Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 815 Tell Others To Shut Up

Chapter 815 Make Others Shut Up

When the goal hit the opponent's basket, it actually made the Bulls fans feel very depressed, because for them.

They felt that the ball must be defended.

Because it is for them.

They know that since today's game is played to the last moment.

So in fact, it is all about whether the superstars of both sides can stand up at this time.

When the ball goes in - then.

The Warriors have already begun to celebrate.

Because it is for them.

They feel that today's game is already half the battle.

And Kevin Durant will hit such a key shot every year in the finals, which really makes people very happy.

But what about Kevin Durant.

In fact, he also has his own troubles, that is, no matter what shots he hits in the finals.

In fact, there is no way to change people's views on him, this is a very painful thing for him, but there is no way people's prejudice is sometimes like a mountain.

Even if he is in Tongtian's words.

There is also no way to change it, so it is for Kevin Durant now.

He can only use his own strength to silence others.

But if it is said that others would not shut up even because of his great strength.

That is also no way.

So now the Warriors are also doing their best to defend, because they know that the next offense will become very violent.

Zhou Yuan faced the opponent's defense after getting the ball. At this time, the Warriors still chose to conduct a 1-on-1 personal defense outside the three-point line.

Because it is for them.

They knew that at this moment, it was actually impossible for Zhou Yuan to throw the ball into the opponent's basket 100%.

So at this time, Zhou Yuan was also looking at his watch while dribbling. He didn't even think about calling a timeout, nor did he think about calling a tactic.

Because for him.

……… Ask for flowers…

In such a moment like now, he actually enjoys it very much, he enjoys it very much, and someone can play the game to such a critical moment.

At such a critical moment, it is up to him to decide who will win the game, and the hearts of the fans at the scene can be said to have exploded.

Because it is for them.

They feel that today's game is too exciting.

Because the most critical moment has been reached.

And at such a moment, they want to see their superstars. Under such a situation, can they have the ability to decide the ownership of this game?

When Zhou Yuan squeezed the time to the last second, he directly raised his hand and chose to shoot and a super long-range three-pointer, as if he knew that the ball would go into the opponent's basket before he took the shot to go.

Because he is already leisurely, and it seems that he has a plan at all.

After the ball drew a perfect arc in the air, it fell into the opponent's basket in the air, and it happened that the time was over at the last second. .

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