Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 342 Turn Around And Dunk!

The one-on-one attack and defense just now made Bosh hate him, and he didn't even want to see him next time.

"Is there still such a thing?" Coach Eric didn't hear anything contradictory.

Luol Deng pointed to Wade and Bosh after seeing that the coach didn't know anything.

He told some stories with the coach.

For a moment, coach Eric glared. He wanted to say that he had never heard of these things, but he suddenly shut his mouth when he wanted to speak out.

"Forget it, let's not say it, it may appear that I am very ignorant. Coach Eric said.

Jiang Hao greeted him from the side, and he asked ** to come to the basket.

"The tricks you just did to Bosh, then show me."

Jiang Hao now only wants to see **Team turning around and facing the frame for dunks, and the skill of pulling the bar under the basket...

And she was sure in her heart that if ** could continue to play this kind of attack, then she would recruit the opponent to her team...

"Come on." * said with a smile.

He holds the ball and keeps his feet.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the left, jumped up suddenly, raised his hand and threw the ball towards the basket.

This move is seen by others as a snapping action.

Turn around and dunk!

Single Arm Hanging Frame...

Jiang Hao saw the scene staged before **T.

He looked startled now, thinking he'd never seen Pedro play like that.

"Why didn't you use this trick in the game against our Knicks~~" Jiang Hao was curious.

"I didn't have any chance to make a shot at the basket, so I didn't make a shot." ** said softly.

He thinks this kind of thing can be understood after thinking about it. He didn't even have a chance to make a mobile phone under the basket, so how could he turn around and dunk.

"It seems that your strength has not been given due attention in the Warriors." Jiang Hao sighed.

He now realizes that he has to take Matt seriously.

This player is definitely a treasure I picked up by myself. As long as he joins the Knicks, he will not need to worry about the depth of the bench in the next playoffs.

After a while, Jiang Hao asked **Te to pull the bar for a layup, and this time **Te did as Jiang Hao said.


Go around the basket and throw the ball to the backboard.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a two-pointer netted and hit +2.

** After completing the pull-bar layup, he looked at Jiang Hao with a smile, "How about it, did I scare you with this trick?"

Jiang Hao nodded, "It really caught me by surprise, I didn't know you would do this trick."

At first, he thought that Lute was just a traditional center, but he never thought that this guy practiced a lot of guard tricks in private.

He's a huge addition to the Knicks when he becomes the backup center. …

". "You can only play off the bench when you join the Knicks.

"Even so, would you like it?"

Jiang Hao asked.

"Just make sure I get enough playing time [in any position."

** said softly.

He only cares about the playing time, as for other things, they are just floating clouds.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao gave ** a guarantee. He felt that it was easy to arrange the playing time.

"Chandler can't play the whole game, you and he each have half the playing time, what do you think (Li Zhaozhao)?" Jiang Hao asked Jie with a smile.

"No problem." ** nodded.

He has only one thought in his mind now, thinking that if he can join the Knicks, he will be able to win the championship.

"Maybe others don't know, I just want to win the championship together, and enjoy the fun of playing by the way."

**Thinking secretly in my heart.

At this time, the coach of the Heat walked up slowly and patted ** on the shoulder.

"Can I speak to you privately.".

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