Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 447 Unbelievable Defense!

Chapter 447 Unbelievable defense!

"I actually think the entire league should know.

The guy who defends Antetokounmpo should let him shoot three-pointers from the outside, and then use his physical fitness to withstand his breakthrough?"

"If this young man says he wants to be a figure in the league who can make the wind and rain.

Then he must practice his three-pointers well. This is a skill that "963" must master in order to survive in this league. Otherwise, there will be no possibility at all. "

Although Barkley and O'Neal both like the young man Antetokounmpo very much.

But actually for the two of them.

They also know that if Antetokounmpo says he wants to be compared with Zhou Yuan.

There are still big problems.

It's like when he stands outside the three-point line and doesn't know what to do, in fact, it has fully reflected the offensive level of the two people, and how big the gap is.

Because if the ball was given to Zhou Yuan.

No matter what kind of place it is, no matter what angle it is at, he can rely on his offensive ability to put the ball firmly into the basket.

Even if there is no way to get in.

So it's actually not that the opponent's defense is good, because Zhou Yuan's is actually able to defend. Only himself.

Only his own touch can defend him, other than that.

Others are simply filling the numbers.

They have no way to form any interference to Zhou Yuan at all, this is the fact now.

Zhou Yuan just looked at it, Antetokounmpo began to hesitate a little outside the three-point line, but at this time he did not choose to take another step, let Antetokounmpo choose to play outside the three-point line shot.

He took a step forward, and at this point it looked like he made a defensive choice that people thought was simply wrong.

Because when defending Antetokounmpo, it must be to put a space for Antetokounmpo to shoot, and then completely kill the space it breaks through.

Because once it is said that the defender moves forward a little.

Then Antetokounmpo can rely on his speed and his height..

He can quickly pass the opponent by virtue of the length of his legs.

Because his personal ability is actually here.

Because of his speed, he can easily pass defenders.

Once you get too close to him.

Then he does have such ability.

But at such a moment, Zhou Yuan ran in front of Antetokounmpo on his own initiative, which made many, many people who watched today's game feel a little bit incomprehensible.

Because it seems like a mistake was made.

But judging from Zhou Yuan's performance.

Judging from the 2.5 players he has defended in history.

In fact, this guy seems to make almost no mistakes on the field, but this is precisely in such a situation where the opponent basically makes no mistakes, why would he make such a low-level mistake?

Or is it just a mistake that others think is wrong, but he doesn't think so?

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