Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 611 The First Away Game!

Chapter 611 The first away game!

But this is indeed the case. After all, for them, the first round of the playoffs is actually not challenging.

After all, the opponent they will encounter in the first round of the playoffs is the weakest opponent in this round of the series, so speaking of them.

In fact, there is no difficulty at all.

After all, for a team of their level.

In fact, they can't wait to go directly to the finals right away, after all, for them.

Only the finals can excite them.

Otherwise, if you play this kind of regular playoffs.

It will only make them feel that the enemy is really too weak.

So when fighting, in fact, in the smooth process, they will also have various ideas of underestimating the opponent.

But now no matter what, they have learned a lesson from the last game, and they know that no opponent in NBA games is weak.

So before the start of today's game, for the Bulls and the entire team.

They also conducted a thought review in their hearts.

After all, in the process of the first game and the second game, they did have some ideas of underestimating the enemy as the game progressed.

Under such a situation, it is certainly not a good thing for them.

After all, this is the NBA playoffs. Those who can make it to the playoffs in the NBA playoffs are actually not a simple team at all.

Even a team as weak as the Pistons may be the weakest of the 16 teams.

But no matter what the words of their team.

Being able to make the playoffs naturally has his ability.

So let's talk about the kind of bloodiness shown by these players during the game, their tactical qualities and personal abilities, including their talents.

In fact, they all gave a warning to the opponent during the Bulls' game, that is, don't erode any opponent.

The Bulls actually learned such a lesson in the last game, after all, for them.

No one wants to go out of their way.

Everyone knows the reason why nights are long and dreams are many. If we let this round continue now, just postpone it like this.

...ask for flowers...

If it is said that such a round of series should have ended early but did not end, then maybe there will be many surprises?

For example, under such a strong competition in the playoffs.

There may be some injuries caused by the confrontation.

If it comes like this.

Not a good thing for everyone, so say what it is for them.

If this round of the series can be resolved as soon as possible.

Then quickly resolve this round of the series.

After all, the current opponent is still the weakest opponent. If it comes to the second and third rounds, then the opponent will become stronger and stronger.

At that time, if they regret it again.

Then it was too late.

So now we must seize the opportunity to solve the current game quickly and don't be sloppy.

So let's talk about the current commentators.

Everyone will predict that the game will be resolved within 4 games. .

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