Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 177 Completed The Cut!

They realized that this pass selection was extremely sophisticated, and it found the direction of Vince Carter accurately.

And also seized the opportunity of Ma Long rushing out of the paint area...

"Guess the shadow area in Malone's heart, I want to know how painful he is now!"

While the fans were talking, they were secretly laughing.

They realized that the moment Malone had just rushed out, Jiang Hao threw the lob.

It's as if they've calculated that the other party will - do this......

"It feels like every choice of Ma Long has been calculated by Jiang Hao, this guy is really amazing."

Right now, fans are watching Malone play along the weak side, wondering if the opponent will be disturbed by the last ball.

"I hope Ma Long can adjust back, and his expression will not be so serious."

The fans were slightly startled, and the opponent's expression was full of awe, as if they had insulted themselves with the last ball, and now they must find their way back.

"Here it comes!" the fans yelled, "Respond to the ball!"

As soon as the words came out, Jeff, who was running across the middle distance, jumped up at the free throw line, and he was ready to hit a response ball.

At this time, Jiang Hao moved forward along the strong side and gave the opponent enough physical confrontation in mid-air.


I saw the ball smash into Jeff's hands and then fell outside the boundary.

At that moment, everyone was slightly startled, and said, "The Jazz want to play a response ball, but it seems that Jeff is not very strong. Even such a ball can be directly charged off."


After the fans realized that Jeff had thrown the ball away by himself, they thought, maybe all the members of the Jazz team were even more depressed.

When Ma Long retreated to halftime, he leaned over to Jeff's side and said seriously:

"Do you know what a good opportunity you wasted?"

Jeff said depressedly:

"I just jumped to an excellent height, but Jiang Hao, who came late, blocked my dunk route.

Jeff felt that Greg was responsible for the missed ball this time, at least he shouldn't look for problems on himself...


Stockton on the side murmured that he didn't want to see these teammates continue to quarrel endlessly.

It has already given the Celtics momentum, if even this kind of attack cannot be stopped, then it will be too bad...

"Not only could we not stop the offense, but we didn't even do a good job in our own offense." Stockton then reminded.

Right now, all members of the Jazz team are aware of their problems, and each of them is beating their feet and chests. Nan Nan said:

"Don't worry, starting from this round, we are all different, and we will show you a different attitude!"

For a moment, I saw the Jazz throw the ball from the backcourt, and Jeff found Adam at the second position. Immediately afterwards, the opponent made a mid-range jumper and successfully threw it...

Hit to score.

Jazz +2.

Adam played this ball extremely decisively, and helped the Jazz get back two points at once.

And that's not the end, when the Celtics throw the ball, Adam completes the steal at the second position, makes a quick layup, and scores +2.

"The backhand layup after the steal this time, the reaction speed is simply too fast."

The fans exclaimed.

Judging from the two rounds of Adam, he helped the Jazz regain the rhythm of the game. If they really win, then he is the biggest contributor.

"I never thought that someone would stand up at this time. It seems that they have brought us a lot of surprises." The fans laughed.


The Jazz then launched a counterattack.

First it was Adam, now it's Stockton.

After killing the inside line, he used his mid-air confrontation to display his waist and abdomen ability, and completed the Tujiayi goal with a strong stay in the air.


The fans were shocked, thinking that the ability to stay in the air has not been cultivated for a few years, and it is not at this level at all...

"I didn't expect it! This Stockton can still have such abilities!"

After Stockton hit this extreme flying ball, the fans' perception of him has changed somewhat.

Previously, they thought that the Jazz had only one core player, and that was Karl Malone, but from now on, there is at least another main player. …

John Stockton!

"Maybe he can carry the banner of the Jazz!"

The fans exclaimed.


Just then, Celtic sent a through ball along the touchline and found Billups all the way.

Everyone saw Billups who had just played, and wanted to create an alley-oop performance for Jiang Hao, but they never thought that Jiang Hao, who was unable to fully exert his strength due to a heel injury, would not be able to catch the high ball at all...



The fans gasped when they saw Billups throw this high alley-oop, and then they were speechless when they saw the ball fly out of bounds.

