Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 427 The Bulls Without A Main Core

Chapter 427 The Bulls Without the Main Core

For the Bulls who lack the main lineup, for many teams, his threat is actually much smaller.

Because everyone knows who the Bulls' strongest player is, if Zhou Yuan doesn't play at all.

Well, for such a Bulls team, not too many people will be threatened.

"June 17" is because of Paul George. Although he said he has a credible heir, people have always believed that Paul George will become the head star of a team.

If he becomes the head star of a team.

So if it is said that the ability he showed in the game is actually completely incompetent.

Just like the Pacers in previous years, the Pacers are actually a relatively good team for them, so they can reach the playoffs every year.

Although they can sometimes reach the second round every year, if they want to compete with some strong teams.

Then the Pacers don't seem to be qualified enough to compete at all.

So if this is the case.

In fact, for the Bulls, such a task for them is very huge.

Because they are going to face the Bucks.

The Bucks are a very strong team in this league, even though they are now in the East,

Although for a team like theirs, the tactics seem very, very monotonous when playing games.

Because it is for them.

Their tactic is actually very, very simple, because their tactic is to use Antetokounmpo to make breakthroughs.

Then distribute the ball to the outside line and let the outside shooters come and go to shoot, so this kind of tactic is very, very simple, but very easy to use.

In fact, such a tactic is actually very easy to limit in the playoffs, which is an important reason why it is difficult for Antetokounmpo to go further in the playoffs.

For the Bucks.

If their tactics are so simple.

So there is still hope for a solution.

If so...

In fact, it is also a very huge challenge for the Bucks, if they want to go further.

If they really want to hit the final championship.

Then they must make corresponding adjustments to their tactics.

Otherwise, rely on their tactic, if they want to beat those more powerful teams in the alliance.

In fact, there are still big problems.

But now it's just the regular season anyway. During the regular season, no team will make some adjustments to the Bucks' tactics in normal times.

In normal times, everyone plays as they want, so the Bucks' 1.2 tactic can almost sweep the world during the regular season.

Few teams can be compared with the Bucks. Even when the Golden State Warriors competed with them and the Bucks, it was not easy.

After all, the Bucks' defensive ability is really good.

For the rest of the Bulls players. .

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