Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 133 Catch And Shoot Directly!

Stephen - Marbury, feeling very uncomfortable at the moment.

Grant Hill was too fast, he could reach out and interfere with himself while backing away.

I also pride myself on my speed, but compared with Grant Hill's speed, I feel like a snail, racing against a rabbit.

Stephen Marbury once played against Michael Jordan. At that time, he was suspected of being guarded by Michael Jordan. "Zero Nine Three"

At that moment, Stephen Marbury was thinking how strong Michael Jordan, who won dpoy, would be at his peak.

At the moment, Stephon Marbury already knows the answer.

At his peak, Michael Jordan, who won dpoy, was as powerful as the current Grant Hill.

Right now, I am fighting against the real peak Michael Jordan.

The Detroit Pistons also retreated quickly, collectively retreating, and Stephen Marbury, who had been defended by Grant Hill, couldn't stand it, and quickly handed the ball to Dennis Rodman in the middle.

In this game, Allen Iverson and Stephen Marbury are under great pressure.

What they have to face is a man who is comparable to the peak Jordan, and a man who is stronger than Kobe Bryant in the previous game.

Dennis Rodman received the ball in the middle, he tentatively dribbled the ball forward two steps, and found that the opponent's defense was still very tight, and he had few offensive means, so he didn't have any good offensive opportunities, so he handed the ball over again To Jiang Hao who followed up.

At this time, Stephen Marbury has already run to the 45-degree angle on the right, ready to make an air cut.

Jiang Hao's organization and coordination skills are not comparable to Dennis Rodman's mere Dennis Rodman. I saw a glimpse of Jiang Hao's eyes, and Stephen Marbury, who was making a quick cut, just appeared in Jiang Hao's vision.

However, Grant Hill may still interfere with Stephen Marbury, so Grant Hill must be attracted.

Jiang Hao made a gesture to attack, and began to back Rick Mahon who was defending him.

How could Rick Mahon stand against Jiang Hao, he retreated again and again in an instant.

Grant Hill could only come to help defend, and after attracting Grant Hill, the soul of the Detroit Pistons on the other side, to help defend, Jiang Hao immediately turned around and immediately threw the basketball out of his hand...

What he passed was a fast half-high ball. This kind of half-high ball is most suitable for players who are making fast air cuts to catch and shoot directly.

Sure enough, Stephen Marbury caught the ball very comfortably.

While running, Stephen Marbury happened to receive a very good half-high ball from Jiang Hao. He took advantage of the momentum and took a step forward, facing the unguarded basket with ease, and hit the basket.

After a while, the score became 24 to 17, and the Los Angeles Lakers took the lead.

Jiang Hao saw that Stephen Marbury was almost performing well, so he replaced Allen Iverson who was studying and observing off the court, and said with a smile: "Have you seen clearly how to play 1.6?"

"See it clearly!" Allen Iverson said with a smile, "I was too careless just now."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hao successfully intercepted Theo Ratliff's ball and cooperated with Allen Iverson in the frontcourt. Allen Iverson made two consecutive beautiful lion cross steps, shaking away Joe Dumars, a direct layup, rewritten the score to 26 to 17.

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