At this moment, Jiang Hao turned around feeling a little depressed, thinking that his cooperation with Billups was still too little. If the opponent knew that he didn't have enough strength to take off, he might pass the ball to him.

Now he watched Billups retreat back, it seemed that he didn't take this mistake seriously.

"Do you know what you did wrong just now?" Jiang Hao asked.

Billups didn't turn around to look over, but muttered in his heart:

"Obviously you made a mistake, and now you still want to come here and teach my mother a lesson."

He didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Hao, but thought about how to defend the Jazz's attack this time.

The two teams have reached the third quarter. At present, every round is very important. Only by grasping each round, it will be easier to win the game.

"I think the Celtics lead by 7 points now, but it doesn't help. They can't continue to open the score." The fans lamented.

Starting from Adam's steal, the Celtics' offensive rhythm was disrupted, so that they were completely unable to continue to widen the point difference.


At this moment, the Celtics chose a strong kill, and Jiang Hao, who received the ball from the inside, began to use it as an offensive starting point.

The moment everyone saw Jiang Hao's strength, Greg on the inside was directly pushed out of the paint.


Successful dunk.

Jiang Hao scored +2.

The fans realized that Jiang Hao can always stand up at critical times to help the Celtics get back the rhythm of the game.

"It seems that Billups and others should know how big the next few rounds will be." The fans smiled.

After Jiang Hao hit this strong dunk, it is the most reliable choice for the bean to go to the inside in every subsequent round.


Entering the Jazz's offense.

When the outside player John Stockton received the ball, he completed a back run along the basket.

And McCarty, who was following the defense, has been aiming at the opponent's shot route from behind.

He has already figured out several attacking directions that the opponent may take, and used this as an opportunity to prevent the opponent's dunk...

At this time, he saw that John Stockton had no intention of dunking, and came out after going around the bottom line.

"I don't know how Stockton was chosen, but he can still get out of it." The fans were puzzled.

When entering the inside lane, Jiang Hao has been attracted by Ma Long to the left corner. This is lazy and empty, as long as he takes a shot, he can score a hit.

"I don't know what Stockton is worried about. Do you think Jiang Hao will come to block this ball?"

"But he obviously thought too much."

Fan Nan Nan Road

After this ball was not scored, the Jazz were charged with a 24-second violation.

The dissatisfaction of the fans towards Stockton suddenly reached its peak, and they said angrily:

"Look, it was an excellent opportunity to cut inside just now, just choose a backhand layup, but what is Stockton doing?"

"Do you still remember that Stockton ran back inside and came out?"

The fans said depressedly.

At this time, the coach of the Jazz was wondering whether to call a timeout and take this opportunity to adjust the rhythm of the attack.

"I think Stockton has some direction, so it may be best to adjust now"

When the Jazz coach was about to call a timeout, he suddenly saw Malone send a big cap in the backcourt.


The fans stood up one after another and said excitedly:



At this time, the coach of the Jazz hurriedly called the footnote beside him and shouted loudly:

"Don't pause!"

"don't want!"

She didn't want the rhythm and atmosphere of the game to be disrupted by her timeout.

And what he cares more about is that if the timeout can be used reasonably at critical moments, then the point difference can be further pursued.

"Now we have to see how the Celtics cope with the rising momentum of the Jazz." Fan Nannan said.

"The Jazz's momentum came too suddenly. If they can deal with it well, they might disrupt the opponent's rhythm!"

The fans watched every move on the field with burning eyes, and at this moment, Jiang Hao went around and intercepted, hitting Stockton with a time difference.

Stockton is preparing to turn around and use his dribbling skills to get rid of defenders.

But as soon as he turned around, Jiang Hao made a backhand steal and sent the ball directly to the frontcourt.

At that moment, Stockton was directly confused, and wanted to chase back but found that he could not keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

"How could I throw away this ball, such a mistake should not be done!"

Stockton reflected on his reverse turn, and he felt that he should have handled it better, even more subtly.

"My turn around has always had a flaw, which is easy to see!"

"If I can prevent others from seeing my intention to turn around, then this mistake can definitely be avoided.

