NBA World Mall

Chapter 587 National Thief Stotts (Updated because the name is just a code name)

The original scenario they envisioned was that the Chinese team would rely on Li Tuan's invincible strength to lead by a slight margin at the end of the first half. As long as it did not exceed five points, this was a result that was acceptable to all members of the Dream Team!

But what the Dream Team didn't expect was that they got a lot of free throws in the first half of the game, directly tying the score between the two sides. This was the situation they most wanted to see!

The physical fitness of the Chinese team players is definitely not comparable to that of the NBA stars. At the beginning of the second half of the game, the Dream Team will definitely still be in full swing, but the main players of the Chinese team may encounter some physical problems!

Of course, the members of the Dream Team never thought that Li Tuan Tuan would encounter physical problems. In their view, Li Tuan Tuan was an all-powerful being, as if he had no shortcomings at all!

"Keep cheering up, I have a hunch that the final winner of this game will definitely be us!" Coach K is full of confidence. A tie in the first half is a win for the Dream Team!

Similar to the situation on the Dream Team, the Chinese men's basketball team was also filled with laughter. It was tied with the American team at halftime? Moreover, the strongest American team since the 21st century has a tie. Isn’t this something to be happy about? !

Even Yao Ming is full of joy, this ending has made him extremely satisfied!

Everyone was smiling, except for Li Tuanjie and Stotts, whose faces were expressionless.

Li Tuanjie now feels Unseld's powerlessness. His performance has been incredible, but he still cannot lead the team to an advantage...

His statistics are extremely luxurious, but the team loses. This is actually a irony for NBA players. Li Tuanjie doesn't want to score 100 points while the team loses in today's game. Lose!

In that case, Li Tuanjie's name will probably remain in the history of Olympic basketball forever. On August 24, 2008, Chinese men's basketball player Li Tuanjie scored more than 100 points in a game against the American Dream Team. The team lost the game...

Li Tuan Tuan feels it is a shame when he thinks about it. It is not only a shame for him, but also a shame for the men's national basketball team!

Stotts' face was expressionless, not that he was dissatisfied with the performance of the players on the field...

In fact, Stotts is full of surprises when the men's basketball team plays such a game. Now he can get a silver medal with a minimum guarantee, so what else can he be dissatisfied about!

The reason why he looked expressionless and thoughtful was because he saw that Li Tuanjie seemed to have something on his mind. He, the head coach, was grinning next to him. Wasn't it obvious that he was not giving Li Tuanjie face...

"Unite, relax. Being able to play like this is worthy of the support of fans across the country. I believe they will be extremely satisfied with your performance. Don't put too much pressure on yourself!" Yao Ming saw Li Tuanjie frowning. Mei Mei sat on the bench and patted Li Tuanjie on the shoulder.

"No, Brother Yao, we must win this game! No matter what, we must win! And I firmly believe that I can win too!" Li Tuanjie said to Yao Ming with a firm face.

"Not getting the gold medal is a failure for me. Except for myself and my domestic fans, who will remember who won the silver medal?! The silver medal is meaningless. It is not the purpose of my participation in the Olympics. I have only one purpose, that It’s a gold medal!”

"Whether it's for my own goal, or to put it more broadly, it's for the Chinese men's basketball team to completely enter the eyes of fans around the world, we must win this game!"

"Although we are not behind at the moment, everyone's physical fitness is definitely not as good as that of the Dream Team, so we are still at a disadvantage and must not take it lightly!"

Li Tuanjie's words were a wake-up call for those young players who were originally laughing!

Yes, if you only get a silver medal, what is there to be happy about? ! Who will remember the silver medalist? !

The current Olympic Games is the best opportunity for the Chinese men's basketball team to win gold, and it is the best opportunity for the Chinese men's basketball team to completely reach the top of basketball. Wouldn't it be a pity if we don't cherish it!

Moreover, Li Tuanjie's words are also very reasonable. Regardless of the current tie between the two sides, the Kemeng team is obviously at an advantage because their lineup is better and the players' physical fitness is better!

Their Chinese men's basketball national team is actually at a disadvantage right now!

Thinking of this, the young players of the men's basketball team stopped laughing. They looked at Li Tuanjie solemnly, waiting for Li Tuanjie's next instructions!

"So, now we have to find a way to beat Team USA!"

"Ahem, unite, actually I have a way..." Stotts, who had been silent and had no sense of existence, suddenly spoke at this time.

"Oh? Coach, what can you do to help us defeat the American team?!" Sun Yue looked at Stotts with surprise on his face...

