Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 856 Surrender With Both Hands

Chapter 856 Surrender With Both Hands

But they still want to declare to the outside world, they still think Zhou Yuan will be in the big list.

So now the game is going on, for him, for us.

They already know the fact that Zhou Yuan will not return in today's game.

So in such a situation.

Their morale has dropped to the bottom.

Because they know that if there is no Louis.

Even if they have a score advantage of more than ten points, they have no way to guarantee that this score advantage will last until the end.

And they have no way to guarantee that today's game can be won.

If they know that Zhou Yuan's game today can return.

Then they probably can still fight on the court.

But when they learned that Zhou Yuan would never return in today's game.

They don't even have the desire to fight.

Because it is for them.

They have decided to surrender with both hands.

They know that they have no way to fight the Warriors with their own strength.

So under such a situation, they have no way to play the game.

When the game reaches a moment like now, it is actually for the Bulls.

They already felt that there was not much hope.

When Durant is on the court, it is like the god of death has come. When the real god of death is not there, then Durant really becomes the god of death.

He faced Paul George's defense without fear at all, because he no longer had any pressure on the court.

When he feels that his team can completely lock the opponent's offense, then for him, he can let go of his hands and feet to attack.

He continuously uses his ultra-long-range three-pointers to open up the situation on the court, which is for many people.

Kevin Durant's strength lies here.

Because no matter what kind of defense the opponent is in, he can rely on his powerful three-pointer ability to open up the situation on the court.

...asking for flowers...

Even the opponent's defense is already very tight.

To him, it is nothing at all, it can still let the opponent know how powerful it is by virtue of its super offensive ability.

And for Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.

If there is no defensive player of Zhou Yuan's level there to guard their defense.

In fact, for the record holders of their two ultra-long-range three-pointers from the outside.

This is a very relaxed entertainment game.

Even Holiday, his defense is very good, but if his defense wants to defend these two All-Star three-pointers.

That's something that can't be done at all.

You must know that this is the first three-point shooter in history and the second three-point shooter in history.

So for the Bulls, they already felt that the score advantage of more than ten points had been turned back to seven by the opponent in an instant. .

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