Chapter 975 Very Boring

The entire Xia Tian is actually a Xia Tian that feels very, very long.

Because Xia Tian will be very busy during this time, after all he will go to many countries to do activities.

After all, Nike will also take him to various countries to do activities, so it is said that he will go back to his own country to do activities.

It can be said that Song Guo was completely overwhelmed by his charm at this time.

If it is said that he went to Song State.

Then there will definitely be many, many fans crowding the streets to welcome him.

So 013 said that there is no doubt about it, and what needs to be known is that there will definitely be a lot of activities when he is sent to the country.

Song Guo will also have many basketball players who want to challenge him, so this situation is for Zhou Yuan.

I also feel a little bit interesting, but sometimes I feel very boring.

Because he felt that no one in this world could challenge him.

So if you really have to go to someone to challenge yourself.

That's a complete waste of time.

Even those players in the NBA.

There was no way they could defeat him in the one-on-one duel, so they relied on the words of those semi-professional athletes.

If you want to defeat him.

That's completely unreasonable, so I said what is for him.

He felt that such a link was just a show.

Because once he used his rights.

Then the opponent will not be able to parry for half a minute at all, and will immediately hand over his game to others.

So let's talk about him.

He didn't bother to fight those rookies at all, because he always wanted to fight those strong men.

He hopes that there are really (bifi) people in this world who can challenge his authority, if this happens.

He can feel less alone.

Because his strength is already strong enough.

It is not difficult for everyone to forget the point of contradiction.

Such a powerful word in front of him.

That would make him extraordinarily lonely.

After Zhou Yuan came to Song State, he immediately came to a university in this country to do activities. In fact, there were quite a lot of people who came to see him on the spot.

It can be said that his popularity value has reached an unbelievable level.

Because no matter which superstar in the NBA, when they come to this country, they will not see such a crowd of people.

Even Kobe Bryant couldn't see such a scene when he came to Song Kingdom at his peak.

But for ulcers.

Once he came to the Song Dynasty, he would act like a superstar. In this history, he has never seen any public figure with such popularity.

So when he appears here, it really makes people feel that there is no way to fight it, if he is doing activities in the university.

Well, the outside of this university is already full of people. .

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