Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 36 So Good At Shooting! There Are Full-Level Numbers All Over The Body (2 More, Ask For Flow

Bulls new coach Tom Thibodeau, formerly the chief assistant coach of the Celtics, is a defensive madman.

His basketball philosophy is to defend and win.

The team under Thibodeau's command must be a fierce defensive iron army.

This is just the opposite of D'Antoni.

D'Antoni advocates running and bombing, and offense is the best defense.

Even if we can't guard against you, then we'll fight each other, as long as we have a higher score than you.

Furthermore, this incomplete Knicks team is not defenseless.

Zhou Yuan, Beverly, Trevor Ariza are all defensive champions.

Wait until Stoudemire is brought in to replace David Lee.

This Knicks team is a replica of the Space Battleship Warriors.

Five small lineups, super fast tempo and terrifying defense...

Of course, there are some differences.

Universal Yong's internal and external defense balance.

The Knicks have the iron gate of Zhou Yuan and a hard-working Saburo like Ariza, and the outside defense is stronger.

Also, Zhou Yuan's height is too prominent.

Although he plays point guard, it is still a bit reluctant to say that Wu Xiao is still a bit reluctant.

It can be said that due to the emergence of Zhou Yuan, an epoch-making player.

There has never been any team in the history of the league that can be used as a template for the Knicks.

Zhou Yuan can really play from the first position to the fifth position.

Ross has accelerators under his feet.

A super-sharp change of direction dribbled away Beverly, and suddenly went to the weak side to attract pincers.

Ross's change of direction is without deceleration, and the style of the game is explosive and full of fun.

But this style of play, coupled with Thibodeau's main attributes.

That led to the glorious but short-lived Rose of the Windy City.

Ross throws the ball behind his head to Boozer.

The consequence of pinching is missing people.

If you don't flank, you will be penetrated by Ross.

This is the terrorist threat of a superstar.

Boozer made a high open shot.

This guy has a good mid-range shooting ability, and he has a relatively long range in the paint.

In this era of big men playing at the basket.

Boozer relied on a mid-range shot to make many centers suffer.

Because the center can't defend.

Once the defense is out, the basket is empty again, which is really difficult.

Yao, who is bulky and slow-moving, has suffered a lot from Boozer.

Zhou Yuan received the serve in the backcourt and advanced to the three-point line in the frontcourt in just 3 seconds.

The ultimate running and bombing storm is like a thundercloud sweeping across.

The home fans were all ignited by this offensive whirlwind!

Who wouldn't want to watch machine guns shoot at each other?

Facing Zhou Yuan is Luer Deng, Eagle Country Jordan, who is also an African-American player.

As soon as he came up, Deng Yingqiao gave Zhou Yuan a huge body contact.

The Bulls' individual defense is very tough, and the overall defensive rotation is even more impenetrable.

Single defense, assisted defense, cover, and double-team are all first-class.

With Zhou Yuan's skillful crotch, he moved sideways and changed direction by a large margin, but he didn't get rid of Luer Deng.

The Bulls' defensive oppression really made Zhou Yuan a little uncomfortable.

The previous teams, including the Magic, did not have such a strong sense of defensive suffocation.

Luer Deng was pushed back half a step by Zhou Yuan.

No nonsense, Zhou Yuan raised his hand and shot a three-pointer.

Just merged with Peak Curry's three-point skill package.

Zhou Yuan had been holding back his energy for a long time, and it was going to rain for three minutes in his own home court in New York.

Luer Deng obviously didn't expect Zhou Yuan to be so unreasonable, and raised his hand to shoot him.

Just so able to shoot, so like to shoot?


The basketball was thrown from Zhou Yuan's hands, like a cannonball blasted out of a cannon barrel, ruthlessly destroying the target.


"Oh oh oh..."

All the fans screamed and cheered, and sat down with applause.

Ross calmly controlled the ball, gestured and communicated tactical instructions to his teammates.

The Knicks don't have so many complicated tactics here.

Give the ball to Zhou Yuan, and the other four tool men actively run to attract the defense, or wait for the open to receive the ball and it's over.

Ross made a double change in front of his body and passed Beverly in an instant.

The ultra-large pull at the basket avoided Griffin's block and hit the board.

"Brother, you'd better take it easy, this style of play will seriously damage your body." Zhou Yuan kindly reminded.

"I'm only 21, it's too early for you to say that." Ross smiled lightly.

That's all.

Zhou Yuan hit the ball from the top of the arc to Griffin at the basket.

Facing the obstruction of Noah and Boozer, two vicious ugly monsters with big muscles, it was really hard for Shafen to resist.

Griffin's talent is bursting, he can run and jump.

But against this kind of fierce defense, talent can't be used at all.

The four long arms of Noah and Boozer were covered, and Griffin couldn't even see the basket.

You can only throw the ball to the outside line.

Zhou Yuan received the ball at the top of the arc, took a step back and raised his hand to shoot Luer Deng in the face.

Can you still play like this?

The first time Zhou Yuan scored a three-pointer, Luer Deng was already very vigilant and deliberately guarded against Zhou Yuan's long-range shot.

It's just that he didn't expect Zhou Yuan to be so arrogant.

Dare to pull up and shoot from a distance of three meters from the top of the arc?

Are you smart?

As soon as the sniper shot was completed, Zhou Yuan made a three-point gesture and turned back to defend.


Accurate into the bag!

Some classic pretend scenes in the history of the league require super strong pretend abilities.

Zhou Yuan's gesture of paying tribute to the general Arenas has surpassed the original work.

The kind of Nick Young is a typical example of pretending to fail to enter the five major embarrassments.

Many god-level goals are actually swinging wildly between the classics and the five great jitters.


Started with two consecutive three-pointers!

Zhou Yuan's hand feels hot.

This is a 6% increase on top of the peak Curry!

What kind of heaven-defying touch is that?

The key is.

Zhou Yuan not only surpassed the peak Curry in terms of touch.

Faced with much less defensive pressure than Curry.

How tall is Curry, how tall is Zhou Yuan?

Just like two snipers, they have similar shooting ability.

One is in a foggy environment and the other is in a sunny day.

Who can shoot more accurately?

No doubt!

Super wide vision, explosive athletic ability, plus unsolvable three-pointer feel.

How to play?

Zhou Yuan couldn't help expanding his chest and tilting his head, feeling refreshed.

The organs and skills of the whole body are all at the full level, can you be unhappy?

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