After thinking about this, Stockton decided to adjust his dribbling strategy in the next few rounds.

"I must make it impossible for others to see through my dribbling intention..."

Stockton calculated in his head.


The ball returned to the hands of the Jazz.

After reaching a fast break for the Celtics just now and allowing Jiang Hao to get two fast break points, Stockton moved the frontcourt and made a reverse turn.

As if he was trying to tease the defensive player, the moment of turning around this time stopped abruptly in the middle, and then he turned halfway and hit a crotch to transfer the ball...


He suddenly changed direction and broke through to the left.

Jiang Hao exclaimed, "This time he handled the dribble quite well."

He realized that after Stockton passed the last ball, he reflected on the lessons learned and made this change.

At this time, the opponent took a half-turn, plus a dribbling strategy under the crotch, completely playing with McCarty.

"If I was stuck on the perimeter, I might have been able to defend Stockton, but unfortunately I didn't..."


As soon as the words came out, he saw Stockton rushing to the paint, staring at Ben Wallace for a layup.


Two points scored.

The fans cheered: "Beautiful!"

At this time, the fans of the Celtics were a little depressed, "Every time the opponent is given a chance to kill the inside, it is difficult to defend such a lingering ball."

When they were talking, they looked at Jiang Hao.

"Actually, I still hope that Jiang Hao can do a good job of defending. As long as he can fix the direction of the opponent's killing inside, then he can block in advance..."

Fans have seen Jiang Hao cause offensive fouls at close range. As long as he continues to use that blocking trick in this round, it may also make Stockton’s offensive foul


While the fans were discussing, Jiang Hao retreated along the half court, and after receiving the ball from the sideline, he sent a lob ball from a super long distance.

At that moment the fans froze, "Is this a shot?"

They don't know what will happen after this ball is shot. No one has ever tried to look for such an offensive opportunity in the first few seconds of advancement.

"Even a top shooter would not dare to say that he just sent a super long-range three-pointer. This is simply too confident."

The voice fell.

Only the sound of three-point arrest sounded.

Following the goal, everyone's eyes became blurred, "Is this still a goal?"

They didn't realize Jiang Hao's shooting distance, and thought it was out of range, but they never thought that this is the area where Jiang Hao normally shoots three-pointers......

"Do you know where Jiang Hao's hot zone is?" Several senior fans said with a smile.

"Could it be that the area outside the three-point line is also his hot spot?" Nan Nan said, another fan. I don't know why those guys suddenly mentioned the hot spot.


The senior fan murmured.

They have watched Jiang Hao's private training, from the 100th ball to the 500th ball, in the nearly 400 shots, Jiang Hao's shooting percentage from the outside has reached a fever pitch

national standards.

"If you can hit more than 60% of the shots by training alone until Jiang Hao is outside the three-point line, you will know how rare it is!"

Veteran fans went on to tell.

At this time, Jiang Hao hit a super long-range three-pointer, leaving the Jazz with one more trouble.

"Now that he can even hit a three-pointer from such a distance, don't we have to defend outside!"


Stockton on the side thought about it, "I think this is our chance instead!"

He realized that he should give Jiang Hao a three-point shot, so that he can use the opponent's iron to help the team chase points.

"I don't believe he can still hit it. A big center shoots a three-pointer, which is very ridiculous." Stockton said leisurely.

Stockton never imagined Jiang Hao's amazing 3-point shooting in practice.

If he had known, he wouldn't have emptied Jiang Hao at the top of the arc right now...

"It's so thick?" Jiang Hao glanced at Stockton, a little confused.

If the other party pushes me to this area, doesn't that mean, give yourself

Jiang Hao glanced at Stockton and was two lengths away from himself, enough to complete an open three-pointer.


He took off directly, followed the palm of his hand, and watched the three-pointer fly along the arc.

Hit to score.

Celtic +3.

With one ball, he scored 38 points in eight minutes of the third quarter.

Ma Long, who was facing him, scored only 21 points at this time.

"Fortunately, the Celtics didn't lead much. They still have a chance in the fourth quarter." The fans sighed.

