"Please speak. We will give rewards in weapons and supplies according to the importance of the intelligence." The radio said.

Liu Chuang moved forward, lowered his voice a few points, and said: "The King of Hell from Xinfu City is here and is preparing to go to the military factory."

The other side suddenly fell silent.

"Hello? Where are the people? Do you want this information?"

Suddenly there was no response, Liu Chuang asked in confusion.

From the news heard on the radio in the past two days, the two forces have argued several times because of the materials.

Now the people from Xinfu City come here to occupy the factory.

The rescue team should have some ideas.

Just when I was about to urge, a response came from the other side.

It was not the operator just now, but a slightly low male voice.

"This is the rescue team. Tell us what you just said again, and we will give you a corresponding reward."

Liu Chuang knew that the other side must take it seriously.

Immediately, he told the matter in detail again, including the appearance of the other party's leader and the number of vehicles he brought.

"Very good, the rescue team will remember your intelligence contribution this time." Then the other side continued: "When are you going there?"

"We will leave soon."

"Okay, got it. If conditions permit, you can continue to provide us with intelligence."

"Got it!"

Liu Chuang hung up the call and suddenly felt much better.

It is also a good thing for him to have a relationship with the provincial rescue team.

Even if he defected there in the future, he might be able to get a position and live a better life than now.

Give the position to the woman guarding the radio station.

Walked out of the room directly.


On the truck.

Several people were waiting.

Qi Hancai took a sip of water and said, "This Liu Chuang changed very quickly. When he talked to me, he wanted us to leave, fearing that we would take a fancy to his shelter. When he talked to you, he actually agreed to go with us."

"Don't like him?"

"Not as good-looking as you." Qi Hancai smiled and continued, "He didn't choose to join us, and he wanted to manage the shelter himself. He is a person who pays special attention to power and interests."

Wu Heng nodded and said, "It's best if he honestly shows the way. If he has any small ideas, he can just take over this shelter."

While talking, Xiao Xiao flew back from the direction of the service area.

In the invisible state, he lay beside Wu Heng's ear and whispered, "That big bad guy is contacting other people."

Wu Heng raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Xiao also went directly into Wu Heng's body.

The picture was shared.

After Wu Heng left with Qi Hancai, Liu Chuang actually told the provincial rescue team about what happened here.

Moreover, they also showed great interest in Wu Heng's intelligence.

Not only did he encourage Liu Chuang to continue gathering intelligence, he also had the idea of ​​arranging troops to come over.

In fact, this was also a rare opportunity.

The rescue team had also tried to attack the factory, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

This time, Wu Heng came with troops. Once he fought with the zombies in the factory, whether he succeeded or not.

Whether it was taking advantage of the war to seize the results, or directly arresting Wu Heng and asking the base to provide a steady supply of food.

It was a good opportunity.

"What's wrong?" Qi Hancai saw that his expression was wrong.

Wu Heng smiled and said, "Liu Chuang told the provincial rescue team about our affairs directly, and the other party seemed to have the idea of ​​arranging people to come over."

Qi Hancai raised his eyebrows, and did not doubt the information provided by Wu Heng.

He said angrily, "What is he doing? Harming others and not benefiting himself, why?"

"It should be to exchange some benefits with the provincial government."

"Push the shelter." Qi Hancai said directly.

"No hurry, wait for him to take us to the factory."

Ask the corpse, ask it all at once, if the road is complicated, it is difficult to make it clear by asking the corpse.

Still need him to take us there.


Towards the service area.

A small van drove out.

Liu Chuang leaned out from the co-pilot, "I'm all right here, we'll follow your convoy."

Qi Hancai said, "You show the way, take one with us, the van will follow the convoy."

The door opened.

Two skeletons got out of the car, directly took Liu Chuang out of the van, and put him in the back seat of the truck.

One on the left and one on the right, sandwiched in the middle.

Liu Chuang wiped the sweat from his forehead and grinned.

It feels that the attitude of these two people is different from before.

The van glanced at the convoy and also inserted into the middle of the convoy.

"Let's go!" Wu Heng said.

Qi Hancai said on the walkie-talkie: "Let's go."

The convoy started and moved quickly forward.


Xinbiao Road.

It is a road built specifically for the factories in this area.

The road surface is flat, and there are no vehicles congested in the city.

There are large tracts of windbreak forests on both sides, but in winter, they are all covered with snow.

