Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 433: The Little Expert Who Abuses Vegetables!

Chapter 433 The little expert who abuses vegetables!

But when it comes to the Bulls' side.

Their offense is very constipated.

Because at this time they simply couldn't find a better way to attack to complete the attack.

For example, when Paul George got the ball, he actually didn't know what to do so that he could hit the ball in a relatively stable way.

You must know that although he is also a very good player in the league.

But in fact his offensive ability has not been so stable.

He has always been regarded as a 11-year-old player who is like a knife. Sometimes he can be very accurate, but sometimes he is also very iron.

In such a situation, for Paul George, the defense he faced also made him feel a little unbearable.

After all, he's going to directly confront Wiad Tokunbo's opponent, his athleticism, his height.

His wingspan is even better than Paul George.

So in such a situation, for Paul George.

In fact, if he wants to compete with the other party.

So it is also a very, very difficult thing.

Paul George feels like his head is getting bigger.

Because no matter how you go to attack.

He found that the opponent's defense was always pervasive.

Antetokounmpo has completely knocked Paul George up.

If Paul George wants to go in front of him to complete the offense.

That's really very difficult.

Paul George dribbles continuously, but his dribbling ability is actually very mediocre among the All-Star players in this league.

So it is very difficult for him to break through the opponent's defense at this time.

Although there is an offensive organizer like Holiday in his team.

But in fact, the defense that Holiday encountered at this time also gave him a little headache, even though Holiday himself is a player with relatively strong defensive ability.

But if it is said that in such a situation, when directly confronting the opponent, his defense is actually not enough.

Because at this time, his defense has already been suppressed by a person whose physical talent is completely better than him.

Under this kind of suppression, it really makes it difficult for the Bulls to find a better way to attack.

You must know that in normal times, as long as Zhou Yuan is on the court.

Then it can actually create a lot of offensive space for them.

But in such a situation, when Zhou Yuan is not on the court at all, 837, if they want to find a space suitable for their attack.

That would be very difficult.

Because once Zhou Yuan is on the court.

Then everyone will put all their defense on Zhou Yuan's body, and in this way, their offense will have a very, very wide space.

If so.

In fact, for the Bulls.

Their offense will become very smooth.

Don't even need to organize the attack.

Because they only need to conduct more balls.

Then it is very easy for them to find a very comfortable way to attack. .

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