Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 62 Zhou Yuan Joins The Celtics? Spray Garnett! (6 More, Please Subscribe)

Madison Square Garden Arena.

Tens of thousands of fans burst into cheers.

The roof of the arena is about to be toppled.

As a representative of the fans, Spike Lee jumped up and down on the sidelines, shaking the orange-red cap in his hand vigorously, his eyes full of anger.

This anger is more of a vent!

The team has not held the hand of the Goddess behind the house for an unknown number of years.

Not to mention finishing on base against the goddess and getting involved in the championship.

Now this invincible orange-red knight is really a Nima's solution!

D'Antoni on the sidelines looked calm.

With Zhou Yuan's Dinghaishen needle in place, his confidence is very stable.

On the other hand, the Celtics coach next door Doc Docley Firth.

There was a signature honey smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked confident.

Does the front office want Zhou Yuan?

no problem!

He wants it too!

But in this game, Doc Rivers is not going to give Zhou Yuan a blow!

He has already deployed dozens of defensive tactics for the team against Zhou Yuan.

It is sure to strangle the brain of Zhou Yuan to death.

Once the Knicks are brain-dead, other players can't make any big waves.

For this one game at least, the Knicks' starters remain the same.

It's hard to say the next game.

The Celtics: Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Shaquille O'Neal.

All of them are big names.

Rondo is a newly emerging top point guard.

Kobe also said before that he didn't know Rondo, and then he was severely slapped in the face.

His existence has given the Celtics Big Three a huge help, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the fourth giant.

Ray Allen, super sharp shot!

At least until Zhou Yuan's full rise, that guy named Stephen Curry hasn't appeared yet.

He is the first sharpshooter in league history.

Paul Pierce is the captain of the Green Army. He has good basic skills and plays fairly steadily.

He doesn't have explosive talent, nor is he highly entertaining.

But the style of the game is tough, with a big heart, and won the FMVP!

Not to mention Kevin Garnett.

Big Wolf King, known for being black and tough, with a dirty and aggressive style of play, the king of trash talk.

The last one is the Celtics' new aid, Shaquille O'Neal.

Ao Pang has nothing to say, he is not one of the most dominant players in the history of the league.

Perhaps only Zhou Yuan can push him to second place.

However, the old Shark Lian Po is old, 38 years old, and joined the Celtics, the Lakers' old enemy.

I just want to get a championship ring so that I can catch up with Kobe.

For a superstar of O'Neal's level.

This kind of meaningless championship ring can also enhance a lot of historical status.

After the referee blows his whistle, the two sides prepare to jump the ball.

It was Kevin Garnett who sent the jump ball to the Celtics.

Garnett is 2.16 meters tall, has good bounce and strong explosive power, and has an advantage in jumping the ball.

If the fat shark is really allowed to jump the ball, it is better to give the ball directly to the opponent.

To the surprise of the Celtics.

It wasn't David Lee who jumped the ball with Garnett, it was Zhou Yuan!

At this time, many people realized.

Zhou Yuan's position in this game is not point guard, but center forward!

Beverley handles the ball.

He is obviously far from a top point guard, and his ability to organize and pass the ball is rubbish.

However, the ability to dribble the ball to the frontcourt is still there.

As long as you get near the three-point line, give the ball to Zhou Yuan and you're done.

With Zhou Yuan playing center forward, it is impossible to allow him to advance with the ball.

If you do all the dirty work, why don't you die from exhaustion?

Doc Rivers nearly vomited blood after learning that Zhou Yuan was playing center.

In response to this game, he stayed up all night and deployed what he thought were classic perimeter defensive tactics.

As a result, Zhou Yuan played inside this game?

are you kidding me?

He blows up the arena!

The reason why Zhou Yuan cameo center.

First, because the Christmas war is more entertaining.

Zhou Yuan offered to play center forward, which would please the fans.

Secondly, D'Antoni also trained in advance for the playoffs.

Zhou Yuan is so versatile that he can adapt to any position.

D'Antoni doesn't rule out putting Zhou Yuan at center in some games.

For example, you can consider using this tactic when you encounter teams with strong centers or very weak center positions.

If you encounter a center forward who is too fierce and cannot defend, let Zhou Yuan kill him!

