Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 430 The Unstoppable Team

Chapter 430 The Unstoppable Team

The game continued, and the Bucks also relied on their excellent inside advantage and height advantage to get the ball in the first wave.

For the Bucks.

Playing today's game, it can be said that they are bound to win, after all, they are also very confident that they can beat each other.

Words for them.

Since the player who can sanction Antetokounmpo is not on the court at all.

Well, looking at them, there is no need to be afraid of today's game at all.

So when Antetokounmpo was about to break through after getting the ball, it was actually for the Bucks.

Their offense has already been arranged very well.

As long as Antetokounmpo is not blocked by others.

Then such a Bucks team, they are completely unstoppable team.

Their combat effectiveness has been confirmed among many teams in the league, even if they are facing a team like the Jingzhou Warriors.

These very talented players can still be sanctioned.

The so-called dead five of the Warriors, this is the terrible thing about the Bucks.

After Antetokounmpo got the ball, he accelerated the breakthrough directly, and Paul George was defending him. (bbac) Paul George's defensive ability can be said to be very, very good in the entire league, but his physical talent is on par with Antetokounmpo.

There is still a big gap.

Who knows why the Greek monster got such a huge boost after the draft.

You must know that when he just went to the draft, his pick was only the 15th pick.

You must know the number of the 15th pick. In fact, his talent is basically the same as Paul George, but after entering the league, he is under the leadership of Kidd.

Antetokounmpo also achieved it.

A very, very big improvement. Under such a situation, he also improved his talent to 100000000 in an instant.

an unbelievable height

He can almost be said to be one step at a time, one step at a time, and then slowly grow into what he is today, this is for him.

It's actually a very, very unbelievable thing

For any player.

Such a guy, he really makes people feel very, very incredible, because people have not been too optimistic about him all the time.

His skills are usually not very good, and his shooting ability is actually not very good.

But this year, he has made very, very great progress in every skill. This way, it will also enable the Bucks to achieve such a result.

Today, although people think that his fighting power is not very strong, but no matter what, he has already shattered people's doubts.

After he rushed up now, Paul George couldn't keep up at all. With the impact of Antetokounmpo, Antetokounmpo directly hit the opponent's basket.

Then he directly looked at the Bulls' inside defense, without any hesitation at all, he forced it and made a dunk.

Such a dunk really makes people feel a little weird.

Because of the words of ordinary people.

If it is said to break through to the south, do they still have such an impact to dunk?

Not at all.

But for a person like Antetokounmpo who must show his height.

This level of dunking is nothing at all. .

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