The first time, the first time.

Chapter 204 Let’s let a meniscus go first

“Both sides’ starting players come on the court!”

“Heat starting: Dwyane Wade, Eddie Jones, Caron Butler, Lamar Odom, Brian Grant!”

“Knicks starting: Steve Nash, Alan Houston, Shandon Anderson, Tayshaun Prince and Wang Song!”

“Dear fans, let’s look forward to who will win the semi-final opening game today~”

In the CCTV studio.

Coach Zhang and Su Qun have just finished connecting with frontline reporters, and the two familiar faces are explaining the starting lineup on the court.

New Fox Sports barrages.

——【The Knicks’ starting lineup is out, and the familiar old faces are still full of momentum! 】

——【Van Gundy actually adjusted the Heat’s starting lineup, and finally adjusted the starting center. Although Brian Grant is not much taller than Odom, it is really a waste of talent to put Odom at the five position! 】

——【Not much taller? Grant is two centimeters shorter than Odom’s official height! 】

——【Odom: I never thought that a magician-type point forward like me would one day compete with the league’s top centers. 】

——【To be honest, the Heat’s lineup is really weird. Every player is making do. Isn’t their young player Dwyane Wade the same? He played as a shooting guard at Marquette University and came to the Heat to play organization! 】


The game starts.

Jump ball in the center circle!

Odom gave this opportunity to Grant.

As an experienced veteran with nearly ten years of experience, Grant did not want to stand out when facing this Asian big man.

But to land safely!

When the Heat eliminated the Nets, he was a little desperate when he learned that the next opponent would be the Knicks.

Long before the start of the playoffs, the Heat had conducted pre-match analysis and found that they were the main resistance team to advance in the East.

The Knicks were among them.

After further in-depth analysis, Grant and Odom were entrusted with important tasks, because the Heat coaching staff found that the Knicks’ inside line was the key to determining the outcome of the game after several video analyses.

Compared with Wang Song, who peaked at the beginning of his career, Grant would rather face the Nets. At least their starting power forward Kenyon Martin is strong, but he is still a grown-up No. 1 pick.

And the players who made a big splash in their rookie season are often not as strong as ordinary starters like him.

This is Grant’s cognition after ten years of hard work!

The jump ball was a foregone conclusion, and the Knicks got the first attack.

After Nash got the ball, he ran across the front court, trying to make a Knicks-style surprise attack.

But this trick, which he had used many times, failed in front of Miami’s iron bucket formation!

Van Gundy on the sidelines smiled slightly.

As a classic “Riley-style” coach, Van Gundy attaches great importance to teamwork, discipline and defense. Whether it is the first season of his coaching career or the original timeline in the Magic and Pistons, no matter what lineup he faces, his training can always control the team’s defensive efficiency very well.

This season’s Heat is the prototype of Van Gundy’s defense, and the Heat’s defensive efficiency ranks in the top eight in the league.

“Enter the positional battle!”

“To be honest, this is not the rhythm that the Knicks like, but the Heat have been prepared to deal with the offense since the jump ball, and their understanding of the regular season has made them familiar with the Knicks’ style.”

“It is worthy of being Coach Van Gundy who firmly believes in the creed of ‘defense wins the championship’.”

The voice of the CCTV commentator has just fallen.

The Knicks launched an attack.

The Heat is certainly a team with the best defensive efficiency, but the Knicks are the first in the league in terms of offensive efficiency!

After a whole season of running-in and cooperation, coupled with the tactical system coached by D’Antoni in Italy, this Knicks team, which has accuracy and rebounds, is no longer as awkward in positional warfare as it was in the past.

Defensive counterattacks and mobile warfare are certainly the main offensive means of the Knicks.

But as long as there are stars in positional warfare, all problems can be solved.

Nash completed an open three-pointer with the help of Prince’s cover.

Unfortunately, a clang sounded, and Nash’s first shot did not help the Knicks hit the opening goal.

But in the Heat’s restricted area, Odom wanted to take the defensive rebound and start a counterattack as usual.

A pillar of white jade came out from behind him, and the raised hand met him and directly tapped the ball into the basket.


On the court.

Odom, who hadn’t reacted yet, thought it was an own goal, but when he looked back, he saw that the figure who had just finished the tip-in had left leisurely.

“Brian, don’t forget your duty in this game, do everything you can to block that guy.”

Grant scratched his head in confusion.

The task assigned to him by Van Gundy in this game was to use the last bullet to block the Asian man when fighting for the rebound.

But this ball just now made him feel the horror of Wang Song!

Grant almost hugged the opponent with both hands.

He had clearly used his hands and feet to block him behind him, but the opponent was as flexible as a slippery loach, blocking his forward force and walking back directly, and bypassing in another direction.


Van Gundy, standing in front of the Heat players’ bench, found that the players were in a low mood, and encouraged them loudly. For this kind of pure personal ability gap, Van Gundy always believed that there was no need to be affected.

But in the noisy environment of Madison Square Garden, the voice of Van Gundy, who was not wearing a little bee, was as loud as a mosquito.




The overwhelming cheers and celebrations buried his voice.

The Heat players could only see the coach yelling on the sidelines, but they didn’t know what he said.

But this did not affect their attack according to the original plan. They first ran a tactic without a chance, and then passed the ball to Wade on the right wing.

For a team with stars, whenever the offensive tactics failed to work, the correct answer is to give the ball to the star at the last moment.

After a whole season of tempering, Wade has adapted to the scale and intensity of the NBA.

Just like in the NCAA, breakthroughs are still his weapon. Although the three-pointer has not been fully developed, the breakthrough + mid-range alone has already frightened a large number of guards in the league.

The Knicks sent Houston to defend Wade!

In just a moment, the result of this confrontation came out.

The reaction speed of the “mid-range shooting king” in his early 30s is naturally not as fast as the young man in the prime of the Heat!

When Wade passed Houston, the Knicks veteran once again felt that the future belongs to the young.

Seeing that there was a killer in the Knicks’ restricted area, Wade shot decisively.

Direct mid-range emergency stop shot, hit!

With four full games of experience against the Knicks, the Heat and the Knicks were not unfamiliar with each other before the series began.

Especially after reviewing the video of the Knicks and Celtics series, the Heat had a deeper understanding of the strong enemy.

The same is true for Wade.

His height of 193 has long prevented him from facing a 210+ center in the restricted area.

The answer given by this man who first let a meniscus at the beginning is mid-range.

(End of this chapter)

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