Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 405 Derry Cross' Stubbornness!

Chapter 405 Derry Cross' Stubbornness!

Except for Zhou Yuan, this battle is very difficult for everyone, because Zhou Yuan's strength has already far surpassed the other 9 people on the field. So his battles on the field were actually very easy, and he never felt that such a battle was not so difficult for him. After all, for him. Today's defense is actually nothing more than a fake, although it can be said that the defense against them can be said to be very hard-working. But even if they are very hardworking and motivated, their strength actually lies here, if such a strength wants to stop him. So it's actually very difficult. Zhou Yuan's offensive ability has already exceeded the endurance that this league can defend. When Zhou Yuan took the ball to attack, the opponent's defense was completely lost. For their defensive players. It is very difficult for them to stop Zhou Yuan's attack in today's game. After all, for them. Their defense is actually not good in the entire league. Just relying on such a method to stop the other party's words. That's just nonsense. So they could only send two or three people to stop Zhou Yuan. so that Zhou Yuan would not go on the offensive

But at this time, Zhou Yuan felt that today's game had reached this point. If the score between the two sides is still maintained above a gap that can be caught up. Then he must start to exert strength in the third quarter, and then completely take the game away. After all, he doesn't want to continue to go to work in the fourth quarter, although there is still no problem with his physical strength. Because being on the field is like sprinkling water, but he feels that there is no need for him to continue to appear in the next game. Because for him. In fact, he also very much hopes to finish today's game, and then quickly go to rest. Now it has been playing away games for such a long time. It made him feel a little bit tired, although it didn't actually have any effect on physical strength. But for a player. Mental fatigue is also a kind of fatigue, after all, if we say that we are too tired psychologically. Then it will make them feel a little weak. Under such a situation, many times you will not work too hard on the field to fight for every ball, which is actually not a good thing for an athlete. So Zhou Yuan knows that now he must let his mind relax, that is to say, he is in this game today, and then he will completely defeat the opponent. If he doesn't have any confidence in this way, then the other party will also call for money to withdraw, and then he can clock in early and get off work. This is of course a very good choice for him, so he decided to exert his strength at this time. .

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