"Isn't there still four minutes left? In fact, we can still catch up with the score."

The fans said leisurely.


At this moment, the Celtics chose a seemingly far-fetched offense.

They execute the second position tactics at the top of the arc, and McCarty's movement path is extremely weird.

He was seen running sideways from behind Jiang Hao before landing a super long distance

It's as if he made it clear that he wanted to challenge a difficult shot. Once the ball was missed, he wasted an opportunity out of thin air for so long.

"I think Jiang Hao can't figure out what is the meaning of McCarty's running this time!"

"But he was right in not choosing to pass the ball! Or, this may be a cover for the Celtics' tactics!"

Fans speculated and then saw Jiang Hao running down the weakside and across.

Then, McCarty moved laterally, forming a reverse run, and when crossing with Jiang Hao, the ball was thrown in the air.

Vince Carter, who has always been ignored by the Jazz players, caught Ji Hai who cut inside at this moment, and dunked in the air.

Score +2.

"It's actually a cover." The fans said in surprise.

McCarty's run showed the weirdness of this tactic from the very beginning, and then Jiang Hao seemed to form a counter-run with McCarty, but in fact the real offensive point was Vince Carter

The fans thought about the ball just now, and were speechless in surprise.

"It seems that we still underestimated the important position of Vinskate in this system!"

They watched Billups play all the way before, but now Vince Carter has made this offensive system undergo a drastic change.

……ask for flowers…

"You probably still remember Billups' weakness in the inside cut, but Vince Carter completely filled this hole"

With a strong front line killer, the Celtics' offense has become much smoother. …

At this time, the ball was thrown from the backcourt of the Jazz. Stockton took the ball and threw it in the direction of Vince Carter's retreat.

He seemed to have found an excellent passing route, but Vince Carter was retreating to the extreme and looked up.


He stretched out with one hand and directly interfered with the ball out of bounds.

Vince Carter smiled leisurely, "Pass the ball right under my nose, what are you kidding about.

After thinking about it, he felt that this ball was not handled well enough. If he was given one more chance, he might choose to intercept it more skillfully!

Instead of giving Peng the ball out of bounds!

"It seems that Stockton is still Xiao Qiao, Vince Carter, this guy is not only a striker, but also a defensive champion!"

The fans laughed.

Throwing ball.

After the Jazz's long pass was interfered out of bounds, Malone stood outside the boundary and executed a sideline ball tactic.

When Stockton ran back, he looked in all directions, trying to create an excellent setter opportunity.

But what he didn't realize was that Jeff found an excellent inside cut route in this sideline kick tactic.

Even McCarty of the Celtics didn't realize this one passing lane.


Jiang Hao leaped up the backcourt and was the only Celtics player who realized the pass.

After being cut off by the ball right now, Jeff in the backcourt was directly forced.

"I finally found such a good chance to kill, how could he interfere with this!" He almost doubted his life.

After the Jazz reached the fourth quarter, Malone's physical fitness declined, and his shooting percentage was less than 40%.

And Stockton has two main offensive points on the defensive end, one is Jiang Hao, and the other is Vince Carter.

On defense alone, he exhausted all his stamina, and by the end of the last quarter, his shooting percentage was less than 10%!

The fans were a little surprised and murmured:

"One has a hit rate of 40%, and the other has a hit rate of 10%!"

"How could the Jazz complete the counterattack in the last quarter!

The Jazz fans were a little disappointed. They all thought about watching the Jazz complete their counterattack and then reverse the game. Now it looks more like a joke.

"The Jazz can always surprise us in moments of crisis, let's see how they choose to deal with it in the last quarter this time!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened, and suddenly they saw the Jazz team start to exert their strength.

While finding Malone with a long pass from the backcourt, he stood diagonally and made a three-pointer.


Respond to the network.

Nearly five minutes into the fourth quarter, Malone hit his first 3-pointer.

"Finally, I showed my trump card at the last moment." The fans laughed.

After hitting a three-pointer, all the Celtics were wary of Malone's outside position.

"It turns out that this guy is really threatening standing outside the three-point line. At first I thought it was a cover."

