Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 313 Holding The Ball On The Left Side!

They think this kind of thing is unlikely, why Jiang Hao has already studied Michael Reid thoroughly.

"Can you play Michael Reid's offense?" Chriss asked.

"That's natural." Jiang Hao laughed.

He has shown one or two tricks just now, and he is going to practice all the tricks next.

For a moment, Chris was amazed.

"I didn't expect that!"

"This can actually be figured out through video."

What really shocked Chris was that after Jiang Hao practiced those moves, he said what he learned from the video.

From that moment, Chris began to realize that it is still necessary to study the video.

In the remaining time, he only needs to study the contents of the video thoroughly.

"If you want to target Michael Reid on the court, this 890 preparation is indispensable." Chris sighed.

Jiang Hao watched Chris study the half-pay, and then dragged him up.

"There's not much time left, let's practice it next!"

Jiang Hao asked Chris to show what he had just learned.

But at this moment, I saw Chris showing helplessness.

"I've just read it, and it's absolutely impossible to make Michael Reid's escape trick come out. 17

Chris felt that this was a bit embarrassing, and he couldn't do it anyway.

At this time, Jiang Hao smiled leisurely, "Try it, and I will give you some pointers."

Chris heard this and made a ball-holding action.

He was the first to showcase Michael Reid's left side getaway trick.

"You will give a foot motion first, turn left, but the shoulder will go right..."

Chris said softly.

After Jiang Hao listened, he nodded heavily.

That's the series of feints that Michael Reid will pull off before he shakes off.

Chris showed this trick at this moment, but he realized that his proficiency is not very good, even if he can do it, it is not smooth enough...

"That's pretty much it."

After completing the left breakthrough, Chris said softly.

"It's okay, show me the way to get rid of it on the right side" Jiang Hao laughed.


Chriss changes ballhandler (bhbh) to left hand.

And this move was also seen by Jiang Hao.

"It seems that Chris really watched the video carefully, and found such details." Jiang Hao laughed.

Hold the ball on the left side, then press the shoulder to the right side.

At this moment, I saw Chris shaking his shoulders continuously, making it impossible for people to think about the direction of his next breakthrough.

"It seems that these details are very good." Jiang Hao laughed.

After Chris made a continuous shaking trick at this moment, the ball holder on the left suddenly shot back and sent the ball, and he turned around from the right to break through...

"I didn't expect that you even learned this move." Jiang Hao said in surprise after seeing Chris make this right side escape move.

"I learned this from watching the video just now." Chris smiled.

And he is not so happy now, he feels that it is useless for him to know these tricks.

"When I'm on the court, I don't need to show this move, but I need to guard against it."

Chris said softly.

Jiang Hao made Chris needn't worry too much.

After a while, the two took a rest and went to the arena together with Swift.

The fans, commentators and others were all present.

The atmosphere at the scene was very lively. .

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