Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 939 I'm Not Tired Yet!

Chapter 939 I'm Not Tired Yet!

The second half of the game has already started at this time.

The Bulls still chose to give the ball to Zhou Yuan in their first attack.

And he also continued to serve as the starter in the second half. In fact, all of this is reasonable. It is impossible for him to serve as a substitute player.

It is also impossible for him to choose to rest at the beginning of the game, so when it must continue now, he still received the ball from his teammates, and then prepared to play 1-on-1 individual singles.

When he faced the opponent's defense, he also dribbled the ball continuously, and then he turned around and wiped out the opponent's defense.

It can be seen that his physical strength seemed to be very abundant in the second half, and his physical strength did not begin to decline rapidly as people expected.

His athletic ability began to decline, and none of this seemed to happen to him. Under such a situation, he chose an acceleration to pass the opponent cleanly and then entered the opponent's inside line.

Once again, a very easy layup was completed. Such an offense also made the Warriors feel helpless. After all, their defensive players have tried their best.

When the game continued, the score on the court was still very close. When the Warriors attacked them, they also chose to give the superstars individual singles.

Although such a tactic actually conflicts with their basketball philosophy, it is at a moment like this.

Even if there is too much conflict with their basketball philosophy.

They also have no way to choose.

After all, everyone knows that this is the tiebreaker of the finals, and it is also the last game of the finals, if we go further.

Then the outcome of today's game will determine who is the champion of this season.

So when it comes to such a moment, any stubborn head coach will know what today's game means to them.

They will also give up their most loyal style of play, and then choose the most efficient scoring method, so of course the most efficient scoring method on the stage of the finals is to choose individual singles for superstars.

You must know that when the Warriors have reached a moment like this this season, no matter what kind of tactics they run, they have rarely been able to run successfully.

Because the opponent's defense is in such a situation, it is impossible to give those role players a chance to score easily.

When it comes to the stage of the finals, their role players can still be on the court during the game.

Very easy to get a chance to score.

So actually for any game.

It's all an incredible thing.

So in such a situation, the Warriors certainly (got) chose to give the ball to Kevin Durant or to Stephen Curry.

Let the two of them play individual singles.

Such a scoring method is actually the most simple and efficient scoring method.

They can only bring the game back with this scoring method, so now that Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry have performed a pick-and-roll, this is a very, very difficult problem for the opponent's defensive players. . .

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