Billups murmured.

"We all underestimated Malone, a talented power forward"

"He still has great skills!"

McCarty added.

At this time, the Celtics took advantage of a timeout and taught some experience through the coach and Billups and others.

And the more critical part of this timeout is to destroy Malone's three-point rhythm.

"We know that chasing points is on the line, only now we can prevent the opponent from shooting the ball easily, then we won't dig a big hole for ourselves.

As soon as the words came out, Jiang Hao nodded approvingly.

He believes that the most powerful thing about an excellent coach is to find a way to kill the opponent's score at a critical moment.

At this time, the Celtics coach obviously found a way.

"Okay, let's play again." Jiang Hao said to Billups and others.


Celtics offensive round.

When the ball was sent from the sideline, Jiang Hao's position became a point of confusion for all fans.

The opponent stood at the free throw line, as if deliberately waiting for this pass to fall into his hands.

But fans can think that it is impossible for Jiang Hao to shoot in this area.

"Do you still remember Jiang Hao's hot-handed area, before at the free throw line, he almost had a hit rate of nearly 88%."

"But all the defensive players are aware of this, so they strengthened the marking of this area."

"Now it's only about 60%..."

Jiang Hao used this to adjust his shooting area, moving from the free throw line to beyond the three-point line.

This change alone has helped him relieve a lot of offensive pressure.

In the past, people only stared at the free throw line area and defended it strictly, but now there are several other hot areas waiting for them, so they have to make other defensive choices.


At this moment, Jiang Hao moved laterally at the free throw line.

The fans' eyes widened in an instant, "Sure enough, it's exactly as I imagined. Standing on the free throw line is just a feint!"

"All he really wants is to shoot from the three-point line!"

While the fans were talking, a three-pointer hit the net.

Celtic +3.

Jiang Hao by virtue of

Looking at his own three-pointer, he responded to Malone's ultra-long three-pointer.

"It seems that when the critical moment comes, we still need a giant planet." The fans laughed.

"I like to watch this kind of game, every giant planet makes people feel excited."

Fans watched the action on the field.

When the ball was thrown from the Jazz's backcourt, Malone asked his teammate Stockton for the ball.

"I just hit a three-pointer, and this offense is in my hands, and I will hit it.

As soon as the words came out, everyone glanced at them, and Nan Nan said, "Don't think that after you hit this ball, you are very proud.

They feel that dribbling will also appear from time to time, and getting the lead through dribbling does not mean that they will have such luck in the next few rounds.

"Leave it to me to deal with it." Stockton said to Malone.

He felt that it might be more reliable to play positional warfare, and it was the last five minutes, and every second was crucial.

"We can't fight an uncertain battle. It is most reliable to hand the ball into my hands now!" Stockton saw Malone still asking for the ball and glanced at it.

"Okay." After Ma Long saw that his intention to play singles was broken, he retreated to one side and stood at the bottom corner of the pile.

The Stockton positional battle started, and Malone had no idea of ​​​​running tactics at all.

The tactical arrangement of the Jazz, because of Malone, led to a huge disconnect in tacit understanding...

"I think Ma Long didn't complete the pick-and-roll cover, and the other players don't know how to deal with the second position tactics this time." Fan Nan Nan said.

When the ball flew out of Stockton's hands, it went to Jeff's hands, and then the ball went out.


Strike the iron!

Jeff froze for a second, then took a step around and caught the half-air ball.

"Fortunately, I caught the rebound." Jeff said in surprise, keeping the rebound in his hand.

"But how could Jiang Hao give me this backcourt rebound?"

When he was thinking about this question, he suddenly saw a figure circling forward and completing the cut...


Jiang Hao steals +1.

He ran all the way along the backcourt, and then along the left area, hit a two-pointer.

Ma Long, who followed the defense, caught the ball and "threw it violently.

"Damn it! Let him in again!"

This time he reached the sideline of the backcourt, and after throwing the floor ball, he rushed out to catch the ball by himself.

"Stockton doesn't give me singles with the ball, then I create opportunities myself!"

"Only by putting the ball in my hands, can this round be guaranteed!".

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