Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 305 1V1 Individual Singles

The game has reached its opening rounds.

Finally at this time the ball was in Zhou Yuan's hands.

The Raptors chose Zhou Yuan's defense, which was a 1-on-1 split for singles.

Because for him.

In fact, this kind of 1-on-1 individual singles.

It is also the strongest offensive point that can make the strongest defensive point in one's own team face the opponent's strongest offensive point.

If it comes like this.

The opponent's fight is not so easy, and for the opponent.

In fact, it is also a very big pressure.

After all, if you want to play this kind of individual singles throughout the game.

Nor is it an easy task.

But what they didn't know was that Zhou Yuan already had Chamberlain's stamina at this time.

So the current individual singles can't be a big deal for him at all, and his current personal ability is already beyond people's imagination.

As far as Leonard is concerned, his thoughts on Zhou Yuan are still stuck in the previous period of time.

In the last season, Zhou Yuan may not have been as strong as he thought at that time, but this guy is like a 840 cheater.

He is making continuous progress every day, every second, every moment, and this is the scariest thing.

Zhou Yuan played individual singles with his teammates, at this time he didn't need to take care of his teammates again.

At this time, it has completely opened up enough space for him to play individual singles.

His personal singles ability is of course beyond doubt, so at this time he feels that he also needs to score in the first half to help his team stabilize the rhythm.

After all, his team is still a little passive at this time. The Raptors are obviously more prepared than the Bulls at the beginning of today.

So for the Bulls.

In fact, their preparations are still a little insufficient.

At such a moment, they have fallen into a passive process several times, and it is time for their team's leading star to score.

Then help your team stabilize the situation.

Now is such an opportunity.

Zhou Yuan tried Leonard's defense behind him [in fact, the ten points he learned from Kobe Bryant is to use the back to perceive where the opponent's defensive center of gravity is.

Although such a technology seems easy to say, it is actually very, very difficult to operate.

But for a talented player like Zhou Yuan.

He already has Kobe Bryant's skills.

He is now continuously using his back to perceive Leonard's defensive center of gravity, and then suddenly turned around towards Leonard's non-center of gravity, directly throwing Leonard's defense away.

Such a very, very simple, but easy-to-use offensive tactic really made the fans at the scene a little bit incomprehensible.

After all, only an expert can see what happened in it.

For Leonard, he actually knows very, very well in his heart. After all, he has defended so many players with very strong offensive capabilities, so of course he knows who has better offensive skills.

After throwing off Leonard, Zhou Yuan didn't get into the opponent's heart, because after all, there was still a little Gasol in the opponent's heart

In order to save his physical strength, at this time he chose a mid-range shot.

This mid-range shot also drew a perfect arc in the air, and then fell steadily into the opponent's basket.

In today's league, it seems that this kind of mid-range shooting is really rare.

After all, now only Kevin Durant will make a mid-range shot.

Now basically no one would be willing (bafa) to choose such an inefficient scoring method during the game.

But in fact, this scoring method is the most traditional and murderous scoring method, and this scoring method often kills people invisible.

Moreover, it is generally a scoring method that only those experts use. For Zhou Yuan, he knew the power of this scoring method, so he still did not give up.

When such a mid-range shot is scored, it also makes the opponent pay attention to it in advance at this time.

Such an offensive point too.

After all, just now, he was still there all the time, he didn't even think about how to attack, but gave more opportunities to his teammates

So when such a guy came here, he actually made the other party feel very, very scared.

At this time, the opponent's defensive center of gravity had to focus on Zhou Yuan, and did not dare to pay attention to other role players.

Just now, they chose a tentative defense. After all, they can actually see it in every game.

This guy Zhou Yuan has never been too keen on personal offense, because for him.

He knows that more responsibility is the responsibility of being a leader.

It should be to let his teammates get easier shots, not let him come and go to get very beautiful data, because what they are after is the championship rather than personal honor.

So now such a game is actually very clear.

That is, they must now focus their defense on Zhou Yuan.

Otherwise, once this guy wants to attack.

No one can stop him at all, and his offensive ability has long been proven in one game after another.

The game continued, because in the attack just now, Leonard really wanted to attack Zhou Yuan directly.

After all, to him, it seems that he is an unknown person.

But when facing a very powerful player, he actually has a very strong desire to perform.

He also hopes that he can show his strength in this kind of competition against masters, so that the opponent can pay enough attention to him.

Everyone actually has such a mood, especially for the top players in this league, they are even more so.

So for Leonard's goal, he also wants to go 1-on-1 for individual singles.

He wants to play individual singles with Zhou Yuan. At this time, he is also adopting his own offensive tactics to play individual pick-and-rolls with Zhou Yi, so the mid-range shooting is actually very stable.

At this time, he directly made a mid-range turnaround jumper, but he hit the iron. .

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