Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 832 Another Struggling Stage.

Chapter 832 Another struggling stage.

It's time for a substitute now.

When entering the bench time period, the Bulls also found their own solution to the problem.

This is also a Tian Ji horse racing method they adopted, that is, let Paul George and Holiday continue to lead the team forward.

Although the roles that these two people can play on the court are very limited, once they negotiate with the opponent's substitute players at 18, their strength can still be fully demonstrated.

And it can be said that it is almost entirely a very dominant performance on the court.

At this time, Kevin Durant has already rested.

And when the Warriors were on the bench, there was actually no one who could fight against Paul George.

So when this time came, Paul George slowly recovered his state.

At this time, he is constantly defending to block the opponent's offense, and he also uses his own offense to break the opponent's defense.

No matter how he attacked, he seemed to be able to hold the opponent's defense tightly in his palm, and he couldn't move at all.

Because under such a situation, it is guaranteed that Ro George has fully exerted his personal strength.

His consecutive post-up singles continued to make mid-range shots.

Anyway to attack.

In fact, he also showed the level that an All-Star player should show.

At such a moment, the Bulls fans were also cheering.

Because just now the Warriors and the Bulls still played inextricably,

But once it's time for the bench, the trend is already very obvious, because Klay Thompson's ability to hold the ball is not very good.

But his ability to hold the ball can be said to be worse than Paul George.

If it comes like this.

It also makes it impossible for him to be better than Paul George when he leads the team alone.

Although both of them are very qualified second masters, there are still big differences in some details.

But the problem lies in the Warriors, they have no way to firmly control the situation on the court in their own hands, because during the substitute period.

They lack a guy who can rely on his own singles to score points.

At the beginning of the starting lineup stage, in fact, the Bulls almost relied on Zhou Yuan's personal strength to compete with the Warriors' starting 5 Tigers.

This is completely a very incredible thing. It is to know that the Warriors' starting 5 Tigers can be said to be the ten strongest players in the entire history. E.

But know what it means for the Bulls.

They almost relied on Zhou Yuan's extraordinary performance alone to stalemate the game at a certain level.

This simply makes people feel that the Bulls can almost be said to have the strongest players in this league. .

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