Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 353 The Four Famous Arrests Of The Golden State Warriors!

Chapter 353 The Four Famous Arrests of the Golden State Warriors!

At this time, the Golden State Warriors have replaced their legendary Hampton 5 juniors. These people can be said to be very, very strong 5 people.

A lineup like theirs can be said to be invincible in the league. There is no team that can beat such a lineup at the decisive moment.

As long as the five of them maintain a healthy state.

Well, no team in the entire league can beat them. 10 So such a lineup has indeed given the Bulls a lot of trouble, even though the Bulls now have ten players with very strong personal abilities like Zhou Wu.

But if we meet the Golden State Warriors and face this very abnormal lineup.

In fact, there will still be a little challenge.

Zhou Yuan also needs to adjust his state at this time.

After all, he now has to take on the responsibility of his team's offense.

And he's ready for no rest.

After all, he already has Chamberlain's stamina, so even if he didn't rest in the last game, it doesn't matter if he didn't rest in this game.

Words for him.

There is actually nothing more important than winning.

If it is said that he does not go to the rest of the game for two consecutive games, there is actually nothing too difficult.

After all, for him.

Chamberlain's stamina is just enough to keep him off the court all season long.

So now he only needs to use Chamberlain's physical strength a little bit, then his two consecutive high-intensity games are nothing at all.

So in the process of this game, he has already let go and prepared to attack.

Because for him.

Now he feels very, very interesting, because he feels that he is going to face such a strong defensive lineup.

And 1-on-1 personal defense is simply a very interesting thing.

What he wants to test is to consider how strong the opponent's defense can be.

First of all, it is Iguodala who is defending him now, and it can be said that he is the strongest player among the Warriors' perimeter defensive players.

His ability to defend on the outside is very, very strong. At this time, he directly stood up to defend. His ability to cut the ball can be said to be the best in the league.

No one can possess his cutting ability at all, and his cutting ability is more accurate at the critical moment, and he can always hit the key.

He has come and cut to the opposite ball in a lot of tiebreakers, and has called the end of the game directly on 717.

So such a guy can always gain people's trust at critical moments, although he said that he is very old this year.

But at the critical moment, the Warriors still believed in him very much.

After all, he has been a veteran of the Warriors for many years.

When he stands up, he is also a stabilizer. As long as he is there, the Warriors will actually play more easily on the court.

Unlike Klay Thompson's defense, Iguodala's defensive ability will actually become more aggressive, and he will attack the opponent more when defending

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