Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 397: Griffin's Violent Performance!

Chapter 397 Griffin's Violent Performance!

So this meaning is actually very obvious, for Bu Rake Griffin.

It actually didn't sit well with Chris Paul.

But you must know that his relationship with De Andre Jordan is actually very, very good. He actually hopes to be with Jordan very much, and then they can play in the Clippers until the end.

"Five Four Three" But it seems that the actual situation is not as he thought, because when Chris Paul was sent away, he and De Andre Jordan were also sent away one after another.

And the two of them were not on the same team at all, which only made him feel a little frustrated.

But after coming here, he found that the fans here are actually quite welcoming of him, which comforted him somewhat.

That's why this guy works so hard for the Pistons, as if he has entered a more mature age now.

In such a situation, for Griffin.

In fact, he also hopes that he can contribute his best strength to such a team.

But in fact, it is a pity that people often know what they hoped for most after they lose it. For Bu Rake Griffin.

In fact, his physical condition is no longer at his peak.

When he was in the Clippers, he has always been regarded as a face of the future league.

After all, he is really good at playing.

His slam dunk is just too strong.

And besides that, his skills are also very, very strong.

Although his arm length is not very long, his physical talent is here anyway.

And he also worked hard enough, and his attitude towards the game is also very serious, after all, he is the No. 1 pick in this league.

Since it is the No. 1 pick in this league.

Well, when he first entered the league, in fact, he has always been regarded as the pride of heaven in this league.

This is a normal thing, he is also placed a lot of hope by people, the Clippers also use it as the core of the team, and then continue to rebuild,

It's just that over the years, the Clippers' strength seems to have always been very, very strong.

But often when it comes to the playoffs, they may be because their strength is not good at all, or it may be because their luck is really bad.

So they didn't achieve a relatively good record at all. The closest they got was when they almost reached the Western Conference Finals, but they still fell in the Western Conference Semifinals

This is something that the Clippers' management cannot tolerate at all, so it is very decisive to initiate a transaction, and then completely send Rake Griffin away.

It was also 0.5 that completely overthrew and rebuilt the Clippers.

And now the Clippers seem to be pretty good.

So such a Pistons team seems to be a team composed of a group of people who have no future at all.

Just like the current lineup of Derry Cross, plus Dellamond, plus Brad Rake Griffin, it is indeed such a lineup. .

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