Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 868 1V1 Defensive Strategy

Chapter 868 1v1 Defensive Strategy

Although he was in very good condition just now, everything is different now.

So sometimes in the process of the game, if you want to change the situation suddenly.

It literally happened in an instant.

Under such a situation, the Warriors immediately took control of the game.

Their ability to control the game is indeed beyond people's imagination.

Because at this moment they can completely grasp the game in their own hands, and under such a situation, people feel that 18 is very incredible.

The Warriors are now continuously defending and attacking continuously, because when Paul George leads the team alone, his offensive ability cannot be brought out at all, and he seems a little stiff on the court .

When facing Iguodala's defense, it is true that he still seems to be difficult to solve the problem, and you must know that the Warriors still have a Draymond Green on the court.

The Warriors' defensive ability has always been able to maintain a very good strength on it, and Paul George feels that it is difficult to accept the words since then.

Paul George's choice of offense this time can be said to be very hasty.

But under such a situation, his teammates didn't have a better chance to complete the attack.

Because the Warriors' defense can be said to be a very disciplined team in the league.

Under such a situation, the superiority also strictly adopted a 1-on-1 defensive strategy, and completely strangled the other role players of the Bulls.

Under such a situation, the other role players of the Bulls have no way to defend. Their offense has been completely strangled 1-on-1.

Because their autonomous offensive ability is not good enough, so it is said in such a situation.

As long as the Warriors keep rotating defenses and don't lose their defensive positions, they will be able to limit the Bulls' offense very well.

And under such a situation, the person who can break such a situation is no longer in the team's lineup.

Because this person is already sitting on their bench.

So such a situation also makes everyone feel that there is no way to continue to fight.

Paul George, who was able to insist on biting the score just now, seemed to have lost his look in such a situation.

In such a situation, there is no way for him to lead a team like this 560 forward, so speaking of the Bulls.

Now the most dangerous time has come.

Because you have to know if they didn't bite their breath.

It may collapse completely at once.

Because it has always been such a situation in basketball games, if they can keep the anxiety of this game until the end.

Then they probably can continue this breath until the last moment.

But if once they lose such a breath.

Then it is very likely that they will immediately plunge the game into a garbage time. .

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