Chapter 957 Redemption

So it also shows from the side.

This goal may be able to determine who will win the final championship.

So for Kevin Durant.

The reputation of his life, his contribution to his own field in his life, or the word of mouth he has in people's hands or in his mouth.

Perhaps because of such a goal, "Eight Five Seven" will be changed.

So among so many players on the court, although everyone is very nervous, but for Kevin Durant.

He was actually the most nervous person.

Because what he knows is that if there is no way to complete his own salvation in this game.

Then he probably won't be able to complete his own redemption in his whole life.

Because in fact the reality is already in front of him.

His end can be said to be very bleak, in fact he has already made such a preparation.

It's just something he didn't expect, that is, when he experiences such a thing in the same situation, he will feel such pain. For Kevin Durant, it is estimated that it will be the biggest challenge he has faced in his life. Bar.

When Zhou Yuan got the ball and came to the opponent's half, in fact, under such a situation, the opponent's defense against him was of course heavily defended.

It's just for him.

He felt that it was nothing at all, because he had already experienced too many big scenes.

Even though he has faced one of the toughest defenses on the planet.

But for him.

In fact, he is still able to do a job with ease, and he is also very accurate, although in the last offensive round, the opponent still leads by two points.

And for the Bulls.

They only have ten seconds to attack.

But under such a situation, Zhou Yuan still chooses to suppress his own time and use the words for him.

He felt that his mentality was completely able to bear such a result.

And he is also able to maintain a rational brain at such a critical moment, and then make the smartest judgment on the court.

So in such a situation, he also took the ball for individual singles, and then found an opportunity to make a comeback.

Zhou Yuan faced the opponent's defense. After he dribbled the ball continuously, everyone was guessing whether he was going to shoot a two-pointer or a three-pointer.

Because if it is said that a two-pointer is scored.

Then you can still go to overtime, but if you make a three-pointer.

Then you can directly declare that the game belongs to the Bulls.

So that's what it means for a lot of people.

Under such a situation, they were too nervous to breathe.

Because they are already afraid to see how the game in front of them will develop.

4.1 words for those people.

One of the most exciting goals in today's game, that is, the ball passed a very, very perfect arc in the air, and then fell steadily into the opponent's basket.

This is a goal that stunned everyone, and it also made everyone feel that this game is a final decision. .

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