After finishing speaking, Director Su almost vomited himself.

Director Su is of course extremely depressed, director Zhang Lili, director Zhang Reasonable, you took advantage of Jiang Hao, who was easy to boast about, but left me to praise Keith Van Horn, a hot potato that is not easy to praise.

What I'm blowing is not a cow, what I'm blowing is a fiery copper pipe!

This, this is not a level player at all!

Jiang Hao won the championship plus mvp in his rookie season last season, double first team, fmvp, and the best player of the month. Moreover, this was a miracle that happened when Jiang Hao's lineup was not strong.

After all, in addition to rookies like Jiang Hao and Allen Iverson last season, the Los Angeles Lakers were veterans like Kenny Smith and Dess Curry, or Ben Wallace and Bruce Bowen. The undrafted.

This lineup, no matter at what time, is a lineup to compete for the No. 1 pick.

But Jiang Hao took this lineup and directly broke the Chicago Bulls' record of 72 wins and won the championship directly.

On the contrary, this season, the Los Angeles Lakers have somewhat strengthened Dennis Rodman, Stephen Marbury, Bryant Reeves and others, barely ~ a little bit stronger.

You said that the Golden State Warriors once won the championship even when no one was optimistic about it?

You can say that, but at the time of the Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry, Andre Igor Klay Thompson and others have been in the league for many years

Not a rookie.

The Golden State Warriors didn't achieve such shocking results as Jiang Hao.

This season, in order to defeat Jiang Hao, a bunch of famous stars directly began to form a group to form a giant, because they knew that if they did not form a group, they would have no hope of many championships in this life.

You know, that was an era that paid much attention to the topics of "one person, one city" and "loyalty". There has never been a star who ran to other teams at his peak age because he couldn't beat his opponent. That would definitely be ridiculed.

A player who can make the entire league like this and make a large number of ancient players lose confidence is not comparable to Keith Van Horn.

You hang Director Su up to play, but Director Su doesn't believe that Keith Van Horn can lead the team to achieve Jiang Hao's results, even half of Jiang Hao's results are difficult.

...asking for flowers...0

Even if the big bird Larry Bird came by himself, Director Su didn't believe that Larry Bird could achieve this result, let alone Keith Van Horn, the second generation of Big Bird.

But there is no way, who calls director Zhang reasonable to be a veteran? If the veteran director Zhang reasonable wants to sing a red face, then the rookie director Su has no choice but to sing a bad face.

Then, because the guidance is waiting for a long reasonable guidance to despise yourself.

Of course, Zhang Lili's guidance opposed this opinion, and he immediately spoke eloquently.

Just listen to Zhang Reasonable's guidance and say: "Jiang Hao is not comparable to Keith Van Horn. I think Jiang Hao will grow into a complex of Michael Jordan Gavert-Chamberlain Gabill Russell in the future. S-Van Horn is not even qualified to carry his shoes!"

Of course, this passage contains a bit of bragging, because after all, the future is very difficult to talk about.

Even though Jiang Hao's glory is boundless now, irresistible factors such as injuries are beyond everyone's expectation.

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