Chapter 827

But these three levels of All-Star players, for the Warriors.

Only Zhou Yuan is a superstar, and the other two are just ordinary All-Star players.

And these two players still have no way to compare with the Warriors' All-Star players.

The game is continuing now. When Holiday was playing a 1-on-1 individual singles, he directly chose to break through and went into the opponent's inside lane.

Although he passed Stephen Curry at 18.

But the thing to know is that with such a lineup of the Warriors, their mobility can be said to be very strong.

Even if he can get past Stephen Curry.

There are plenty of people behind to defend, in such a situation.

In fact, for the Warriors.

Their defensive ability is already reflected very clearly.

Because under such a situation, they didn't feel any panic at all. At this moment, Draymond Green had already appeared where he should appear.

And his smartest point is that there is no way to reflect it in the process of the game, that is, he is in the process of defense.

Not only will he completely strangle the opponent's offensive line, but he can also completely strangle the opponent's passing line at the same time.

If it comes like this.

Holiday has no way to pass the ball to his teammates, and there is no way to pass the ball to a good position.

So he can only choose to carry out a personal storm.

But for him.

Although his offensive ability is also above the standard.

But if you want to play 1-on-1 individual singles, then you will have a very big problem with 1-on-1 individual storming.

This is not something he can do within the scope of his ability, so when he makes a forced shot of the ball, there is still no way to put the ten balls into the opponent's basket steadily.

Words for him.

Such an approach is actually a little bit difficult, so this ball just bounced out.

There was no way to score into the opponent's basket. Instead, the Warriors got the defensive rebound and carried it out again. The fast break defensive counterattack also made the Bulls feel a lot of pressure during an offensive process.

The Bulls' defensive lineup was completely destroyed and clean, and the Warriors' offense was like a lightning bolt, a

Then the quick 453 made the Bulls' defense completely messed up.

Since then.

For the Bulls, it can be said that a very big thing happened.

That is the problem that appeared in the last game, and they have no way to solve it in today's game.

Because for coach Walton.

In fact, he is still a little short of something, and he has no way to compare with his master.

When Zhou Yuan watched his team's defense collapse again, he actually had mixed feelings.

Because you need to know what it means to play from the entire Eastern Conference to the finals. .

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