Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 989 There Is No Reason To Shirk

Chapter 989 There is no reason to shirk

So in such a situation, as long as he is willing to score.

No one can stop him at all, for these players in the Drew League.

They are really just playing some low-level games.

Really met the words of NBA-level superstars.

They will feel such a confrontation, which is completely unprecedented in their careers so far.

So Le Braun James, he broke through and killed the opponent's inside line very easily, and then completed a tomahawk-style dunk again. Such a dunk once again raised the tension of the game.

All the audience are also looking forward to some responses from Kobe Bryant and Zhou Yuan to Le Braun James.

So for Zhou Yuan.

He is also duty-bound, after all, if he is the superstar of this team.

Sometimes I still have to play it.

After all, the opponent's leading figures have already played at this time.

Then he has no reason to shirk.

After getting the ball, he faced the defense again?

After consecutive dribbles, this fancy dribble really made the opponent feel a little dazzled.

Because it is for them.

They also never thought that NBA players would be able to make such fancy dribbling moves.

Because these movements are exactly the kind of movements that only players who catch the ball will have.

So say what it means for them.

They also really underestimated the NBA level players, their dribbling ability.

What Zhou Yuan is showing now is just how powerful NBA-level players are with their dribbling ability.

This kind of dribbling ability is really incredible, because its speed seems to be approaching.

It feels impossible to keep up.

This kind of dribbling really makes people feel that there is no way to defend at all, for the players who defend him.

They see the balls seem to be spinning around them.

But when they reached out to take the ball, they could only be played by the opponent.

So for those defensive players.

They really felt very desperate, because they didn't know how to stop the ball.

It seems that they are really like ants on a hot pot, being played around by others, but there is no way to make the other party feel a little troubled

Therefore, under such a situation, Zhou Yuan easily passed the opponent cleanly, and then made consecutive dribbles to get to the opponent's basket.

He easily scored the goal into the opponent's basket. The thing to know is that Nick Yang can play very against the sky in this level of league (Li Zhao).

So for a player of Zhou Yuan's level.

That is completely as it should be, and it is simply that the defense of this league is not taken seriously.

After Zhou Yuan scored the ball, he gave the feeling that he didn't use all his strength at all, because it was for him.

There is absolutely no need for him to exert his full strength in this level of league. .

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