"I feel like I can become as good as Jiang Hao one day!"

Before the rookies enter training camp, they have a lot to think about in their minds.

After a while, they arrived at Madison Gardens.

Some rookies have watched the game here with their friends, and feel that there is a very cordial feeling here.

"If I finally become a superstar, then I must come and join forces with Jiang Hao!"

"Playing with my master is probably a lifelong wish....

Okafor on the side muttered.

At this time, Jiang Hao noticed the player Okafor, and took note of the opponent's appearance in his heart.

"The purpose of my training camp this time is to accumulate quality players for the Knicks in the future.

"A player like Okafor certainly can't let go-."

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

The reporters carried their equipment and rushed to the Madison Garden Arena one by one.

"You have all heard, the rookies of the past two years have come here!"

"They all want to join the training camp run by Jiang Hao."

Discuss among the reporters.

Then, when they came near the gate, they found it locked...

"This shouldn't let us in!"

"We have to knock on the door for them to let us in!"

The reporters were talking, and then reached out and slapped.

At this time, Nash came out from the inside and rushed towards the reporters.

"This time the training camp is not open to the public!"

"Not for you to come in and shoot!"

Nash opened his mouth in a deep voice, making the movement of chasing away guests.

When the reporters heard this, they wanted to rush into the stadium.

And they suddenly opened their eyes wide, and found that Nash slammed the door shut for Fa-rectification.

"If you say it will not be made public, then you will definitely not be allowed in!"

"Leave on your own!"

Nash said to the reporters.

Then, he turned and left and returned to the court.

Seeing Nash approaching, Jiang Hao frowned and asked:

"Have the reporters gone?"

When Nash heard this, he shook his head:

"It's estimated that they will leave in one and a half! But they can't come in!"

After the words fell, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He convened the training camp this time, and he was unwilling to disclose the contents inside.

"Come here now, all of you!"

"Before training, I need to roll call one by one."

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

For a moment, he had an extra list in his hand, covering the outstanding rookies of the past two years.

……ask for flowers…

"It seems that they are all here!"

"It seems that my call this time has achieved very good results."

Jiang Hao muttered.

James and Durant met in the arena.

Both of them watched the news this morning, and their depressed expressions emerged.

"I heard! Jiang Hao actually held a super giant training camp!"


"Do you think we should take action as well?"

James asked.

As soon as this remark came out, Durant shook his head aside, he felt that there was no need to get involved in such a thing.

"We have a lot of work to do in the offseason!"

"If I can't complete the weight gain next season, I'm afraid I still won't be able to win the Knicks!"

Durant said in a deep voice.

Listening to what Durant said, James calmed down.

"Forget it, I won't watch the news from now on!"

"I will focus on training with you..."

James said to Durant.

After a while, after he finished warming up, he sent the ball out.

"How about a one-on-one game!"

"Let me see if you are familiar with your low-post offensive skills."

James muttered. .

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