The next day, the Devil is coming.

Chapter 225 The Devil is coming

The next day.

The Detroit News published the scene of the Pistons inviting foreign aid, which boosted the confidence of the fans.

“The strongest foreign aid is already in the team, Isaiah Thomas and Bill Laimbeer personally teach, the transformed Pistons! 》

“The successor of the “Bad Boys”! The Pistons that dominated the late 1980s will regroup, and the Pistons that made MJ tremble are coming back! 》

The exaggerated news headlines caused many fans to express their opinions under the ESPN official media.

——【This is not the NBA of the last century. The NBA standards of the 21st century are destined to not support the existence of all villains. 】

——【All villains? Joe Dumars said that not all players need to be villains! ]

——[The “Smiling Assassin” is always the most elegant player on the court. As long as Chauncey and Richard can learn something, the Knicks’ No. 13 will definitely not be so carefree. ]

——[Look forward to Ben Wallace under the training of the “Bad Boy King”. No one wants to complete a layup under the basket guarded by Bill Laimbeer. I hope Big Ben is the same. ]

——[Accepting the guidance of the devil is destined to no longer be a little lamb. The Asian bamboo pole had better complete this round of the series. ]

——[Want to taste the taste of elbows, throws, and throat locks? Come to the Palace of Auburn Hills! ]

——[It’s a pity that Rick Mahorn didn’t come, otherwise I feel that his experience would be richer. ]

——[Tremble, Knicks people! ]


This matter spread very quickly and caused heated discussions across the United States in just a few days.

It is true that the Smiling Assassin and the Bad Boy King are members of the championship team, but what really made these two famous is their “badness”.

The Palace of Auburn Hills.

The G3 battle between the Pistons and the Knicks started first!

The Motor City ushered in unprecedented prosperity. The New York team brought hot popularity to Detroit, and this city of blue-collar workers also filled the stadium.

In the stands.

The blue ocean and the white and orange colors.

After the two championships, the Detroit Pistons undoubtedly brought hardcore fans to the city, but the decline of the Pistons in recent years has made them see no hope.

Gradually, they are no longer a must-attend game. After all, a team without superstars can only rely on the charm of the team itself.

Things took a turn for the better this year, to be precise, after entering the Eastern Conference Finals.

Last year, the Pistons also broke into the Eastern Conference Finals, but they were swept by the Nets and nailed the Pistons to the pillar of shame.

This is also an important reason why Rick Carlisle coached to the first place in the regular season in the Motor City, and Joe Dumars still had zero tolerance for him.

Obviously, they had gone through thousands of difficulties to reach the Eastern Conference Finals, but what they waited for was a round of shameful sweep.

This not only affected the reputation of the Pistons, but also destroyed the enthusiasm of the Pistons fans.

The support for the two tickets disappeared like feeding a dog!

They did not get any rewards, especially the first two games at home, they brought the most painful experience to the Motor City fans.

Two consecutive games were held until the last minute and the opponent killed the game, which ruined the good game. This made the Pistons fans feel more painful than being swept.

So compared with last year’s experience, this year’s Pistons have undoubtedly reached a new height.

Not to mention how much their first victory on the road boosted morale, just winning a game in the Eastern Conference Finals series is a breakthrough for the Pistons.

And today’s Game 3, what made the Motor City fans even happier was that two former Pistons champions appeared on the sidelines.

“Bill, do you think the Pistons can win the game today?”

“Of course!”

Laimbeer, the then WNBA coach, answered without hesitation.

“Unless that guy with the big hair is so stupid that he doesn’t play the way I taught him, winning the game is just a bonus to the process of the game.”

Bill Laimbeer’s eyes were a little smiling, and he looked at Ben’s tendon meat with approval.

This is simply the holy body of the bad guy.

If he doesn’t give full play to such a strong body and plays the same way as before, it will be a real pity for Laimbeer.

The “Smiling Assassin” on the side nodded silently.

He agreed with his old teammate’s opinion.

As long as the scale of the team is slightly raised by a little bit, a fast-paced team like the Knicks will soon become timid.

They are very sure of this.

In addition to the two of them

In addition, the NBA president also appeared in the unpopular Auburn Hills Palace.

Stern also traveled thousands of miles from New York to Detroit today.

Originally, the busy NBA president did not plan to watch this G3. After all, the affairs approaching the finals are getting busier and busier, and he can’t handle the things at hand.

But Joe Dumars invited two old teammates, Bill Laimbeer and Isaiah Thomas, to Detroit, so he had to go to the front line.

The Pistons in the 1980s caused him a lot of trouble!

In order to avoid such troubles today, Stern personally went to the Auburn Hills Palace in the hope of putting some pressure and playing a supervisory role.

Another point is about the new god creation plan that the NBA officials are planning.

The Chinese rookie of the Knicks.

This Asian kid reached the divisional finals without the intervention of the league, which has already demonstrated that his personal ability is enough to match Stern’s plan.

Stern doesn’t want to see the Chinese market that he finally opened up, forced to terminate because of a vicious incident.

If Wang Song can really lead the Knicks, who were at the bottom of the table last season, to a comeback, he doesn’t even need a championship. Just reaching the finals will be enough for the league to allocate resources to him.

Of course.

The premise of everything is that he stays healthy!

Recalling those geniuses who peaked at the beginning of their careers but still fell from the altar, Stern felt a little regretful.

Facing the situation of retirement, this Jew wanted to make a perfect ending to his managerial career.

While his thoughts were drifting, the warm-up of both sides ended and the starting lineup appeared!

Pistons starting lineup: Chauncey Billups, Richard Hamilton, Maurice Taylor, Rasheed Wallace, Ben Wallace

Knicks starting lineup: Steve Nash, Alan Houston, Tayshaun Prince, Kurt Thomas, Wang Song

Both sides did not adjust the starting lineup, but the Knicks camp seemed to be covered by a dark cloud.

D’Antoni, who rarely looks sad, is making a pre-game speech: “I don’t care what these Detroit people are planning on the off-day, we have only one goal for this game.”

“Stay away from injuries!”

Obviously, the loud plans from Detroit have already covered every block in New York.

Wang Song’s expression is calm.

Looking at the two white-haired figures in the stands behind the Pistons, he recalled the famous egg-kicking Green in later generations.

If that guy went back to the 1980s to join the Pistons, I’m afraid he wouldn’t even be worthy of carrying their shoes?

(End of this chapter)

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