The new season is coming, and the new season is coming.

Chapter 135: Build momentum for the spokesperson


As the place with the largest number of NBA fans, this fertile land has a unique advantage in the All-Star voting. Before the NBA All-Star voting rules were changed, the miracle of Yao Min’s rookie season overpowering O’Neal as the starting center in the West was born here.


This place plans to recreate the glory of the past!

As the top sports forum in China today, Xinhu Sports is naturally the main promoter of domestic social media. Taking advantage of this wave of heat, they helped the brand spokesperson to create a wave of momentum.

The overwhelming news covered the entire page, and the publicity work was very good. You can find a link to enter the voting interface in every corner of the website.

They even interrupted a lot of advertising placements to promote this wave of All-Stars. For a website that is on the rise, this will bring considerable financial pressure to the current New Fox Sports.

However, the investors of New Fox Sports do not care much about this. Just like they took the initiative to sign Wang Song in college, they are willing to give up this part of the benefits.

It can even be said that after Wang Song was elected the All-Star vote king, this part of the benefits is simply not worth mentioning.

If the domestic publicity is in place, there will be a terrifying number of votes to achieve cross-ocean support. Once the brand spokesperson of New Fox Sports becomes famous in one battle and wins the vote king, it will no longer be a matter of basketball fans, but will shake the entire Chinese sports world.

Even the official will come out to stand up for Wang Song, which is entirely possible.

The influence of Yao Ming’s election as the No. 1 pick is still vivid in the minds of fans. Now, less than a year later, a rising star who is more outstanding than Yao Ming has occupied the NBA All-Star vote king.

Such an honor is enough to push Wang Song to the top of domestic sports athletes.

By then, New Fox Sports only needs to catch up with the tide of the times, and it will only be a matter of time before it grows stronger.

So when Zhong Yuan, the head of New Fox Sports, learned that the investor was going to use real money to continue to expand Wang Song’s territory in China, the other party took out this blueprint and put it in front of him, and he was completely convinced by the other party’s strategic vision.

Not only online social media is helping to promote, but also real industries.

As Wang Song’s sneaker signing brand, Anta also participated in this event.

Compared with New Fox Sports, which was once a small workshop, this sporting goods company is obviously stronger than them.

Anta Company directly allocated funds to the budget for publicity and promotion, and issued various activities in various stores to canvass votes for Wang Song.

And let the design team process and add some points to rush out the first generation of Wang Song’s sneakers as soon as possible. This young big man who became popular in the NBA made Anta see their future in the sneaker market.

In addition to store opening activities, they also accelerated the development of offline stores, directly targeting Li Ning, the current leading brand in the domestic sports industry. Anta executives also realized that this would be an opportunity for them to surpass Li Ning.

Under the publicity of the leading companies in the two fields, the name Wang Song has become more and more well-known, and the number of votes has erupted again.


At the end of the second stage, Wang Song sat firmly on the throne of the first center in the East, leaving his competitor Ben Wallace 200,000 votes behind, and there was a tendency to catch up with Vince Carter, who is currently the top vote-getter in the East.

As for the West, the competition is equally fierce.

Although not as far ahead as Vince Carter, there are two players who are on par with Wang Song in votes.

Kevin Garnett and guard Kobe Bryant in the forward camp!

The Western center camp is a struggle between Yao Ming and O’Neal. Benefiting from the domestic voting trend that supports Wang Song, Yao Ming, once the most watched No. 1 pick in the country, has also benefited.

At the end of the second stage, Yao Ming successfully completed the reversal.

The staged victory made domestic fans start the carnival directly. Two Chinese players monopolized the starting center positions in the East and West in the NBA.

This is simply incredible!

The votes entered the final stage silently, but most of the players themselves had no time to pay attention to the voting, because before the All-Star Weekend, there were still games between teams.

The Knicks welcomed their opponents at home!

The second-ranked Indiana Pacers in the East and the third-ranked Utah Jazz in the West!

The arrival of the strong rivals made New York fans divert some attention from the crazy voting. Madison Square Garden continued to maintain an attendance rate of 90%+, and New York fans used real money to show their support.

to show their support for the Knicks.

Interestingly, the Pacers, who were the first to arrive at Madison Square Garden, played on New Year’s Eve.

This schedule was naturally specially arranged by the league. The New Year’s Eve battle after the Christmas battle was full of gimmicks.

But for the players on both sides of the Knicks and the Pacers, this was a regular season exchange.

Pacers coach Rick Carlisle did not hold back at all and all the players started the game.

After the preseason, they never met this Knicks again.

It can be said that he had only heard of it but never seen it. He finally had the opportunity to experience the Knicks’ reputation in the East.

Carlisle showed considerable aggression before the game. In the pre-game interview, he took the initiative to talk about the topic of the competition for the top center in the East.

“I don’t agree with the outside world’s myth of the Asian kid’s ability. We played against each other in the preseason. If he was in the Pacers, he would be a starting player, but that is far from as exaggerated as you say. Jermaine is the strongest inside player in the East. He has the strength of an All-Star, just like the voting event he is participating in. In fact, his style is very similar to Wang Song. Both are inside players with strong mobility. After more than 20 games in the regular season, Jermaine will prove himself today.”

“And… the good days of the New York Knicks are over. We will stop them and use our strength to prove who is the real No. 1 in the East!”

Carlisle talked to the New York media with a calm look on his face.

Perhaps it was the confidence given to him by the Pacers’ second place in the East, or it was the wounds exposed by the Knicks after swallowing two losses.

In short, this made Carlisle eye the top spot in the East.

On the other side.

D’Antoni only left one sentence in front of the camera: “The Pacers are under the training of Mr. Rick, and their defense is as solid as a rock. See you on the court”!

Trash talk was a bit redundant for D’Antoni who returned to the NBA. He sincerely expressed his opinion on the Pacers and waited for the result of the game.

This game seemed to be an unfair matchup from the beginning, just like the matchup between Jermaine O’Neal and Wang Song.

The Chinese rookie on the opposite side not only had the advantage in height, but also was completely defeated by O’Neal’s best lateral movement.

What O’Neal could not believe the most was that the guy on the opposite side had undergone a qualitative change compared to the preseason.

(End of this chapter)

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