Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 262 The Nightclub Disturbance

Chapter 262

Immediately after the game, Zhou Yuan was interviewed by reporters.

"Zhou Yuan, I still want to congratulate you for winning the game, but this game caused Chris Paul to be injured. Do you think this will affect you?"

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Of course."

"Chris is an important member of our team and his injury is something none of us want to see."

"But since it has happened, we have to accept it."

The reporter continued to ask: "Then do you think you will be able to maintain a winning streak for the rest of this round?"

Zhou Yuan pondered for a while and did not answer this question directly, but said seriously: "I once promised Chris that he would definitely touch the floor of the Western Conference Finals and even the Finals."

This answer is already very clear, no matter what the intermediate process is, the result is the most important thing.

Zhou Yuan himself doesn't care if he can win consecutively, all he cares about is the final result.

As long as they are promoted, he can accept it even if the two sides reach the tiebreaker.

The next day, Chris Paul's test results came out.

Minor kneecap contusion, no structural damage, expected recovery time of 10-15 days.

As soon as the inspection report came out, the Clippers breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, the second round of the series has just begun. If he plays a few more games, Paul is likely to complete his comeback in this round of the series.

The longest can also come back at the beginning of the Western Conference Finals, provided that the Clippers can reach the Western Conference Finals.

When the official website of the Clippers released the news, the fans of the Clippers were also very happy. At least Paul's injury is not a big problem, and it is much better than expected.

Paul himself felt extremely fortunate, and he updated a post on social media: "Please wait for my performance on the stage of the Western Conference Finals!"

As soon as this news was released, it immediately received likes from countless fans.

On the other side, Patrick Beverley's injury report was also released.

Compared with Chris Paul, his injuries are quite serious, which can be described as miserable.

The diagnosis report showed that Beverly had a torn cruciate ligament in his right knee and a partial torn meniscus in his right knee!

Just one of them can be regarded as a serious injury, not to mention Beverly has both of them.

Reimbursement for this season is certain, but it is still unknown whether he can come back next season.

Even if it recovers, it may be difficult to return to the peak.

Beverly was not a star player in the first place, and such an injury hit him very hard, and it is even very likely that he will gradually fade out of the NBA.

The Rockets also officially announced the news, but many fans thought Beverly deserved it!

Inside a luxury nightclub in Los Angeles.

Zhou Yuan and his teammates plan to have a good time celebrating.

One is to celebrate winning the first game of the second round yesterday.

The second is to celebrate that Chris Paul's injury is not serious.

Tonight's consumption, of course, is also paid by Zhou Yuan.

Everyone was drinking, drinking, dancing, and teasing girls, having fun.

And Zhou Yuan was sitting alone in the corner, tasting the red wine in his glass.

He has been a frequent visitor to nightclubs for so many years in the United States. At the beginning, he thought it was very interesting, but the more times he went, the more he went.

The reason why he chose this place for the celebration is entirely to take care of the feelings of his teammates.

He's tired of playing, but his teammates aren't.

Several bottles of red wine of different brands were placed in front of Zhou Yuan. In recent years, he gradually fell in love with this kind of thing.

On weekdays, he also collects some. He has already collected a lot of red wine in his private wine cellar.

Not only him, but his girlfriends also like this thing very much.

Zhou Yuan shook the contents of the cup, first took a sip, and felt that it was very appetizing, so he drank it all in one gulp.

It is sweet and mellow in the mouth, and after drinking, the exhaled breath is even more fragrant.

Zhou Yuan closed his eyes, enjoying this feeling.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Are you impatient to live? Do you dare to touch my woman?"

The voice was very rough and full of anger.

"So what if you move?"

Immediately, a familiar voice came, and Zhou Yuan couldn't help frowning slightly.

He was familiar with the voice "it was his teammate Monte Reiss Harrell.

Zhou Yuan turned his head and saw that Harrell was arguing with a bearded man with a scar on his face.

The man was holding a woman in his arms, and the woman kept whispering something in the man's ear. 0

Such scenes are very common in nightclubs, even Zhou Yuan has seen them before, and he can't count them on two hands.

There are many women in nightclubs who will take the initiative to hook up with some famous people, and they all have a purpose, just to get a sum of money.

Obviously, Harrell is seeing this woman right now.

Knowing you're a Clippers player, you don't want to make a big deal out of it. "

"You kissed my woman, so you have to pay some mental damage fees anyway?"

After all, Harrell was young and had never encountered such a thing, so he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

When he hadn't been counseled, after all, his temper was here, and seeing Harrell's appearance, he almost wanted to do it.

"She took the initiative to find Lao Tzu, what's the matter with Yin Ion?"

"You still want to pay for mental damage, you are dreaming.

"So, you are not willing to give it?"

"Brothers! Take his arms off me."

As soon as the man finished speaking, there were 20 or 30 people around him. It was obvious that this guy had done such things a lot.

Seeing this, the players of the Clippers also gathered here one after another. If this is done, things will become a big mess.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the corner.

"If you still want to continue messing around in this area, then you'd better let your people quit, otherwise I don't mind giving you a ride.

"Who the hell is so arrogant?"

The man 5.3 looked towards the corner, and saw Zhou Yuan holding a goblet and staring at him with cold eyes.

The moment he saw Zhou Yuan, the man was taken aback and his face became serious.

This is a person he can't afford to offend. Zhou Yuan has been doing well in the United States these years, and in the three years since he retired, he has laid a solid foundation.

There is a saying in the NBA that if New York is in chaos, Gua Ge has the final say.

And Zhou Yuan is even better than Gua Ge now, these little bastards naturally dare not offend.

"Why? Still not withdrawing? You really don't intend to give me face?"

Zhou Yuan's voice sounded again, a little colder than before.

The man and Zhou Yuan looked at each other for a while, and finally gave up.

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Then he said to Harrell: "This brother, if you like this woman, then I will give it to you!"

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