Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 118: The Eagle Is Gone! ! The Eagle King Has Fallen! ! !

Chapter 118: The eagle is gone!! The Eagle King has fallen!!!

Barkley waited for the broadcast to watch the score, and immediately had a feeling: This is only the second game, is it possible that the Eagles are about to give up?

Otherwise, why would the Eagles take such a tactic?

Just when they were wondering, the second quarter began, but the way the Eagles changed their tactics soon made everyone feel that they probably didn't want to give up the game.

The Eagles are no longer double-teaming Jiang Hao. The Eagles, who were taught by the Celtics, finally chose to give up the double-teaming.

But the Celtics, who have already been opened up, are not easy to mess with.

Not long after the opening, Jiang Hao handed the ball to Claude next to him, and after a backrunning away from Schroeder, he threw the ball to Korver who had to defend and missed Thomas Jr. An open three-pointer hit.

"740" "My God, Jiang Hao actually started to connect teams like this. This is completely different from his usual style. You must know that he has only scored 10 points so far. He should be killing the Eagles for canceling the double-team tactic." Special kill, but he... still chose to pass the ball." Smith felt that Jiang Hao's behavior was a bit strange.

But, this is the ball quotient! Jiang Hao's basketball IQ is too high. He easily uses back running and walking to observe the position of his teammates, passes the ball comfortably, and then sprinkles on the eagle's wound Salt.

Not to mention Smith, Barkley and others, even Director Yang and others who are far away across the ocean are also curious about how the Eagles can crack Jiang Hao's position.

Little Black Schroeder, who was stalked by Jiang Hao, was about to be played crazy by Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao, who knew how much physical strength he had, was simply too scary in the eyes of Little Black Schroeder.

Originally, it was Bradley who defended him, but now it has suddenly become Jiang Hao, and he is pressing almost every step. This is the scariest part.

On the offensive end, Schroeder couldn't even touch the ball by Jiang Hao's defense, and on the defensive end, he couldn't keep up with Jiang Hao's footsteps, and the point difference was widening step by step.

And as Jiang Hao not only assisted, but also started to score on Schroeder's head continuously, a certain mystery in Xiao Hei's mind began to go wrong.


"Too bullying!"

"I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Schroeder was constantly disconnecting his brain circuits, but when he thought of Jiang Hao's mysterious kick, he didn't dare to really rush to fight Jiang Hao.

This time, the hesitant Schroeder was severely educated by Jiang Hao on the defensive end. He took one step, broke through and made a layup, andone!

Schroeder, who didn't guard Jiang Hao, was used to grabbing a hand, but in the middle of the second quarter, he got the fourth foul and went down to rest depressed.

However, Schroeder's descent is only an inflection point, and what follows is the beginning of the real devil.

Oh my god Schroder went down again, the Hawks lost their best scorer on the floor, even though he hadn't scored much in the past two games, Smith began to shout.

"I think the next step is Jiang Hao's performance. His offensive ability is beyond doubt. Next, I really want to see how many points he can score!"

"Jiang Hao has only scored 17 points so far, which is still quite a gap compared to his usual performance, but we look at a set of statistics, he has already scored nine assists, and the second quarter is just over halfway. " Buckley said.

Sure enough, just after half court, Jiang Hao dribbled the ball and threw the ball directly to the basket one meter away from the three-point line.

"It's another three-pointer!"

"It's such an action again!"

"Ball! Goal!"

Teague, who was switched up, had no defense at all, and he had no way to deal with Jiang Hao's move.

"Good job! Jiang Hao! I got it for 20 points!" Director Zhang, who was far away across the ocean, was still very excited at this time.

Jiang Hao's ultra-long three-pointer means that he will start his scoring mode!

Stevens on the sidelines applauded constantly, the stronger Jiang Hao's performance, the higher the team's morale.

Everyone on the bench couldn't help standing up and cheering even though they were already used to this situation.

Twenty-nine assists, and it's only halfway through the second quarter.

And Jiang Hao's goal directly destroyed the momentum of the Eagles. At the end of the half, the score was 67 to 22, with a score difference of 45 points. In the second half, Jiang Hao assisted Horford for a dunk. Then he was substituted.

It’s rare for a game to enter garbage time shortly after halftime, and Jiang Hao only scored 25 points and 10 assists in this game, but! He didn’t play for long in this game, and the final score was 106 46 points short of 60 points, a terrible point difference.......

Soon, it was the same for the next two games. The Eagles were beaten to death by the Celtics, sweeping four to zero.

And the Celtics will also face the most threatening opponents in the East, the Clevelands and the Cavaliers!

It is also what everyone is looking forward to! Jiang Hao vs. James!

In Boston, everyone is eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Cavaliers. In the East, if you want to verify whether you have the ability to win the championship, you have to kill the Cavaliers!

In the locker room, the Boston Celtics were listening to Stevens' speech, and everyone wanted to teach the Cavaliers a lesson.

As for Jiang Hao, he can't wait to score points against James, this is the Eastern Conference Finals!

At the moment the basketball was thrown into the sky, the game started, Horford failed to win the jump ball, and the Cavaliers took the first attack.

Looking at Owen in front of him, Jiang Hao was expressionless, while Claude, who was facing James, looked like he was facing a big enemy. After all, Lao Zhan was still very strong at this time.

James had the upper hand. Seeing Crowder who was waiting for him, James didn't make a strong attack. Instead, he seized an opportunity and passed the ball to Love on the inside.

Jiang Hao played singles, and his teammates quickly opened up the position of 2.7 for Jiang Hao. Looking at Irving who is much shorter than Jiang Hao in front of him, in the eyes of everyone, Irving is Jiang Hao's scoring machine, "I will take the ball.

Irving, who originally didn't dare to stand too far forward for fear of being wiped out by Jiang Hao, should he be polite when facing a defense like Irving's?

Directly take a three-pointer step back, swish, hollow into the net.

At the beginning, I told the Cavaliers with a three-pointer feeling that it would not be so easy to pass the test.

The Cavaliers' counterattack is not slow. The Cavaliers with the Big Three are still very strong at this time. They are just strengthening to fight against the Warriors. They did not expect Jiang Hao to be killed halfway. The Celtics are unstoppable. The momentum directly became a stumbling block for the Cavaliers.

Facing Crowder's marking and Bradley's supplementary defense, James went straight to the inside like a tank and made a layup!.

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