Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 854: A Thunderbolt From The Blue Sky

Chapter 854

It was really a bolt from the blue.

Especially for Zhou Yuan, he also felt very angry, because he didn't know what was wrong with him, and he injured his calf unexpectedly.

The game continues now, and there is no leader in this game.

Words for them.

They really can't get used to it.

If the star Zhou Yuan is not there.

How are they going to play the game?

Because it is for them.

Their current rhythm on the court is completely controlled by Zhou Yuan for them. Although it is said that Holiday can control the rhythm of the game, it is not for him.

His strength and his offensive ability are here.

There is no way for him to take on the responsibility of a team moving forward. Under such a situation, his strength is very limited.

So let's talk about him.

He didn't know what to do at all.

And for Paul George.

If there isn't a good offensive master on the court.

Then it can be said that more than half of his skill is about to be crippled.

Because his organizational ability has always been very bad, although his defensive ability is not bad.

But you have to know if you want to rely on his offensive ability to defeat the Warriors.

That is simply impossible.

At this moment, the Warriors will not sympathize with them because the opponent's core players are injured.

To know what it means for them.

Of course they know that injuries are part of the game. When they competed with the Cavaliers in the finals, they were actually very seriously injured up and down.

But for the Warriors.

At that time, of course it was to take advantage of your illness and kill you.

Not just the Warriors, but the entire league.

In fact, it's all like this. It's impossible to be affected by any team's injury, so they will be lenient.

This is a commercial alliance, and this is an alliance where the weak prey on the strong. In this alliance, it can be said that as long as it is on the field.

Then everyone will go all out.

I won't go, because the opponent will be lenient to the opponent because of something. The Warriors have fully demonstrated their offensive ability at this time

Words for the Bulls.

They're starting to get a little flustered now.

Because they now feel that morale has dropped to the bottom.

At that time, the Bulls didn't know why Chen was attacking.

And the opponent's offense can be said to be very sharp, and their offense repeatedly completely broke the Bulls' defense.

At this moment, the Bulls have no way to parry (Wang Nuozhao) the opponent's attack. The Bulls already feel that their defense is riddled with holes.

In such a moment, for the Bulls.

They have completely lost their offensive rhythm, and for them.

They already felt that their offensive rhythm was completely broken.

They have no way to complete the attack.

Under the attack of the opponent's life hanging by a thread. .

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