The movement that triggered the trap didn't attract much attention.

No residents came out to check, and no patrols approached.

Wu Heng and Granda both silently looked out the window.

A few minutes later.

Ranger birds began to appear above the corpse, landing on the eaves above and looking down.

Immediately afterwards, five more figures appeared in the night. They quickly rushed to the corpse, lifted the hood of the corpse and looked at the face.

Wu Heng said into the radio: "Operation Olin, there is no need to leave any survivors."

Swish swish~!

Several crossbow arrows shot out from the dark alley.

It hit the bodies of two of them instantly.

At the same time, Ohlin raised his one-handed ax and rushed out with the third team.


There was a muffled sound.

Ohlin, who bore the brunt of the attack, was kicked back by the opponent and rolled around for two or three times before barely stopping.

And when they were discovered, these pirates were not guilty at all. They shouted loudly, drew their weapons, and killed the members of the third team directly.

The fighting style is fierce, and it looks like a pirate at first glance.

"Skullbreaker, go help them." Wu Heng said directly.

Broken Skull held onto the window frame and jumped directly from the second floor.

After landing, hold the battle ax to kill the enemy.

He swung the warhammer up and down in his hand, kicking Ohlin's pirate away. His body flew out instantly and hit the wall behind him.

Vomiting a stream of blood.

Skullbreaker kept his feet down, rushed forward quickly, pushed the person back into the corner with one kick, and hit his chest with his war hammer.

The dull pounding was mixed with the sound of breaking bones.

The figure nestled in the corner was vomiting blood.

A little bit out of breath.

When the remaining people saw what they saw, they turned around and wanted to run away.

But they were tightly entangled by the third team. After Skullbreaker came back, he killed them all one by one with a hammer.

The battle ended and the entire alley fell into silence again.

Wu Heng walked out of the far room.

Ohlin held up a torch and checked the identity of the corpse. "No one is on the wanted list."

"Is anyone hurt?"

"No," Ohlin said.

Wu nodded and looked at the body on the ground with the help of firelight.

He was dressed like a port worker, but with his messy long hair and scars on his face, he looked more like a pirate.

"Ohlin, take some people to guard here, be careful of other enemies."

"Understood." Orin nodded.

Wu Heng walked towards the alley on one side, with Skull Crusher and Blood Ax dragging the corpse behind him.

There was a smell of urine in the dark alley.

Wu Heng signaled the skeleton to put the body down, and his eyes fell on the body that could kick Orin away.

Directly release [Conversation with the Dead].

The fallen corpse suddenly sat up, its sternum and spine broken by the skull, and its upper body tilted unnaturally to one side.

Wu Heng asked: "Who are you?"

The corpse replied, "I am a member of the Iron Barrel Pirates."

The Iron Barrel Pirates.

In the morning, when I asked about the corpse at the ship management office, they said it was killed by the Iron Barrel Pirates.

It seems that this iron barrel pirate group is operating near Treasure Island.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Why do you want to kill me?"

The corpse replied, "The captain gave an order for us to find a way to kill you and take your head back."

Captain's order!

"Why did your captain want to kill me?"

The corpse replied, "I don't know."

Three questions, but not much information obtained.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "Where is your captain?"

"Follow the fleet and dock north of Scorpion Claw Island."

Wu Heng took out his tablet and looked at the map he took last time. Scorpion Claw Island was closer to Jiwei Island.

He put away the tablet and continued to ask: "What level is your captain?"

"Level 15 professional."

After the five questions were over, the body lay back on the ground.

After asking about the information, Wu Heng was a little surprised.

Previously, Wu Heng's information on looking for pirate groups with flying dragons included the Iron Barrel Pirate Group.

Before he could find them, the other party had already come to kill him.

He continued to look at the second corpse and released [Conversation with the Dead].

The corpse sat up.

Wu Heng asked: "Who is this corpse next to you?"

"He is the backbone of our pirate group."

