Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 299 But This Ball Will Still Be Blocked

The game continued, and the 76ers continued to attack, because the ball just now was directly blocked out of the baseline.

Although this is a very shameful thing for them, it is still a good thing for the team.

At least they still have the ball, so at this moment his teammates actually gave the ball to Embiid.

This is simply a very embarrassing thing, because Embiid has failed to score two consecutive offenses.

At this time, his teammates chose to believe him again. Although it might be a good thing, it also made Embiid himself feel a little psychological pressure.

Words for him.

If he went on to play individual singles.

Then if he can't hit him again, it will really completely ruin his reputation.

His reputation in the league is completely unable to bear such consequences, which is indeed an unbelievable thing for him.

At this moment, the game continues. After Embiid gets the ball, he still chooses individual singles, because there are not many options left for him now.

He can only forcefully bite the bullet and play individual singles.

After all, his teammates have already given him the ball.

It also shows the trust his teammates have in him.

So at this time, he can't live up to the trust of his teammates in him, if he doesn't believe in himself now.

So how can he be worthy of his teammates trusting him so much?

So at this time, he still chooses to play individual singles, although he is not very confident about his individual singles efficiency.

Because the defense he faced is estimated to be the first time he has faced such a strong defense in his entire career.

After Embiid turned around continuously, he made another fadeaway jumper. This time the fadeaway jumper really made people think that this big guy still has a lot of equipment on his offensive weapon Curry.

But it's just that even though he said that he has completed such a wonderful attack, the ball will still be blocked.

Because people can't believe Zhou Yuan, his jumping height is really beyond people's imagination.

When Embiid's ball flew to the highest point, you saw Zhou Yuan standing at the highest end suddenly at this moment.

Interfere with the ball.

This one block is simply the limit of human beings.

Because people feel that if their jumping ability is so terrifying.

That is literally the upper part of the backboard can be touched.

Because this kind of jumping ability is something they have never seen in NBA history.

In any case, Embiid must have lost confidence at this time.

Because he feels that all his offensive abilities have been displayed.

But he still couldn't touch the basket once in front of this guy's defense, and was blocked every time, which made him doubt his life a little bit.

Because he felt that this guy was really a cheating guy, and there was no such a strong person.

To be able to crush himself to such an extent in this kind of game, no matter how strong a defensive player is, even if Olajuwang is alive.

You can't limit it like this in the paint.

Who the hell is this guy, and his physical strength is just so abundant, no matter at any time, he seems to be able to limit himself with 100% physical strength.

This kind of person simply makes Embiid feel completely hopeless.

Because he felt that he would definitely lose this game.

"What level of defense is this? This guy is a monster. I have never seen such a strong inside defender." And he is only 2


"My God, even when I was young, I couldn't restrict others to this level inside. This guy is actually an outside player!"

Both O'Neill and Barkley were completely shocked at this time.

Because they felt that even when they were at their peak, they seemed unable to take advantage of Zhou Yuan.

Although it may be nothing more than Embiid, he may feel a little bit out of the crowd in this era.

But no matter what, after this defensive ability is displayed, it really makes people find it hard to believe.

Because this kind of defensive ability cannot be replaced no matter what era it is in, and it will definitely be the best in the entire league.

So when such a guy appeared in the league, the audience was completely dumbfounded.

After all, it is the audiences who have been watching this era since that era, such as those basketball homestays.

Although they said that many times they felt a little unreasonable in their mouths, but at this moment they had to admit it.

Right now, the 76ers' offensive clock has been completely exhausted.

Now is the time for the Bulls to attack.

The Bulls immediately launched a fast break and counterattack at this time.

Because they are now taking advantage of the fact that the opponent has no morale at all, and immediately launched an attack.

This time is the best time period for them to set off a fast break and counterattack, because the opponent is still immersed in the defensive process just now at this time.

This round of defense made them really feel that there was no way to compete.

At this time, they completely lost the confidence to win this game.

This is indeed a very, very, very destructive thing for the other party. So at this time, everyone feels that there is no hope.

So the Bulls' offense at this time just gave the opponent a fatal blow, and the opponent felt that their defense had no way to stop the opponent.

The game continued, but it seemed that there was no suspense about the result.

Because at this time the Bulls have completely taken the initiative of the game into their own hands.

When the Bulls take the initiative of the game in their own hands, it is really very difficult for the opponent to reverse things.

At this time, they already felt that there was no chance to bring this game back.

So at this point in the game, there is only one suspense left.

That is, can Zhou Yuan complete his task?

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