"Nonsense, it must be true. Do you think I am the best head coach in the league for nothing?" Stotts said proudly, patting his chest.

"It's not for nothing..." Sun Yue secretly cursed...

"Since the U.S. team is currently tied with us by relying on free throws, let him send them to the free throw line as he wishes!" Stotts waved his hand and said to the men's basketball players.

Send someone to the free throw line? This...can be considered a solution? !

Many men's basketball players rolled their eyes. Sure enough, it was cheap but not good. The reason why the Dream Team was able to keep the score with the Chinese team in the first half was because of free throws. Now Stotts has to continue to send people to free throws. Wire? !

Only Li Tuanjie and Yao Ming laughed, patting Stotts on the shoulder with smiles on their faces: "Yes, coach, this is a good idea! Don't they like free throws, then let them take them completely!" Yao Ming haha Laugh out loud!

Li Tuanjie also had a smile on his face and patted his forehead. Why didn't he think of this method?

Needless to say, the tactics deployed by Stotts are definitely shark-killing tactics...

Howard, the current leading center of the US team, is not much better than O'Neal in terms of free throw shooting percentage. Basically, his free throw shooting percentage is only about 50%...

And this international competition does not restrict shark-cutting tactics like the NBA, so in this game against the US team, it is most appropriate to use the shark-cutting tactic!

Of course, the Dream Team will definitely not have no way to deal with the shark-cutting tactic, but the only way to deal with it is to take Howard off the field. In this way, the US team's inside strength will be greatly reduced!

Anyway, no matter what, the shark-cutting tactic is definitely the most suitable tactic for the men's basketball national team at the moment!

Seeing that the tactics he proposed were recognized by Li Tuanjie and Yao Ming, Stotts should not be too proud. Finally... finally he found a sense of presence in the Olympics...

In the previous rounds of games, Stotts often stayed up late at night to watch the games, so he sometimes felt lack of energy during the day. As for basketball games, Stotts has watched them for half his life, and with the hanging on the court, it was not interesting at all for him to watch. , there were two games where I started to doze off directly...

Judging from the current situation in today's game, if the Chinese team can win, the tactic Stotts came up with will become crucial!

Li Tuanjie is very happy. It seems that bringing Stotts over this time is a good deal. At least with the help of the shark-cutting tactic, the Chinese team's chance of winning can be increased by at least two points!

"Well done, Stotts. When I return to the United States, I will find a way to get Ballmer to give you a raise!" Li Tuan said with a low smile next to Stotts.

"What? Are you telling the truth? Li Tuanjie! I'll leave it to you then. Just tell me whatever you need me to do!" Stotts' face was full of joy. This news should be the first he has heard throughout the offseason. The best news!

Stotts' current annual salary is less than two million US dollars, which is relatively bottom in the entire league...

However, the amount of honors in Stotts' hands is frightening, which makes many coaches laugh at Stotts' honors as being worthless...

After all, if it were another coach, if he got the best head coach Lianzhuang, his annual salary would have to start at four to five million...

Once upon a time, Stotts also thought about changing jobs, but he himself had little confidence. Maybe after changing the team, he would be fired if he could not lead the team to achieve gross results...

It's better to stay in the Bucks safely and earn an annual salary of two million, and earn more honors by the way...

When he heard that Li Tuanjie was asking Ballmer to give him a raise, Stotts wanted to hug Li Tuanjie's thigh and call him boss...

"There's nothing you need to do, just wait for news from me! It's been a big thank you to you in the past two years..." Li Tuanjie patted Stotts on the shoulder and said sincerely.

In the past two years, because Li Tuanjie was not willing to "waste" his brother Xia Longwen's US dollars, Stotts' salary increase has been delayed...

Now that the Bucks have changed hands, and the boss has become Ballmer, who is stupid and rich, Li Tuanjie is not so polite. Of course, Li Tuanjie will not help Stotts to ask for a sky-high price. That is too unkind. He is going to Help Stotts get a salary contract that can basically match Stotts' honor!

Presumably Ballmer is not too concerned about such a small salary, and will never refuse Li Tuanjie!

"Beep beep!" The referee's whistle sounded again, the ten-minute intermission ended, and the second half of the game began!

What stunned the Dream Team was that the Chinese men's basketball team did not let Yao Ming play directly this time, but sent a substitute center whose name they didn't even know!

Although Yao Ming's physical exertion in the first half of the game was extremely huge, after ten minutes of news, could Yao Ming still not be able to play? !