Wu Heng asked, "What are you doing on the island?"

"Sell some supplies nearby, and then kill the deputy deacon of the association!"


Wu Heng asked the corpses one by one.

The basics of intelligence gathering are almost the same.

The Iron Barrel Pirates plundered a batch of goods on the route and planned to sell some at nearby Treasure Island and assassinate Wu Heng.

The man who was killed by Skull Crusher was the backbone of the pirate group and the person who led the team to the island.

In fact, the opponent's strength is not bad either.

To be able to kick the association captain away, one must be at least a level 10 melee professional.

Unfortunately, he is no match for Skull Crusher.

Before, Wu Heng was suspicious of the ‘Barrel Tavern’.

After all, I went there to buy information at noon, and this happened in the afternoon.

But now it seems that there should be no connection between the two parties.

The Iron Barrel Pirates had landed on the island three days ago and were observing the association's situation.

Moreover, these pirates are indeed rampant.

Arrange a group of pirates to go to the island to kill a deputy deacon.

Somewhat looking down on the association too much.

Get out of the alley.

Ohlin also came closer and asked, "Deacon, how is the situation?"

"The leader of the Iron Barrel Pirates is a key member. I don't know why he is not on the wanted list," Wu Heng said.

"Maybe he's a new member, or the association doesn't have any information about him." Ohlin said, and continued to ask: "What should we do next?"

"Their ship is at Port No. 6. Go back and call someone to arrest the ship." Wu Heng said directly.

"Okay." Ohlin didn't say much and led the team directly towards the direction of the association.

Wu Heng walked in the other direction. When he walked out of the residential area, he took out the [train conductor's hat] and put it on his head.

The car honked.

The train appeared out of thin air, Wu Heng appeared on the train, and filled in "Jiwei Island" on the itinerary.

It takes about 10 minutes.

Wu Heng appeared on Jiwei Island with two skeletons.

When I walked to the port, I saw a pirate ship with shields hanging on its hull.

Looking towards the deck, you can also see the patrolling skeleton sailors.

This ship is the trophy from the last kill of the Blood Hand Pirates. Since there is no good reason to dock, it has been parked here.

Wu Heng climbed onto the boat along the rope ladder.

He took out the map and checked it again, then pointed forward and said, "Go in this direction."

The warship moved slowly, heading in the direction pointed by Wu Heng.

Iron barrel pirate ship.

Captain's interior.

The new captain, Brad, is still swinging his waist tirelessly.

Cursing in his mouth, he caressed the satin-like skin of the woman in front of him.

"I really should let that old guy see what he looks like now. His fleet is mine, and so are the women, hahaha~!" Brad laughed loudly, slapped it down, and cursed: "No matter how loud the voice is, A little, so that everyone outside can hear."

The woman was silent.

"After you sell this batch of goods and then kill the deputy deacon, your achievements will definitely surpass that old guy. It is also an honor for you to serve two captains."

Brad said, frowning suddenly.

He stood up quickly, drew his knife and opened the door.

I saw a very dignified figure with hair rolled in felt, standing at the door, "What are you doing?"

"Captain, we found a pirate ship approaching." A sailor shouted from the position connecting the deck.

Brad pushed the figure in front of him away and said: "Next time if you have something to say, just tell me, and the mute will wipe the deck."

After saying that, he picked up the armor in the room and walked to the deck while wearing it.

The thin figure walked directly into the room.

He glanced at the woman on the bed and said softly: "Are you okay?"

Brad came on deck.

Looking at the distant sea level.

A ship without a flag appeared in sight.

But judging from the shape, it is a pirate ship or an old ship that has experienced countless battles.

"What the hell, we can still meet other ships here." Brad cursed and said: "Sign up and tell them to get out, otherwise don't blame me..."

But the words were not spoken.

With a pop, 'Brad's' shoulder suddenly exploded, and the entire arm and half of the shoulder bone disappeared.

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