Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 266 The Little Nightclub Prince Faints After The Match

Chapter 266

The game came to halftime, and the players of both sides returned to the locker room.

In the locker room of the Rockets, the atmosphere was silent, and the players all drooped their heads, seemingly without fighting spirit.

The defeat in the first half made them realize the reality. Even if the Clippers do not have Chris Paul, it is still difficult for them to win.

On the other side, - in the Clippers locker room.

Harrell and the others were full of excitement, and the game hadn't finished yet, but in their view, the competition was over.

The 16-point difference is neither big nor small, but with the current state of the Rockets, it would be good if the point difference is not further widened. It is simply a dream to want to reverse it.

The result of the game was exactly the same. In the second half of the game, the Rockets still had no improvement.

Under the pressure of the Clippers, they had no power to resist.

In the second half of the game, Zhou Yuan only played half a quarter of the game and clocked out of get off work early.

The final whistle blew, and the audience compensated.


The Los Angeles Clippers won a 30+ victory in the second game of the series. The big score of the series came to 2:0. They firmly controlled the initiative in their own hands.

54 points, 20 rebounds, 14 assists, 7 blocks, 6 steals.

This is the data sheet that Zhou Yuan finally handed over!

Since the start of the playoffs, the Clippers have played six games without a single defeat.

The most critical factor is Zhou Yuan. His ability to control the court is invincible. No player or team can limit him.

In this game, Griffin's performance was also remarkable. As the team's second scorer, he scored 26 points and 5 rebounds, and also staged dunks many times in the game!

Rockets over there.

Star star James Harden scored just 11 points, and his form has plummeted since his spat with Zhou Yuan.

In the last game, he was sent off by six fouls, and he played such a bad performance in this game, how can this be the head star of a team [Jane Zhong and role players are nothing

"The performance of the Houston Rockets has been disappointing."

"I thought that after the Clippers lost Chris Paul, the Rockets would be able to fight them, but I didn't expect them to be defeated."

"James Harden did not play the role of the team leader at all. He was irritated by Zhou Yuan during the game, so that he lost his mind. In a star player, this should not be a problem.

In the commentary seat, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley continued to criticize Harden.

After the game, Zhou Yuan planned to hug the Rockets players out of politeness. When he walked up to Harden, Harden was startled.

He subconsciously took two steps back, not because he was afraid that Zhou Yuan would beat him, but because he was afraid of hearing that sentence.

Zhou Yuan could see what Harden was thinking at a glance, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve: "I won't tell you, I'm going to date your goddess in a while, do you want to go and see it together?"

Harden's mentality had already collapsed, and now when he heard this sentence, his eyes went dark on the spot and he passed out.

"Team doctor!"

"Team doctor! Hurry up! Something happened!"

The Rockets team doctor heard the shout, rushed over and carried James Harden back to the locker room.

Zhou Yuan was also dumbfounded, this guy's measure is too small, isn't he? Did he pass out?

"Boss, what happened to that guy?"

Harrell and the others were also stunned, why did they suddenly pass out.

Zhou Yuan shook his head: "We don't know, it's none of my business anyway.

At this time, Zhou Yuan couldn't help thinking of a Chinese historical figure, that is, Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin in the Three Kingdoms period.

In Romance, this guy was pissed off by Zhuge Liang, only three times.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan couldn't help feeling a little scared, if Harden was really mad at him, then it would be a big deal...

In the auditorium, many fans hadn't left the field yet, and they all saw this scene, but they were at a loss and didn't know what happened at all.

"Is this guy sick?"

"Who knows? This guy is known as the little prince of nightclubs, and it probably has something to do with it."

"'s going to die at a young age, I really don't dare to think about it in the future..."

These unexplained fans have speculated about the cause of Harden's fainting, and most fans have the same idea!

After the game, the fans also had a clear understanding of the situation in this round.

The strength of the Los Angeles Clippers has surpassed the Houston Rockets by a lot. In the absence of Chris Paul, they still have a chance to advance to the Western Conference Finals with a complete victory!

0 Seeking flowers……………

Zhou Yuan should have been the focus of media reports after the game, but his aura today was snatched away by James Harden.

Almost all the media are reporting that Harden passed out after the game.

ESPN: James Harden fainted after the game, the specific reason is unknown!

T,NT: James Harden is gutted!

The New York Times: The little prince of the nightclub may pass out due to exhaustion.

Teng X Sports: Kneeling in the game and passing out after the game, Harden is really dead!

The views of media editors and fans are very consistent, and they all believe that James Harden passed out on the field because of excessive physical exertion.


However, the real reason is only known to Harden himself and Zhou Yuan.

"Why did that guy pass out?"

In a luxurious restaurant in Los Angeles, Khloe Kardashian still couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"You really want to know?"

Kohler nodded: "Tell me quickly!"

In fact, she had already vaguely guessed it in her heart, but she just wanted to hear Zhou Yuan say it.

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows: "It's not all because of you!"

"This guy is so greedy for you, I meant to date you after the game, and he passed out from anger!"

"Haha! Sure enough!"

"I'm so attractive, can you hold back?"

As Kohler spoke, he rubbed Zhou Yuan's sturdy calf under the table with his foot.

"Ahem...don't make trouble, this is a restaurant..."

"What about the restaurant? This is a private room without cameras!"

The next day, the Golden State Warriors in the west and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the east also finished their second game of the series.

In the Warriors' rematch against the Spurs, Kaka played at a super level. Not only did he limit Durant very well on the defensive end, but he also killed the Quartet on the offensive end.

Relying on his outstanding performance, the Spurs in the away game pulled back a victory and the big score came to 1:1.

The Cavaliers continued to crush the Raptors.

LeBron James once again played a good performance, leading his teammates to take advantage of the opponent at home, rewriting the series to 2:0. .

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