Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 837 More Than Half Of The Pressure Has Been Released

Chapter 837 More than half of the pressure has been released

Under such a situation now, for Paul George, it is an opportunity that must be seized.

After getting the ball, he immediately made a decisive shot. Although the defense of this ball has not been completely shaken off, he still shot this ball very resolutely.

After the ball drew a perfect arc in the air, it fell steadily into the opponent's basket, although it was just an ordinary three-pointer.

But for Paul George.

It's been a long time since 18 has felt this kind of sports scoring.

So when he hit the ball, he also felt that more than half of the pressure in his heart was released.

Under such a situation, it is of course a very good thing for the Bulls.

Especially for those home fans.

They saw that the No. 2 star in their team had gradually recovered his status at this time.

They are also very happy, because it is for them.

They knew how powerful Zhou Yuan was.

Only in the process of this kind of competition, if there is a person who can stand up and help him share the pressure.

So in this round of the series, the Bulls actually have a very high probability of being able to win.

Because the strength of the Bulls lies here.

Even the Warriors.

They can also have a chance to kill them.

So when the ball is scored.

For the Warriors, they are now starting to panic a little bit.

The Warriors pin their hopes on them that they can lock up all the other offensive players of the Bulls.

They will be able to successfully win this round of the series.

But judging from today's game.

Paul George seems to have regained his state a little bit.

Although this is just an ordinary three-pointer.

But for the Warriors.

In fact, they couldn't bear such a price a little bit.

Because after all, it is enough for them to know that Zhou Yuan is attacking on the field.

Even when Zhou Yuan was attacking, they felt a lot of pressure.

In the last game, although it is said that there may be a little bit of luck in that goal.

But no matter what, it was indeed a lore shot, and the one who gave the opponent a lore didn't have any temper at all.

This is a manifestation of personal strength.

837 So the Warriors have fallen into a crisis at this time, and they need to contribute more firepower to their offensive end.

In this way, the influence of the opponent can be minimized. Therefore, for the Warriors, their offensive firepower and their offensive potential need to be released further. In fact, their potential is very huge.

Because after all, they have three musketeers on the perimeter, although no one can compare with Zhou Yuan.

But those three musketeers are better than Paul George and Holiday, and they don't know where to go.

So in this way, it is also a big advantage for the Warriors. .

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