The first time I saw Wang Song was a big mistake, but I didn’t expect him to be a big mistake.

Chapter 108 Spanish Center

Post-match interview!

“As the media said, Wang Song is undoubtedly a high-level center. He has repeatedly won the game against me today. The most important thing is that he is still young and has much better physical strength than me. I want to learn from him!”

Facing the camera, Yao Min, who is usually a little shy, was very calm after the game.

“Although this is the first time I have played against Wang, and Wang Song is still a rookie, I can guarantee that he is one of the best big men in the East, and there are few in the league who can compete with him.”

Even Francis couldn’t help but sigh about this big man.

Their head coach Jeff Van Gundy said bluntly after the game: “The rookie of the New York Knicks is no less than Yao, and he caused great resistance to the Rockets today.”


The opponent’s comments after the game also pushed Wang Song to the forefront.

All major sports media have expressed their views on the Chinese derby after the game, and many sports people have directly compared the No. 1 and No. 3 picks.

“The No. 1 pick in 2002 lost to the No. 3 pick in 2003. This is the influence brought by the big year of the draft!” ——ESPN

“Chinese big men with different styles, physical fitness is the way to survive in the league’s interior? “——TNT

“Persistence is the most important quality of a player! “——New York Sports Daily

This once caused heated discussions abroad, and many local fans in the United States are very concerned about the development of foreign players.

With more and more foreign interiors becoming famous in the NBA in the past two years, it is difficult for these local fans not to worry about the growth environment of local centers in the United States. They also once missed the era of the four major centers.

——【I can’t imagine the days after Shaq retires, that will be the era of Chinese insiders! 】

——【I originally thought that Ben Wallace would take over Shaq, but he was vulnerable in front of that third overall pick, especially now that he is in a locker room crisis. 】

——【If it weren’t for this Chinese derby, I would have almost forgotten the dominance of this little giant in the restricted area. Now that China has two All-Star centers, it’s hard to imagine how they will dominate in international competitions! 】

——【Who else in the league can compete with the Chinese twin towers? I really can’t think of one for a while. There is another question, who can break the Knicks’ winning streak? 】


As the schedule deepens, the gap between the teams becomes more and more obvious.

The Knicks’ 16-game winning streak continues to lead the league. Even in the West, few teams can compete with them in terms of record, and blocking the Knicks has become a hot topic at the moment.

All media people fall asleep watching the Knicks’ schedule. They are all looking forward to where the Knicks will lose, and many commentators and celebrities are speculating.

“The Knicks, the first team in the Eastern Conference, look invincible now. They have a nearly perfect lineup. This is the mainstream view in the market, but I don’t think so. The Knicks’ rotation lineup will be a big shortcoming in the strong confrontation. When they need to fight for the last bullet, they will show their weakness.” – Charles Barkley

“I think Charles and I have different views. As of now, I don’t see any team that can compete with the Knicks. They have a nearly perfect system, which can help them go a long way. As for the rotation depth mentioned by Charles, that is a problem to be considered in the playoffs.” – Kenny Smith

“I see the shadow of a historical inside player in Wang. He has the hope and a high probability of becoming a Hall of Fame center. You know, he is only 19 years old, so it is not surprising even if the Knicks really lose one day, because their leader is still very young.” – A. Smith

When the famous mouths and commentators of various channels are in full swing, the Knicks have arrived in Memphis.

Pyramid Arena!

This is the second arena in the history of the Grizzlies. This arena, which can accommodate 20,000 people, has not witnessed the glory of the home team in the playoffs. Fortunately, at the beginning of this season, they finally got their heads held high.

Now they are ranked fifth in the Eastern Conference. Three consecutive years of precipitation have given Memphis fans hope.

And after three consecutive wins, Grizzlies fans unanimously believe that they will make history at home.

End the Knicks’ winning streak!

Because they also have Spanish center Pau Gasol, who is also a third pick, but Pau Gasol in 2001 has proved

He won the best rookie!

And he has adapted to the NBA for two seasons. Grizzlies fans firmly believe that Pau Gasol has more experienced experience, and his rock-solid defense will leave a deep impression on the Chinese boy from the Knicks.

At the beginning of the game, the performance on the court was indeed as expected by Grizzlies fans.

Pau Gasol scored 6 points in a row from mid-range, and established a nearly 10-point lead for the Grizzlies in the first quarter.

When the second quarter came back, Wang Song adapted to the rhythm of the Spanish center, and the Grizzlies immediately became passive.

Even D’Antoni had to admit that this Grizzlies team is very young, they have unlimited vitality, and even the style of play is very passionate.

But the style of play is still a little bit less experienced. Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown, like Don Cheney, is also an old-school coach who returned after coaching in the 1980s and 1990s.

His playing style is more inclined to that era, which makes the young people of the Grizzlies play more old-fashioned, and this old-fashioned style of play is also an important reason for their loss in this game.

He always chooses to let Paul Gasol as the core firepower point, and uses the inside line as the axis to connect the Grizzlies, and there is no opportunity to play the young outside line.

After Wang Song adapted to Paul Gasol’s rhythm, the Spanish center lost the 1-on-1 threat, and the offensive rhythm of the entire Grizzlies slowed down.

In the first quarter, Gasol scored 8 points alone, but by the end of the first half, he only scored 11 points. As the axis of the Grizzlies, his huge personal gap also accompanied the rise and fall of the Grizzlies.

After three quarters, as Wang Song gradually got into the game, Nash and Houston were hot, and the game gradually lost suspense.

The Grizzlies failed to force the Knicks’ rotation shortcomings, but instead exposed the shortcomings of their tactical arrangements.

At the end of the game, the Knicks won the away game with 109:91 and achieved 17 consecutive victories.


Pau Gasol scored a double-double of 21 points and 10 rebounds. Except for James Posey who scored 13 points, no one else scored in double digits.

And the Knicks!

Wang Song, who played for 30 minutes, scored 27 points, 12 rebounds and 3 blocks. Nash and Houston scored 18 points and 19 points respectively. The Big Three scored 64 points together.

They are one game away from tying the best winning streak in team history, and their next opponent is Nash’s former team.

The Dallas Mavericks, third in the Western Conference!

(End of this chapter)

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