Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 394 Worship Jiang Hao As A Teacher!

Scoring is difficult for the Orlando Magic, but not for the Los Angeles Lakers.

While the Orlando Magic were still celebrating, the Los Angeles Lakers' assault had already started.

While the opponent was still celebrating, Allen Iverson and Jiang Hao hit the goal, and Allen Iverson used Jiang Hao's screen to hit a three-pointer from beyond the three-point line!

This ball is crisp and neat. The Orlando Magic's inside line at the moment is only defended by Ronnie Sekali~, and they can't defend at all.

The players of the Orlando Magic looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling even more depressed.

In the next round, it was the turn of the Orlando Magic to attack. As a result, in a tense situation, the outside players of the Orlando Magic made a mistake in coordination. Anfernee Hardaway passed the ball to Mark Price and was careless.

Jiang Hao made a decisive attack and the ball was intercepted by Jiang Hao.

When Jiang Hao stole the ball, he decided to start a fast break, and Jiang Hao ran away immediately!

The Los Angeles Lakers' offensive and defensive transitions are fast, and at the moment Chris Karl is desperately trying to stop Jiang Hao.

Chris Karl is also very clear that it is impossible for him to stop Jiang Hao, but Chris Karl feels that as long as he can foul Jiang Hao, he has fulfilled his obligation.

But the fact is cruel, that is, Chris Karl can't even foul.

Although Chris Karl is running hard, but Chris Karl's footsteps in his youth are still unable to keep up with the energetic Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao went to the Orlando Magic's restricted area by himself. At the moment, there are only Anfernee Hardaway and Ronnie Sekali in the restricted area.

It is absolutely impossible not to guard against Jiang Hao's outside shot. It is a deadly act. As the No. Anfernee Hardaway decisively came out to defend.

However, even Anfernee Hardaway, who came out of the defense, still couldn't stop Jiang Hao, who was already unstoppable.

Jiang Hao just made a fake half-turn, and Anfernee Hardaway was tricked, and was swayed by Jiang Hao's half-turn on the ground.

This, Jiang Hao learned from Hakeem Olajuwon dream footwork.

...asking for flowers......

Moreover, Jiang Hao's turning action is better than blue, more dexterous than Hakeem Olajuwon's, and more deceptive than Hakeem Olajuwon's fake action.

This ball should be reversed, Hakeem Olajuwon came to worship Jiang Hao as a teacher, instead of Jiang Hao learning from Hakeem Olajuwon.

Seeing that the Orlando Magic's defensive players were not yet in position, Jiang Hao directly chose to shoot. This is a pull-up jumper from 18 feet, which is a difficult shot.

Jiang Hao's shot made Anfernee Hardaway very helpless, and he already tried to jump up to block Jiang Hao.

But even Anfernee Hardaway's athleticism doesn't help. Anfernee Hardaway jumps high, but Jiang Hao jumps even higher.

The final result was the ball, which was still shot from Anfernee Hardaway's head by Jiang Hao.

This is the medium and long-range shooting that Jiang Hao is good at. The shooting posture is very beautiful. Jiang Hao turned around early to celebrate.

Sure enough, after a while, there was the sound of the ball hollowing into the net. It was a joyful sound of water splashing. .

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