As time went by, the key to success was to find a way to achieve success.

Chapter 276 Full Attributes

Thinking about it, Wang Song opened the virtual panel.

Host: Wang Song

Height: 213cm

Weight: 100kg

Sports: 99 | Rebounds: 99 | Interior defense: 99 | Basket: 99 | Post-up: 99 | Mid-range shots: 99 | Three-pointers: 89 | Organization: 99 | Outside defense: 99 | Steals: 99|

Badges: [Finisher], [Fast Break Initiator], [Elite Rebounder], [Elite Rim Protector], [Powerful Finisher], [Heart Punisher], [Perpetual Motion Machine Defender (Bronze)], [Bounce Master (Bronze)], [Hook Master (Bronze)]

Bond: Fenglinhuoshan (Nash)

[Currently Available Experience Value: 17320]

Looking at his full data panel, Wang Song felt a little melancholy. The steady experience value that originally added attributes easily seemed to be insufficient in the badge section.

Especially after entering the playoffs, the reduction in the schedule made him less efficient in gaining experience.

Although the intensity and value of the playoffs are increasing, and the steady experience value of each game has increased, it still seems a drop in the bucket for the intensive regular season.

Looking at so many bronze badges, Wang Song even thought about returning to the regular season, especially after the first game with the Lakers, Wang Song had a clearer understanding of his current strength.

The huge gap in weight with O’Neal cannot be recovered for a while. After all, the Big Shark has accumulated for more than ten years, and he is just a rookie who has just entered the league. Now he can only make up for it from other aspects.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the first finals of his career and unlocking the hidden task.”

[Emerging: Lead the New York Knicks to defeat the arrogant Lakers and win the finals! ]

[Completion (Emerging) Reward: 10w experience value plus any three gold badges! ]

Looking at the words appearing on the virtual panel, Wang Song was a little dazed for a while. He was excited for a while and thought it would be a mysterious reward, but he didn’t expect it to be a task.

This cheap system that had disappeared for a long time reappeared after such a long time, but it turned out not to be a blessing from heaven, which made Wang Song a little disappointed.

Fortunately, this reward was generous enough to rekindle Wang Song’s passion for winning the championship.

“Damn it!”

Wang Song stared at the virtual panel in a daze, and couldn’t help muttering: “Why is this reward not issued now? If it is issued before the next game, the Lakers and Knicks finals can be concluded in advance.”

Complaints aside, one thing is one thing, and the problem in front of him has to be solved by Wang Song himself.

Currently, he has 17,000 stable experience points, which is nearly 17 attribute points. In addition to exchanging for attributes, another is to exchange badges to enhance combat power.

But in the end, he failed to break through 2w. In addition to exchanging for bronze badges, the only thing left is to upgrade the bronze badge to a silver badge.

Unless G2 is finished, it is impossible to accumulate 2w in the short term, but it is a waste to leave 17,000 there without converting it into combat power.

After thinking about it, Wang Song simply added the attribute to the three-pointer.

The white light flashed, and the three-pointer attribute suddenly became 99.

Speaking of which, since he was the fifth position in the Knicks, he rarely had the opportunity to shoot three-pointers, and even if he was 89, he rarely tried three-pointers.

Before the official entry into the small ball era, centers who shot three-pointers were regarded as outliers… or transformed from the fourth position to play power forward.

However, after seeing that all the attributes were 99, Wang Song was in a much better mood. Apart from anything else, this uniform 99 looked pleasing to the eye.

“It seems that in the next round of the series, I have to let the boss arrange the so-called three-point tactics for me, otherwise the value of 99 is here, which is simply a waste… But before that, I have to go to the training hall to try the open hit rate of this attribute.”

“In case something goes wrong!”

Wang Song muttered to himself, thinking about the next plan based on his current situation.

After a whole season of training, in addition to his steady playing style, Wang Song has also become more calm.

Coupled with his experience before the time travel, the 20-year-old Wang Song is well-known for his experience in the Knicks.

This is also one of the reasons why everyone is convinced that this rookie is the team leader.

“Ding, the host’s full attributes have reached 99, and the full attribute reward [Injury Immunity Card] has been

Issued. ”

“[Injury Immunity Card] has automatically taken effect and is testing the host’s body…”

“Ankle ligament slightly sprained, knee meniscus slightly worn, big toe bruised, orbital soft tissue damaged… repairing… repair completed!”

Wang Song, stunned, stood still, scared by the series of voices.

Just now he was complaining about the system’s inability to handle things, and this sudden reward was really a blow to Wang Song’s face.

However, the judgment of these injuries surprised Wang Song.

You know, he is a famous iron man in the league. Not only did he play 82 games in the regular season, but he also averaged 35+ minutes per game. The premise of this is that most games only need to play about three quarters.

Just like this, Karl Malone was almost deprived of the title of “Postman”.

In the playoffs, he averaged more than 40 minutes per game. In the meantime, he ranked first among all the inside players in the league. Not only did he clear the suspicion of Asian players being glass men, but he also became an iron man in the eyes of fans.

So when Wang Song saw the diagnosis results, he was still a little surprised.

Although he always felt that his body was in good condition and he was worthy of being the protagonist who came to this world with a golden finger, he found out that he had so many hidden diseases after a test.

If these hidden diseases broke out at the same time in the future, I am afraid that his ending would be the same as most genius glass men, and he would have retired from the NBA early with only reputation and prestige.

The desire to surpass MJ’s commercial value has become a fantasy, The reason why Jordan can become the god of basketball is closely related to his strong body.

When others retire and come back to play, they are just like everyone else, but Danzi, who is 30+ years old and out of the training environment, can come back for the second time and establish a dynasty.

What makes Wang Song happy is not just that. You should know that the hidden disease before repair is just an additional effect of the [Injury Immunity Card].

Wang Song has just opened the system panel bar to check the real effect, and found that it is just as the literal meaning, it can be immune to injuries.

Now Wang Song can be truly called the Deadpool in the NBA court, and injuries will never happen to him again.

In such a situation Under certain conditions, the Olympic trip that the Basketball Association has repeatedly sent people to negotiate may also be arranged.

When an ordinary player is free from injuries, he can still make a living in the NBA for decades; and when a superstar is free from injuries, even if he has no championship in his life, he will become the uncrowned king of history.

The Knicks’ current opponent, Karl Malone, who just talked to Wang Song in the last game, is the most classic example.

In addition to him, Stockton is also the same in the Utah duo. Seventeen seasons of full attendance are enough to leave the name of their combination in the long river of history.

(End of this chapter)

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