The convoy had a smooth journey.

After entering this road, the vehicles did not stop.

Along the way, they occasionally encountered some scattered zombies, which were also killed by the cavalry.

The bodies were thrown to the side of the road.

"It's just in front. That factory area is where you are looking for. I didn't lie to you!" Liu Chuang lowered his head and pointed forward along the front windshield.

Looking ahead, there is a large factory area.

Towering walls, barbed wire, and sentry-like buildings on the walls.

Some factories and buildings can be seen inside, like a small city.

"Well, two leaders, it's enough to go here. If you go further, you may encounter zombies. We can't help much, so we won't go any further." Liu Chuang said, trying to find an excuse to leave.

As he spoke, the voice of the lead car came from the intercom.

"Sister Qi, you can see zombies wandering around the factory ahead. If you get closer, there may be a war."

Wu Heng said, "Stop."

Qi Hancai took the intercom and said, "Slow down, the convoy stops."

The convoy began to slow down and slowly stopped at the side.

Wu Heng's mind moved, and two ghosts flew out quickly, flying towards the factory in the distance for reconnaissance.

In the car, Liu Chuang coughed again and said, "Well, we're here, we'll go back first, the food you promised me..."

"Don't worry." Wu Heng took out a map of the provincial capital from the storage box of the co-pilot and handed it to him, "Help me mark the location, the prosperous commercial street, the location of the gold shops, the location of some important factories, and the location of the provincial rescue team."

When mentioning the provincial rescue team, Liu Chuang's heart trembled.

But he probably didn't know that he had communicated with the rescue team.

"Okay, okay!" Liu Chuang nodded and began to mark one by one.

"I'm done." Liu Chuang handed the map back.

"Get out of the car!"

Liu Chuang carefully squeezed past the skeleton, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked towards his van.

Wu Heng glanced and said to the back: "Keranmu, go kill that man and the two people around him."

Keranmu followed and got out of the car and walked quickly towards the van.

Liu Chuang panicked and started to jog.

Keranmu caught up with him in a few steps and cut off the head with the long sword in his hand.

Then, he jumped up and landed on the front hood. His long sword pierced through the glass, killing the driver in the driving seat. The sword turned again and killed the remaining person.

Very smooth and neat.

"Sister Qi, the king's skeleton killed those people." Someone said through the intercom.

Qi Hancai replied, "It's okay. They passed our information to others and wanted to make us be discovered by the king."


Qi Hancai continued, "Get down, let me see what's in the car. If you want to smoke or go to the toilet, do it now."


Qi Hancai got off the car, and the convoy behind him also opened the door and got off the car one after another to breathe.

After all, they had been on the road for a whole day.


Only Wu Heng was left in the truck.

Soon, Xiao Xiao and Granda flew back and forth.

Xiao Xiao's figure slowly appeared, "Uncle, there are two-level deformed zombies and three-level deformed zombies inside."

Granda also said on the other side, "The psychic vision can also see the level of the deformed zombies, which is quite convenient."

After the zombies are transformed, they do have levels.

It should be reasonable to see it with psychic vision.

"Are there many deformed zombies?" Wu Heng asked.

Xiao Xiao nodded, "There are quite a few, at least five or six, but it doesn't put any pressure on you, uncle. No matter how many there are, there are still many high-level ones like the last time we killed pirates."

"That time, all the pirates from the entire Emerald Sea came, so there must be many high-level ones." Grenda said.

"That's what I mean!" Xiao Xiao leaned on Wu Heng's shoulder and said softly.

Wu Heng said, "Let me take a look, and we will go and kill the zombies later."


Xiao Xiao and Grenda entered his body from front to back.

The next second, two pictures were shared.

In the huge yard, two ghosts quickly visited one building after another.

Many buildings were obviously destroyed by fire or explosion, and they were completely unrecognizable.

The rest also suffered varying degrees of damage.

There were at least five or six second-level deformed zombies.

And in a room in an office building.

A zombie figure appeared in sight.

Wearing a suit covered in blood, his head is like the layers of the plant ‘Ganoderma lucidum’.

In the gaps of the Ganoderma lucidum, a pair of eyes.

Staring at the ghosts wandering in the air.

In terms of level, it is a level 3 zombie.

But from the appearance, it is somewhat consistent with the level 4 deformed zombie mentioned by ‘Qi Hancai’.

Zombie King?

Not high enough level.

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