In 35 seconds, the team has one more chance to attack.

But Ross quickly advanced with the ball and made a disguise in the face of Yang Xu.

Because the speed was too fast, Yang Xu almost didn’t keep up, but Ross was directly ready to shoot at the three-point line after disguise.

Yang Xu immediately jumped up and reached out to cover the cap.

The advantage of height and arm span, although I couldn’t touch the ball, but still interfered with the shot.

In the end, Ross cast a three-no-stick.

Harrington took the ball, and Yang Xu immediately rushed to the front at this time.

Ross was the same, but he found that Yang Xu was as fast as himself, but because Yang Xu started first, he ran to the front.

Harrington did not waste time, after taking the ball, he threw it directly to the front court, and Yang Xu caught it.

Take three steps straight up and dunk with ease.

Again helped the Knicks score two points.

The attack took only three seconds.

There were 27 seconds left in the second quarter.

The rush just now caused the Bulls to be chased back by two points.

Ross was a little annoyed, but immediately resumed his attack.

He observed Yang Xu’s footsteps, with his right foot slightly forward and his left foot slightly back, this was to prevent Ross’s right side from breaking through.

He nonchalantly dribbled the ball to his left hand and bowed down.

He slapped the ball to his right hand, and as soon as his right hand touched the ball, he immediately slapped it back to his left hand.

Double in disguise!

This time Ross passed Yang Xu again, but Yang Xu was able to keep up with Ross and cling closely behind him.

Finally, when Ross burst into the inside, he was caught between the front and back.

Only the ball could be passed, and Rohr Deng lit up the defender from outside the three-point line, but the three-point still missed.

This time on offense, the Bulls took 22 seconds, leaving only five seconds for the Knicks to attack.

David Lee served the ball from the bottom line, and the Bulls stepped forward to press and began to press all the time.

Even Yang Xu was defended by Salmons, and Du Hong was even prevented from receiving the ball by Ross.

Yang Xu suddenly ran back, Salmons did not follow, David Li quickly sent the ball to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu caught the stride meteor, Thomas blocked the halfway position, and Yang Xu dribbled past him behind his back.

Seeing that time was running out, the free throw line drifted forward to shoot.


Pressed whistle hollow hit!

With this goal, the Knicks’ scene boiled.

The rookie who came up in the last two minutes thought it was just a helpless move.

But I didn’t expect to lead the team to a small climax, 9-2

And these 9 points were all obtained by Yang Xu alone.

“This kid is awesome! I’m starting to like him a little bit! ”

“Not bad, defensive awareness and offensive awareness, maybe it can really bring some change to the Knicks.”

The on-site commentary did not slander Yang Xu, but said words of praise.

The fans were even more excited.

“This rookie is fantastic, do you see that? He personally scored 9 points in a row! ”

“Yes, it’s so cool, and the defense against Ross is great!”

“Such a handsome player, this is the first time I have seen it, and it is also very good to play!”

As he walked off the field, D’Antoni stepped forward and patted Yang Xu’s arm.

“Nice job! Keep up the fuel in the second half. ”

Robinson, who had the best relationship with Yang Xu, took a bottle of water to Yang Xu.

“Groove! Brother, you just performed fantastically, I was conquered by you! ”

Yang Xu took the water and took a sip.

“The game is still long!”

Even during the break, the enthusiasm of the fans has not subsided.

Especially in front of the halffield, Yang Xu’s small climax was really exciting.

At halftime, the Bulls temporarily led the Knicks 62-51.

Returning from the second half, both teams still adopted the starting line-up for the first half.

Yang Xu is still on the bench, but he is not in a hurry, because he knows that D’Antoni will soon replace him.

This is pre-season and the main players will not play for too long.

Five minutes into the third quarter, D’Antoni began to slowly replace the main player.

Yang Xu also replaced Chandler at this time, and Gallinari was paired with him.

Ross of the Bulls, and Noah were also replaced.

The main player is not present, this is a great opportunity for the bench to perform, Yang Xu naturally cannot let it go.

Next, it became Yang Xu’s personal performance time.

He started from outside the three-point line and delivered a powerful dunk across the inside of the Bulls.

Then came the bow and archery outside the three-point line.

Three consecutive mid-range dry pulls were made to instantly bring the score to just 5 points.

Then steal the opposing guard and come a 360-degree dunk.

It brought the atmosphere of the stadium to a climax.

Since it is a performance, it is natural to show all your skills.

After this dunk, someone on the court began to shout Yang Xu’s name.

The live commentary is also completely conquered by his performance.

“This Yang Xu is not like a rookie at all, and his style of play is a star at all!”

“yes! The explosive physical fitness and excellent ball skills are also breathtaking, too powerful! ”

“The Knicks have really found a treasure this year, and they can make a lot of money by selecting such a player in the second round!”

In the end, under the leadership of Yang Xu, the Knicks defeated the Bulls.

And Yang Xu himself exploded 35 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals, and 1 block of all-round performance.

Even when Yang Xu made a final free throw, many fans began to shout “MVP!” ”

This is definitely the first time this has happened since the Knicks were founded.

Even D’Antoni did not expect this situation, his original intention was only to send Yang Xu to defend.

What he fancy is Yang Xu’s defensive ability, how can he know that the attack is also so powerful.

But one thing he could be sure of was that Yang Xu was definitely the treasure he had picked up.

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