The new season is coming, and the new season is coming.

Chapter 188 The possibility of a black eight miracle

NBA officials also understand the psychology of fans very well. They arranged the G3 between the Nuggets and the Timberwolves in the front.

The Nuggets found their form after returning to the Pepsi Center.

Carmelo Anthony, who was like a god in the last game, still maintained a hot hand against the Timberwolves’ adjusted defense.

The madman and the wolf king wanted to save the team. The two of them once again scored 49 points together, but they still couldn’t turn the tide.

In addition to Carmelo Anthony’s 24 points and 10 rebounds, Andre Miller, Nene and Marcus Camby scored 19, 14 and 12 points respectively, helping the Nuggets beat the Timberwolves 107:86.

When the score came to 2:1, the Nuggets led by rookie Anthony stood at the forefront of the storm for a while.

“The possibility of a black eight? The stubbornness of Denver people!”

“The strongest rookie is already in the team, and the son of Syracuse University reproduced the crazy three performance in the playoffs!”

“The biggest variable in the series, it is no coincidence that the mature Carmelo Anthony completed the last shot?”

“The big score is 1:2 behind, the Timberwolves will be eliminated in the first round, and miss the championship again this year?”


Reports like this are numerous!

The black eight has always been a topic that fans talk about with relish.

Especially in this season, the first place in the East and West is not a traditional powerhouse, but an emerging team, and the Knicks have won the best record in the regular season in history.

Without a solid foundation, everyone is looking forward to whether there will be a dark horse to defeat them.

The Nuggets’ lead in the series is a very good gimmick.

Especially their leader is still a rookie, who barely made it to the playoffs at the last moment of the regular season, but his performance is still impressive.

This makes fans curious about who will be the best superstar among the 03 rookies.

You know, there are many rookies who are as fierce as a tiger in the regular season but soft in the playoffs.

There are not many people like Carmelo Anthony who can fight hard battles!

Regarding the black eight, Anthony also expressed his views in an interview in front of the camera after the G3 game.

“It’s my first time to participate in the playoffs, but based on my experience in the Crazy Three, although the randomness of the playoffs is not as good as the single-elimination system of the Crazy Three, the 7-game 4-win system also has a lot of randomness, because they only have one more home-court advantage than us against the teams in the upper half. What we need to do is not to let the game go to the seventh game, so that their home-court advantage will not be brought into play.”

Anthony, who was talking to the media, was very convincing when he just won the MVP.

Seeing the other party’s expression, the Denver media couldn’t help but lead the topic to the black eight.

“Black eight miracle? The Timberwolves should really be prepared. We will be unbeatable in Denver! As for the Celtics in the Eastern Conference, as a traditional NBA powerhouse, I think their tactical literacy and personnel reserves should be more advantageous than us, so returning to their home court to defeat the Knicks is not empty talk.”

At the end, Anthony led the topic to the Celtics in the East who were in the same predicament, trying to convey the spirit to the other party through the post-match interview.

Carmelo Anthony’s remarks in front of the camera were recognized by many fans and stars.

Jordan himself said before the release of his new shoes: NBA is a place with infinite possibilities.

Whether it was the establishment of the first dynasty of the Bulls in the 90-92 season, or the Bulls being overturned by the “Bad Boys” in the playoffs, it represented that the ranking in the regular season is not everything.

In addition to Jordan’s support, the Banana Boat Brothers also stood up.

LeBron James, who went to the East Coast for vacation in advance, did not forget to support his good brother’s remarks. “Just like Carmelo said, no matter what your current position is, as long as you are on the court, there are infinite possibilities, just like when I participated in the draft as a high school student, there were also doubts at that time, but that did not affect my being the No. 1 pick.”

At the end, James did not forget to mention his status as the No. 1 pick.

Maybe the support worked, maybe the bonus given to the Green Army by the North Shore Garden was large enough, or maybe the Celtics solved the problems between the coaching staff and the players.

In the first game back at home, the Celtics did win.

Pierce and Ricky Davis scored 31 points and 2 assists respectively.

5 points, the Celtics defeated the Knicks 101:95.

Pulled the score back to 1:2!

This victory can be said to have pulled the Celtics back from the brink of life and death. You must know that in history, no team has ever reversed and won after falling behind 0:3 in the series.

Not to mention the Celtics, who are already in the “black eight”.

Post-match interview.

“Just like I said before the last game, we did it!”

Pierce, who won the first victory in the series, faced the camera with unstoppable excitement on his face.

This victory not only made Pierce raise his head, but also changed the thinking of Celtics coach Carroll: “Perhaps defeating the Knicks is not an impossible task. We have proved that we have all the factors to win the game when we return to our home court. Refusing to be swept is our first step, and our next step is to tie the score.”


The speeches of the two were quickly made into a manuscript and published in the Boston Globe. This Boston local media boasted about this big victory.

Interestingly, the New York Times, which acquired the largest newspaper in Boston in 1993, did not interfere with the release of its subordinate units.

It even helped the Boston Globe to add fuel to the flames and also published news about the Knicks’ defeat.

Regarding the defeat.

Both D’Antoni and the Knicks’ main players simply said after the game: victory and defeat are common in the military. What is even more surprising is that the Boston media could not find a trace of sadness on their faces.

It seems that the defeat on the road was in their plan.

However, for media people who can figure out the psychology of players, the behavior of D’Antoni and the Knicks players is a sign of weakness.

Soon, the Celtics’ victory became news that they were ahead of the Nuggets.

Many stars, celebrities, and mouthpieces expressed their opinions on this matter.

“This will be a great year. If both teams in the East and West experience the ‘black eight miracle’, it can only mean that the regular season rankings of this season will completely lose their value.” – Heat star Dwyane Wade (fifth in the East)

“The underdog scenario doesn’t happen every day, but in this series, everything is possible. I’m beginning to look forward to the story of 74 wins and 8 losses in the first round. This will become a ‘legend’ in NBA history!” – Charles Barkley

“Will the Celtics miracle continue after I retire?” – Larry Bird

(End of this chapter)

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