Chapter 932

In fact, it is a matter of more ominous and less fortunate for them.

But except Zhou Yuan.

The other people have problems, because Zhou Yuan himself has very strong physical strength, if the other party wants to fight with him.

That is exactly the rhythm of killing the other party.

After Zhou Yuan saw that the opponent completed an attack, he also chose "five five seven" to pick up the basketball in his hand and frantically bombard the opponent's inside line.

The thing to know is that the defensive ability of the big cousin is completely unqualified in the league now, and every dexterous little guard can single him out.

Therefore, under such a situation, Zhou Yuan also chose to punish the Warriors.

He also called a pick and roll, and then blocked the big cousin in front of her.

Then he played 1-on-1 individual singles. In fact, this is really a very cruel thing for the big cousin.

Although speaking for Zhou Yuan.

He has a very high success rate in singles, but what he has to do now is to destroy the opponent's self-confidence on the court.

This kind of thing is a very influential thing for a team.

The thing to know is that if the self-confidence of the opponent's insider is destroyed.

If the opponent's inside line is full of self-confidence.

So in fact, it is a very good thing for them.

Sure enough, if the big cousin is in such an offensive state.

He has no way to defend at all, because his movements have always been very slow,

Even if it is in the big center.

Big Cousin, his defensive moves have always been very slow

Especially when he faced a defender like Zhou Yuan who moved so fast, he seemed at a loss what to do.

It's just that the one who was beaten couldn't find the north in the dark.

So even if he tries hard to defend.

But his physical fitness simply couldn't keep up, and such a situation also made him very embarrassed.

It can be seen that the big cousin is completely flustered, she doesn't know where she is at all......

So a very easy pass will wipe out what he has done.

Then Zhou Yuan went directly into the opponent's inside line and dunked the ball into the opponent's basket. This is a very exciting dunk.

For Zhou Yuan.

In today's game, there is absolutely no need to choose your own physical strength.

He wouldn't go for a layup if he could dunk.

Because for him.

When today's game has reached the current level, it is actually the time for him to come and go to solve today's game in person.

So in the process of today's game, he has fully demonstrated his talent in 1.5.

He knew that today's game was one he had been looking forward to for a long time.

This period of time could have ended long ago.

It's just because of various accidents that the game has been asleep until today, but he has been holding back for a long time.

His stamina is already abundant and cannot be more abundant. .

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