuan was a master of chicken eating, and he is very familiar with this game.

So it is very handy to play, but the three Kardashian sisters are obviously a bit behind.

Not long after a game started, they all fell under the guns of others.

"Honey, you want to avenge us."

"Yes! That's them, kill them!"

"Oh! Honey, you're great!" 10 Zhou Yuan knew very well that learning how to be a dog is king in this game, especially after the three Kardashian sisters were killed in battle, he had to be more careful.

Zhou Yuan is a master of sniping. As the saying goes, I have a sniper in my hand. As long as I don't meet those professional-level players, he is still very sure of wanting to eat chicken.

After 20 minutes of fighting, Zhou Yuan successfully killed the last opponent and led the three Kardashian sisters to eat chicken!

After winning the victory, Zhou Yuan took a sip of the War Horse Drink.

At this moment, the three sisters got up from the gaming chairs and walked towards Zhou Yuan.

Kohler was the most daring, riding directly on Zhou Yuan's lap,

Her eyes and movements are extremely charming, how can Zhou Yuan, who is full of blood, bear it?

The three sisters were executed on the spot!

Two days later, the Los Angeles Clippers continued to sit at home and started the second game of the series with the Portland Trail Blazers.

After the contest in the first game, the fans already have a good understanding of the strength of the two sides.

And the players of these two teams have also undergone certain changes in their mentality.

After the Blazers players lost the first game by a big score, they were all very frustrated because they could not see the hope of winning.

In contrast, the Clippers players are full of confidence. Although they only played one game, they are full of confidence in the next schedule.

Thinking about it now, what the fans said is not bad at all. Although the Blazers have made it to the playoffs, it is better to give up this spot to the Nuggets.

In this way, at least they won't be abused so badly by the Clippers in the playoffs.

A moment later, the second game between the two sides started.

At the beginning of the game, the Clippers showed full aggression, while the Blazers were beaten and retreated, and even the most reliable backcourt double guns were misfired.

After halftime, the point difference has opened 20 waste points.

In the second half of the game, the Blazers' players showed more decadence on the field, and even showed negative defensive eyes on the defensive end.

Now that the inner line twin towers saw Zhou Yuan, they only wanted to avoid him, and they didn't dare to fight Zhou Yuan head-on. They had already cast a huge psychological shadow on Zhou Yuan.

Under such circumstances, they become even more vulnerable.

At the end of the game, the Los Angeles Clippers at home won the second game without bloodshed, rewriting the big score to 2:0.

After the game, Zhou Yuan said in an interview that he was very disappointed, this is not the competition process he wanted.

He played this game more easily than the last one, and he didn't feel any confrontation in the penalty area at all.

Therefore, he only played in the first half and scored 48 points, 24 rebounds, and 8 blocks in a quasi-triple double, leading the team to an easy victory.

After the game, Zhou Yuan packed some luggage and flew to Portland with the team.

According to the playoff system, the next two games will be played in Portland.

On the plane, Rivers said seriously: "I don't want to go back home to play the fifth game."

His meaning is obvious, that is, he wants to solve the Blazers in four games, and this has become the goal of the Clippers in the first round of the playoffs.

"I don't know if the Blazers who are back at home will fight back!"

"Forget it, they still fight back. With their attitude towards the game, it's not bad if they don't get swept out."

In the past few days, fans have been talking about the showdown between the Clippers and the Trail Blazers from time to time.

Under the expectations of the fans [the first main battle between the two sides started at the Blazers' home court.

The Trail Blazers who returned to the home court were obviously higher than the previous two games in terms of momentum. After all, they had the home court advantage, and the fans cheered wildly for them.

But the gap in strength will not be easily filled.

The two sides played very anxiously in the first half, but at the decisive moment of the second half, the gap was immediately reflected.

Zhou Yuan and Pao directly led the team to a wave of offensive climax, which established the victory of the game in one fell swoop, and the series came to 3:0.

Only one game away from knocking out the Blazers, Clippers fans have been waiting for this moment.

Because in last season's playoffs, the Blazers eliminated the Clippers in the first round, so they meet again this year, which is also the best time for the Clippers to revenge.

Two days later, the fourth game between the two sides came.

It is worth mentioning that Harrell, who was suspended for three games before, ushered in a comeback in this game, and the Clippers' strength has gone further.

The Clippers, which have won three consecutive victories in the playoffs, are in full swing. Although they are playing away, they have played home.

In this game, the Clippers did not give their opponents any chance, and won the final victory with an 817 posture of crushing the audience.

The final whistle blows, announcing the end of this round of the series.

The Los Angeles Clippers beat the Portland Trail Blazers 4-0, ending their opponent's playoff run and avenging last season.

"Too strong! This is the dominance of the No. 1 team in NBA history!"

"This round of the series has actually been settled since the Clippers won the first game, but I didn't expect the Blazers to be swept out."

The on-site commentator reviewed this round of the series after the game, and was still a little surprised that the Blazers were swept.

Then, they sorted out Zhou Yuan's average data in this round of the series.

Averaged 50.2 points, 28.6 rebounds, 9.8 blocks per game!

This is a set of data that is close to averaging 50+ blocked triple-doubles per game. This kind of performance can be called against the sky, and it is not inferior to three years ago.

"This should be the player with the most successful transformation. From the No. 1 position directly to the No. 5 position, and he has played such unbelievable statistics, it is unbelievable!"

"If he is at the same age as Jordan, then Jordan's sharpness will also be suppressed by him!"

After seeing this data, the two commentators were extremely shocked.

It's hard to imagine that a player who has retired for three years played such a terrible performance in the first year of his comeback. .

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