Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 825 Trust Your Teammates

Chapter 825 Believe in Your Teammates

When the Warriors once again completed the fast-break counterattack, for the Bulls.

Then they became a little passive.

Because for Zhou Yuan, he is now facing a very difficult choice, that is whether he should continue to believe in his teammates, or believe in himself.

In fact, it doesn't matter which one you choose.

For him, it is possible to fail, but it is also possible to succeed.

But at this time, even though his teammates didn't perform very well, he was still willing to give the ball to his teammates and let his teammates fight for the game.

In the eyes of many people, Zhou Yuan does not seem to have a leader's temperament in this aspect, but in fact, for him.

For his teammates.

That's why they like Zhou Yuan so much.

Because he is often willing to share the ball with his teammates and let his teammates choose to attack.

It seems to be a very weak performance, but in fact he also believes in his teammates.

He has always believed that basketball is a sport of five people, so he is able to trust his teammates so selflessly during the game.

Give the ball to his teammates and let his teammates choose to attack. Although his teammates are not in good condition, he still chooses to trust his teammates.

This is a very good encouragement for everyone. It can only be felt when playing games on the court. How important is this kind of encouragement?

So now Paul George gets the ball again. Under such a situation, it is really a timely matter for Paul George.

After all, as an All-Star player, if he was beaten like this by the opposing player during the playoffs.

Then no matter who is trying to save face, it will be difficult.

So it’s the same for Paul George. At such a moment, he got the ball and continued to practice, attacking the opponent personally

·Ask for flowers……………

But during this attack, he still couldn't get back his offensive state. In fact, his strength was nothing more than this.

If his strength is only like this.

No one can force him to do more.

You must know what it means for Paul George.

It actually has no way to compare with Kevin Durant. This is also its limit.

The game is now going on, which is for Paul George.

Today's game is not so easy.

Although he is a very good small forward player in this league, he is also very sought after in this league.

But during today's game, it can be said that it is really a touchstone for superstars.

For a player of Kevin Durant's level.

Today's game is completely handy taxi. .

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