With a weak center like the Heat, Zhou Yuan can also play a center and destroy the inside!

Of course, Zhou Yuan playing center will not be a long-term strategy.

D'Antoni just wanted to see how it worked out.

Wouldn't it be losing a regular season game at most?

Zhou Yuan jumps the ball with Garnett.

The hand of the referee, who was already on the verge of Parkinson's, trembled, and the basketball flew high.

Zhou Yuan and Garnett collided in the air.

Garnett is six centimeters taller than Zhou Yuan, which has an advantage in height.

But Zhou Yuan's bullet speed and explosive power are better than Garnett's.

The Bombers took off and volleyed the ball into Beverly's hands.

This is the first time Beverly has to advance with the ball all over the court.

In addition to being nervous, I was a little excited. A buttery hand almost let the ball slip out of bounds.

At the basket, Zhou Yuan entangled with O'Neal.

Just standing still under the basket, O'Neal can really stand up to Zhou Yuan.

His height and weight are completely two sizes bigger than Zhou Yuan, and he can completely cover Zhou Yuan.

But Ao Pang's speed is too slow.

Zhou Yuan ran back, and O'Neill didn't know where to go.

Basically, every time the Celtics defend inside, Zhou Yuan must be missed, and Garnett or the outside can only make up for it.

This will greatly restrain the defense of the Green Army and disrupt their deployment.

Zhou Yuan throws off O'Neal and runs to the high post to catch the ball and get ready to shoot.

Garnett quickly filled the position, blocked the front, and began to talk.

………seeking flowers… 0

Players of this era are very passionate.

Unlike sissy basketball ten years later, the players treat each other with respect.

Although Zhou Yuan didn't like Garnett, a villain.

However, Zhou Yuan felt very comfortable and challenged by his tough style of play and his trash-talking demeanor.

"Hey! Boy, your annual salary is only 5 million, so don't waste so much energy, and be your role player at ease."

Garnett didn't know Zhou Yuan, so he didn't know where to start, so he had an appetizer first.

Speaking of trash talk, Garnett is most famous for saying that your wife tastes like a donut.

He almost got into a fight with Anthony for this!

Zhou Yuan laughed and said, "I'm still young, so of course I don't earn as much with your old bones. The loess is already buried up to your waist."

Garnett's expression was ugly.

The face, which was already too dark, turned even darker.

"Don't try to score goals off my head, you can't get 30 points in this game. Garnett uttered harsh words.

Zhou Yuan smiled coldly: "I've heard your words hundreds of times. Artest also said that I won't let me score 35 points. What happened?"

"However, maybe I really can't get 30 points in this game. I don't want to score points!"

Zhou Yuan stopped there, showing a meaningful smile.

He doesn't want to score points!

The implication is that Zhou Yuan wants to brush other data.

Just broke Kobe's record of 81 points.

What's the point of getting high scores?

Besides, Zhou Yuan is playing the center forward position in this game.

Wouldn't it be more refreshing to collect data such as rebounds and blocks?

Zhou Yuan does not rule out getting a wild data like 20+20+15+15!

"I'll get past you, jump to the hoop, and dunk O'Neal."

Zhou Yuan made his intentions clear.

Just as Garnett was stunned, Zhou Yuan made a huge change of direction, throwing off the old wolf king in one step.

After all, Garnett is in his 30s, at the end of his peak, and can't keep up.

Even Garnett at his peak is a big insider.

Facing Zhou Yuan who has the fastest first move in the league.

How could it be possible to keep up?

Zhou Yuan jumped to the basket, dodging the help defense's attempt to steal the landing.

In this way, the only person who faced Zhou Yuan was an old, fat and slow O'Neill.

No mercy!

The bomber took off and dunked O'Neill head-on!

Lian Po is old, can he still eat?

Zhou Yuan has never been a person who respects the old and loves the young.

Regardless of whether you can still eat, I will destroy your job first!

O'Neill couldn't guard against Zhou Yuan, so he could only bump into him with his body to interfere.

However, Zhou Yuan quickly completed the dunk, and his body hung firmly on the basket.

O'Neill's collision was in vain, but Zhou Yuan was given an additional penalty.

Andy Wan!

The free throw was hit steadily, 3:0 and !.

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