Nba: The Youngest Mvp In History

Chapter 448 Aldridge Three Points!

Danny Green stood in the midfield and sent ultra-long three-pointers in a row.

His shooting percentage continued to rise, which made the fans on the sidelines feel suffocated.

Coupled with the fact that Aldridge can also send threatening three-pointers from the bottom corner, Suns fans now feel that the biggest threat in this game is on the outside.

"Suns coach must guard against outside shots!"

"It's a game where they can't give them a chance to shoot from beyond the arc."

While discussing, the fans looked at the ancient bench area.

And they found out that the Suns head coach was urgently making changes...  

"He seems to be more panicked than us!"

"This time the Knicks really went beyond his expectations.

The fans discussed.

At this time, the head coach said to Tucker in a deep voice:

"This 877 games you go to guard Danny Green!"

"And hand Aldridge to Bledsoe!"

When Tucker heard this, he glanced at Bledsoe.

He felt that this guy might not be as good as me.

"I can easily contain Aldridge, but with Bledsoe, it's not the same.

Tucker said in a low voice.

"Don't you worry about that! Just guard your Danny Green."

The head coach said in a deep voice.

At this time, Devin Booker walked to the side and met the coach's eyes.

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

the main (bhci) coach asked.

"I don't know how to play this game!"

"Specialize inside or outside?"

Devin Booker asked.

"Didn't I tell you before the game, to focus on the inside

The head coach glared, wondering if Devin Booker didn't remember what he said.

Or, when he was explaining the tactical arrangement, he was thinking about other things...

At this moment, he looked at Devin Booker with a suddenly enlightened expression.

"How did I forget this!"

"No matter what lineup they put out, we've got to play the paint.

Devin Booker sighed.

"This guy!"

The head coach looked at the other party's expression and said coldly.

At this moment, he glanced in the direction of Jiang Hao and Danny Green.

"In the next game, only these two people are the biggest threats."

"If we can't guard against the two of them, then this game can only be declared over."

The head coach said in a deep voice.

Then, watching the referee come on, he gave the players a gesture.

"Get ready, the game is about to start."


In the jump ball round, Bledsoe got the ball before **.


The pass is thrown.

Devin Booker in the backcourt takes the ball and launches an attack...

"Devin Booker may use his own strength to hit the penalty area this round!"

"Let's watch it perform!"

The fans said in a low voice.

At this time, Jiang Hao fell in the backcourt, waiting for Devin Booker to kill him.

"After yesterday's singles ended, I knew your offensive habits."

"This game just needs to restrict you from going to the penalty area."

Jiang Hao smiled leisurely.


Run around with the ball.

Devin Booker chose to launch a breakthrough kill from the right.

In the next second, Jiang Hao stopped in front of him, making it impossible for the opponent to defend easily.


"How could Jiang Hao be in this area!"

Devin Booker gasped.

He watched Jiang Hao give a defensive threat, and then blocked his own way of the ball.

"I'm not going to fall on him this round."

Devin Booker snorted coldly. .

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