Chapter 973

I will not see that the ball has colored lines, so there is no controversy about this ball at all.

It is a complete three-pointer, and when this three-pointer falls into the opponent's basket, it has completely killed the suspense of today's game.

This also made the audience in the audience stand up and cheer at this time.

They are already celebrating their team, and at such a moment they scored the last point with a buzzer attack.

It also made the Bulls complete an overtake three-pointer in the final period of time, and the thing to know is that Zhou 18 yuan is in today's game.

After he made this three-pointer, he has already scored 101 points in a single game.

This is a very incredible data.

And for the Warriors.

This is simply a shame, because they allowed the opposing players to score 101 points on their own heads, which is a score that broke the single-game scoring record in NBA history.

Zhou Yuan is still expressionless, because it is for him.

All of this is actually what he deserves, and he feels that he should have such strength.

So even if he got such an honor.

It's no surprise.

Under such a situation, the players on both sides are ready to shake hands at this time.

Because they also want to show their blessings to their opponents, after all, even if the Warriors lose the ball to them.

In fact, they are still a very strong team in the league, and they are also a great opponent.

If Zhou Yuan can be forced to such a situation.

In fact, it can be seen how powerful their strength is.

For the entire league.

They also felt a little bit reluctant, because this round of world disaster probably won't be seen next year at all.

This may be the most exciting Finals in NBA history.

Because the strength of the two sides is quite complete, it is to see how a lonely hero leads his team to compete with the most powerful team in the league.

Zhou Yuan was in such a situation, if he didn't have such a strong opponent.

It is also impossible for him to display his state so well.

Because if it's like those teams that don't move.

As long as Zhou Yuan hits casually and can sweep the game 4-0.

Well, in fact, there is no need for him to develop himself to such a degree.

So for the Warriors.

They are indeed a very strong team, and they are worthy of respect from others.

So even if the Warriors lost this round of the series.

Although their future is uncertain.

In fact, the members of the Bulls still sincerely wish the Warriors.

Because in fact, if you say you want to achieve a great result.

Then sometimes you have to have a very powerful opponent to spur yourself.

If there is no strong opponent.

So even if they get the best result, it can only mean that the opponent is not strong enough.

So for the Warriors. .

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