Not only were the members of the US team surprised, but even the fans at the scene and watching the live broadcast were extremely puzzled!

Why not let Yao Ming, the backbone of the center inside, play? Instead, they sent Tang Zhengdong. The strength of these two people is not on the same level at all, okay? !

Could it be that Stotts is an old American spy? ! Are you specifically here to harm the Chinese men’s basketball team? ! This is a conjecture lingering in the minds of fans...

Soon as word of mouth spread, this conjecture became a "reality"...



There were uniform shouts on the field, and Stotts looked a little embarrassed when he heard the explanations from the staff around him...

However, he has no way to explain it now and can only wait for the post-game press conference to explain it to the fans.

After Tang Zhengdong came on the stage, he received five consecutive fouls and was sent off...

Different from NBA rules, in the Olympics, you have to leave the game after five fouls...

Getting five fouls in the game is not a surprise. What is really surprising is that Tang Zhengdong got five fouls in one offensive round!

Of course, these five fouls are not fouls that occurred during the opponent's attack, so the opponent cannot make free throws through these five fouls!

All the fans in the audience were stunned, and they said they were not spies? ! If he were not a spy, would he assign Tang Zhengdong to do such a thing? !

Tang Zhengdong's strength is indeed not very good. At least it is far behind the likes of Yao Ming or Howard, but he is not so bad that he got five consecutive fouls in one offensive round!

Who would believe that it was not the arrangement of the head coach? !

Howard now feels like he's on fire. Tang Zhengdong's five fouls after coming on the field were all fouls called off because he had his arms around Howard...

Thinking of being hugged by a big man so many times, Howard couldn't help but sweat dripping down his back...

After Tang Zhengdong came off the field, Stotts arranged for a substitute center to come on...

What made Howard even more speechless was that when the substitute center came on the scene, he hugged Howard three times in a row and was called for three fouls...

Since all of them were non-offensive fouls, the Dream Team didn't get a chance to get a free throw!

NBA rules are that after a team commits four fouls in a single quarter, the opponent team begins to get free throw opportunities. However, since FIFA only plays in the first and second halves, they will only take free throws after eight accumulated fouls in a single game...

In just one offensive round, in less than thirty seconds, the referee's whistle was blown...

There is no doubt that eight fouls were called in a single offensive round. This is definitely the biggest miracle in the history of basketball...

When the substitute center of the Chinese team fouled for the fourth time, Howard finally stepped to the free throw line...

No matter how stupid Howard is, he must know the Chinese team's plan now, which is to prepare to cut him...

Old Coach K stood on the sidelines. Seeing the scene on the court, he glared at Stotts and thought to himself, shameless!

He never expected that Stotts would use such a shameless trick in the Olympics, and he would do it so blatantly, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was going to use the shark-cutting tactic!

He was called for eight fouls in just one offensive round. How shameless a head coach must be to arrange such a tactic...

Howard bit the bullet and walked to the free throw line, cursing and not knowing what he was talking about...

"Stotts... no descendants... no sex..."

Free throws are a very difficult problem for Howard. If it were not for the restrictions on free throws, Howard's lethality in the interior would rise to a higher level.

Why Yao Ming is so good? His superb free throw shooting percentage is also an extremely important reason!

"Huh..." Howard took the basketball from the referee, took a deep breath, and took a free throw!

The ball actually stumbled into the basket!

Howard grinned and laughed, smiling provocatively as he looked at Li Tuanjie under the basket, who was about to grab a rebound...

"I'll let you kill me, and I'll give you two free throws later!" Howard was filled with joy...

"Howard, if you dare to score this second goal, I will score 100 points on you once I see you in the league!"

Just when Howard was filled with joy, a cold voice came, which made Howard's back goosebumps...

You don’t need to think about it to know that the person who can say such things must be Li Tuanjie!

In the current game, it is certainly impossible for Howard to let off steam just because of Li Tuanjie's words, but it is certain that these words have had a considerable psychological impact on Howard!

If someone else said this, Howard would definitely laugh out loud and want to score 100 points on my head? Even if Chamberlain is reborn, it is impossible!

But these words were said by Li Tuan Tuan, and Howard had to weigh them. With the strength Li Tuan Tuan has shown today, if he is really impatient, it is not impossible to score 100 points every time on Howard. !

Thinking of this, Howard couldn't help but shuddered all over, and the free throw in his hand missed the basket.

