The first round of the playoffs was released, and the fans were talking about it.

Chapter 182: Three honors added, the first person in history

With the regular season in a slump, the first round of the playoffs was released, which made the fans talk about it with relish.

The teams that entered the playoffs in the East are:

1. New York Knicks (74 wins and 8 losses)

2. Indiana Pacers (61 wins and 21 losses)

3. Detroit Pistons (54 wins and 28 losses)

4. New Jersey Nets (47 wins and 35 losses)

5. Miami Heat (40 wins and 42 losses)

6. New Orleans Pelicans (39 wins and 43 losses)

7. Milwaukee Bucks (39 wins and 43 losses)

8. Boston Celtics (36 wins and 46 losses)

The Knicks’ first-round opponent will be the Celtics, and Madison Square Garden is known as the new devil’s home court. Fans are very interested in this first-round matchup.

In addition, there are also Pacers vs. Bucks, Pistons vs. New Orleans Pelicans, and Nets vs. Heat in the first round.

On the other side.

The top eight teams in the West are Minnesota Timberwolves (58 wins and 24 losses), Los Angeles Lakers, San Antonio Spurs, Sacramento Kings, Dallas Mavericks, Memphis Grizzlies, Houston Rockets, and Denver Nuggets!

In the first round, the Timberwolves played against the Nuggets, the Lakers played against the Rockets, the Spurs played against the Grizzlies, and the Kings played against the Mavericks. It has to be said that the competition in the West is far more cruel than that in the East.

Even in the first round between the Denver Nuggets and the Timberwolves, the first in the Western Conference, no fan dared to say that the Timberwolves would not be eliminated.

The Knicks also had the same experience as the Timberwolves!

Before the official start of the playoffs, the outside world conducted in-depth research on the 74-win Knicks.

Many celebrities and experts believe that this Knicks is just a paper tiger in the regular season, and its true colors will be exposed once it enters the playoffs.

Even though the Celtics only won one game in the previous four games this season, this still does not prevent outside professionals from commenting on the direction of the first round of games.

“The New Yorkers’ 2003 season will end here. The Celtics are born to create big scenes. I have no doubt that they deliberately dropped to the eighth position just to stop the Knicks. The Knicks are the only reason they gave up their home advantage.” – Arnold Jacob Auerbach

The Celtics legend Red Cardinal was the first to speak out about the playoff prospects. Auerbach’s sonorous and powerful speech did not have a hint of fun. The firmness revealed in his words was his heartfelt recognition.

The old cardinal did not wait for the Knicks to criticize him. The Knicks officials were really not interested in an old man who was still arrogant in his twilight years.

Auerbach seemed to think that the current Celtics were still the invincible Celtics he coached.

Even Scott Layden firmly believed that he knew the Celtics more thoroughly than Auerbach before the first round of games.

The reason why the Celtics this season were still struggling to compete for a playoff position in the last game was very simple.

Although they have found the core of their new century team building, they can’t even put together a complete starting lineup. Paul Pierce has partnered with countless teammates this season, and they are still working together at the end of the season.

In addition to the unsatisfactory record, another reason is the change of coach in the middle of the season.

John Carroll, who is now the head coach of the Celtics, was once a college head coach. He was a member of the Celtics’ assistant coaching team in the 03-04 season. After the previous head coach was kicked out in the season, he took over the position of head coach of the Green Army. This is his first year in the playoffs. It can be said that his experience is still far from that of other rich head coaches.

Even before the start of the playoffs, the reputation of the most criticized Knicks coaching team was much better than that of the Green Army.

For a team about to enter the playoffs, the Celtics seem to be unprepared.

But there are many more voices similar to the Cardinal in the outside world. The media in Boston and Miami are convinced that the Celtics can defeat the Knicks with an underdog.

Especially Miami, which spent a lot of time and effort to buff the Celtics before the game.

“Paul Pierce is one of the best forwards today. Does the Knicks expect to use a second-year rookie like Tayshaun Prince to block the top forward with the most delicate skills in the league? That is obviously unrealistic!”

“And Ricky David

He has proved with his performance in the regular season that he will be Pierce’s right-hand man and provide enough firepower for the Celtics when Pierce is not on the court. ”


Miami kept silent about the Celtics’ inside line, and even Mark Blount, who was beaten not long ago, blushed when he saw the Miami media’s remarks.

Blount had to admire the opponent’s Spring and Autumn writing style, but Blount thought that anyone who believed any word in this report was a fool.

The Celtics management and Blount also held the same view on Miami’s actions.

But whether it was flattery or support, the Celtics had to carry this trust on their shoulders, and they had no way out.

Before the Celtics were ready for a do-or-die battle, the NBA officially announced the data for this season Statistics.

This matter was just a minor episode for most teams and even players in the past, but after the list of this season was announced, it triggered a league tsunami before the playoffs.

The Knicks not only completed a gap in the regular season record, but also became the leader in the statistics.

Except for the steals king, which was won by Byron Davis with an average of 2.4 times per game, the other four awards were all won by Knicks players.

Nash won the title of assists king in the 2003 season with an average of 13.9 assists per game without any suspense!

As for the other three awards, scoring king, rebounding king, and blocked shot king, they were all won by the Knicks players. Wang Song won the award without any suspense.

The only competitor for the scoring champion of the season is McGrady of the Western Conference Rockets. Unlike the previous seasons when he averaged 30+ points per game, McGrady, who averaged 28 points per game, has achieved a gap-like lead in this slow-paced season.

He is one man above ten thousand!

Wang Song won the award by averaging 30.5 points per game, beating McGrady and scoring one more goal per game.

There may be fakes in the top pick of any season, but for the annual scoring champion award, there has never been such a term. Throughout the history of the NBA, there have been All the players are famous historical stars.

And the players who can win this award in their rookie season are unprecedented and unique in NBA history.

In addition to scoring, Wang Song also won the title of rebounding champion with 15.3 rebounds, beating Kevin Garnett’s 13.9 rebounds, and won the title of block champion with 4.6 blocks, beating Theo Ratliff who averaged 3.6 blocks per game.

In the decades of NBA history, no player has won these three awards in one year. From a certain perspective, this directly makes Wang Song the first person in history.

(End of this chapter)

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