Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 899 Finally Regained The Touch.

Chapter 899 Finally regained the touch.

But the thing to know is that once the feel is regained in the first quarter.

So it's not too late for today's game.

So for the Bulls, for the fans of the Bulls.

Under such a situation, they also have confidence.

Otherwise words are words for them.

They really can't find any way to believe in their team, and they can pull the Warriors down in today's game.

You must know the offensive and defensive capabilities of the Warriors, as well as their dominance on the court, in terms of the entire league.

It can be said that no one can exceed their abilities.

The thing to know is this terrible strength, and only relying on the strong Zhou Yuan of the Bulls can defeat them.

Zhou Yuan defended again, as far as he was concerned.

He hasn't reached the time to relax, because today is the finals in the finals.

If someone would find some signs of laxity in the current competition.

That is simply a very dangerous thing.

So for Zhou Yuan.

He knew that today's game had to be used, and he could win it with all his strength.

So when he completed an offense, he immediately threw himself into the defensive process, and his defense was also very active.

It is impossible for him to let Klay Thompson find a relatively good chance to shoot. He has been sticking to Klay Thompson, and he never gave him any chance to shoot.

So say the word for Klay Thompson.

He actually felt a little bit unbelievable, you know, he also knew that the man opposite had a calf strain.

You have to know if you have a calf strain, it will take two days to fully recover from the injury, but in today's game, he actually has to defend Klay Thomp's knee who is running without the ball.

You must know that the distance that Klay Thompson runs every day is beyond imagination.

So for Klay Thompson.

Only during the confrontation with Zhou Yuan did he realize how terrifying this man really is.

This spirit of perseverance has simply disappeared in this alliance.

It seems that few people can have such a fighting spirit.

The thing to know is that in this league, in fact, many players now feel that as long as they can make money, they will not lose money.

So they also feel that there is no need to do their best for the championship, as long as they can get a very good salary.

Then even if they didn't win the championship this season, didn't achieve a very good result, and didn't deserve the fans, as long as they can have money. (good leather

They can spend a holiday with peace of mind.

If it comes like this.

It's a very good thing for every player.

So this alliance has slowly turned into a purely commercial alliance.

There will be no one at all, no one will play because of the record.

But Zhou Yuan doesn't look like that kind of player at all, he still seems to fight for honor. .

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