Soon, the substitute center of the Chinese men's basketball team got another foul on Howard and left the field with five fouls...

The men's basketball team has no substitute center available, but this doesn't stop Stotts from sending Huang Yongshan on the bench...

Anyway, it is a shark-killing tactic, and the effect will be the same no matter who cuts it...

After Huang Yongshan came on the court, he fouled Howard in three consecutive offensive rounds and sent Howard to the free throw line...

Old K finally couldn't sit still anymore and called a timeout to take Howard off the field...

Counting Huang Yongshan's three fouls, Howard had a total of ten free throw opportunities, but his shooting rate was rather embarrassing, only 40%!

In other words, in these five offensive rounds, the Dream Team only scored four points in total!

However, the Chinese men's basketball team scored 9 points in five offensive rounds!

After a back and forth, the men's basketball team directly led by five points!

If we continue to play like this, the point difference will only get wider and wider. There are many players on the Chinese men's basketball team who cannot play. Their value can best be appreciated at this moment!

Howard feels like a beeping dog now. He is playing well, so why does he use the shark-cutting tactic again? Haven't you had enough in the NBA? !

After a series of fouls, the football-savvy fans at the scene also saw Stotts' intentions, and couldn't help but cheer Stotts loudly. How could he use such shameless tactics against the national team of his homeland? Stotts Ci Guo is really a talent...

After the timeout, Huang Yongshan was replaced by Yao Ming. Howard did not play, and the Dream Team's rebounding strength suddenly dropped sharply!

"It's so shameless. I didn't look down on Stotts before. He's a small scout, but I didn't expect him to be so shameless!" It's impossible for Old Coach K not to be angry now!

Generally speaking, coaches who come from these academies don’t have a high regard for wild coaches, especially Stotts, who is one of the wildest coaches...

But although Coach K was angry, he was helpless. Howard had to get off the field. At least it would be difficult for Howard to continue playing in the second half...

Howard's exit means that the strength of the Dream Team inside has been greatly reduced, and the overall strength has dropped a lot. As a result, the situation where the two sides were almost tied can easily tilt towards the Chinese men's basketball team!

The game continued. After Howard left the game, Dragon King Bosh came on the scene. His rebounding ability was far inferior to Howard's. Yao Ming also had much better control of rebounds under the basket!

In this way, Li Tuanjie can also shoot three-pointers with confidence...

Li Tuanjie made consecutive shots, leading the Chinese men's basketball team to continue to expand the point difference advantage!

By the time halfway through the second half, the Chinese men's basketball team's lead had reached double digits!

Coach K called a timeout again. He couldn't continue playing like this. If he continued, their dream team would definitely lose again!

Even Coach K, who has dominated the basketball world for decades, is a little panicked now. What should we do next? !

All fools know that the Dream Team should restrict Li Tuan Tuan, but how can Li Tuan Tuan be restricted? !

Coach K is very confused now. Li Tuanjie's dominance has overturned Coach K's decades of basketball common sense!

Can a basketball player really be above tactics? !

In the past, Coach K would have refused to admit this even to death. In his opinion, tactics are above all else. The reason why he does not want to coach in the NBA may not be the reason why NBA stars are difficult to discipline...

And now Coach K has to admit this sentence even if he doesn't admit it, because Li Tuanjie has completely proved the correctness of this sentence with his dominance!

The Dream Team has become a little depressed, and the situation has now exceeded their expectations...

If it weren't for Stotts' shark-cutting tactics, the two sides would still be in a tie now. It would not be impossible for the Dream Team to take the lead with the help of their physical strength and lineup advantages...

"Damn Stotts! Traitor! National thief!" Chris Paul said through gritted teeth!

"Stotts, the most shameless head coach in the entire NBA, ruined our good things. If we can't win the championship this time..." Dragon King Bosh said dejectedly.

"It seems that it is necessary to contact my brothers..." Social Melon said with a cold face...

The Dream Team members at the scene were gnashing their teeth in hatred for Stotts, and they wished they could rush to the opponent's sideline to give Stotts a beating...

Especially when they saw Stotts' old face over there smiling like a chrysanthemum, they had the urge to run away...

The situation became more and more unfavorable for the Dream Team, and they became more and more anxious. The more anxious they became, the more chaotic the fight on the court became...

These superstars are all extremely capable players, and they all hope to use their own personal abilities to turn defeat into victory, but it is not that easy, and their points difference is getting wider and wider!

The Chinese fans watching the game gave out cheers like a roaring tsunami. They had finally waited for this day!

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